the culture

Experiment is the work of thought

Experiment is the work of thought
Experiment is the work of thought

Video: Roko's Basilisk: The Most Terrifying Thought Experiment 2024, July

Video: Roko's Basilisk: The Most Terrifying Thought Experiment 2024, July

Social experiment is increasingly used in the world. And Russia is no exception in this regard. So what is an experiment? This word has Latin roots and in the semantic sense denotes a trial of something, another meaning is “trial”. This is a process of research, only deeper, the word “knowledge” is even more suitable. In a social experiment, both several people and the organization can take part. Conducting is possible with the participation of the whole society as a whole, or individual groups of people. The organizer himself can take a direct part or observe from the side of its conduct.


A social experiment has its own structure:

- researcher;

- theory or hypothesis to be tested;

- the methods used;

- appliances or any items (if necessary);

- the investigated object.

It also carries two functions:

- preliminary verification of a theory or hypothesis;

- gaining new knowledge about the object that is being studied.

From the foregoing, we see that a social experiment is impossible without the support of theory.


Here there are recommendations, various teaching aids. Any experiment begins with thought, that is, in the beginning comes thinking and creating it in the mind. An experiment is analysis and design.

The simplest example is the study of a group of people in ordinary living conditions. Social engineering is a small experiment. In this subject, a special place is occupied by the work of the British philosopher C. Popier. Social reforms that affect political, economic, cultural life should be attributed to the average scale of a social experiment. The scientific revolution, the social should be attributed to large-scale social experiments.

A complete change in life is brought about by the social revolution. That part of the population


a state that does not want to adopt new orders simply perishes.

The scientific revolution is changing the research strategy, helping to perceive the world differently. Responsibility of scientists to society is increasing, since their discoveries can lead to disasters and cataclysms. An experiment is something that can change the world.

Changing the pedagogical process under certain conditions is a pedagogical experiment. It is constructive in nature. New forms of educational work are being created. Participates a group of students, school, class. The scientific hypothesis is decisive. The conditions of the experiment determine the reliability of the results.

Depending on the purpose, pedagogical experiments are divided into types;

- a stating one that studies pedagogical phenomena that already exist;

- creative, formative, transforming - creates pedagogical phenomena of a new type;

- a refinement experiment, verification, after understanding the problem verifies the hypothesis.

It also varies by location and can be laboratory or natural.

An experiment is, first of all, a study.