
Elena Kostyuchenko: journalist and public figure

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Elena Kostyuchenko: journalist and public figure
Elena Kostyuchenko: journalist and public figure

Video: Reporting in Russia Panel (Elena Kostyuchenko) 2024, July

Video: Reporting in Russia Panel (Elena Kostyuchenko) 2024, July

Elena Kostyuchenko is one of the most scandalous journalists in Russia. She does not hide her unconventional orientation, which is atypical for well-known public people. Courage? Maybe … Who is she really? Everyone must decide for himself.

Facts from Elena Kostyuchenko’s childhood

Elena Kostyuchenko was born (not everyone knows her biography) in the then Soviet city of Yaroslavl on September 25, 1987. In 1993, she went to school. The journalist's youth fell on the turbulent 1990s, when the country's lifestyle and rules of conduct completely changed. It seems that this is not connected with the biography of a particular person, but in this case it can be said: in the Soviet way of life, Kostyuchenko could not have expressed her sexual position in an open form, and it would hardly have formed such a worldview.


Even at school, Kostyuchenko began her journalistic career. It was then printed in the Yaroslavl newspaper "Northern Territory". Even then, in her articles, the author’s atypical thinking, some kind of protest, can be traced. Elena herself said that she really liked the articles of the journalist Anna Politkovskaya, who was killed in her own house.

Elena Kostyuchenko. "New newspaper" opens a new star

Naturally, such an original personality as Elena could not settle permanently in Yaroslavl. In 2004, she entered the Moscow University at the Faculty of Journalism. The girl studied for a year and realized that it was worth combining her studies with work. In 2005, Kostyuchenko got a job as a special correspondent for Novaya Gazeta. This step was the beginning of her real career. Of course, fame was still far away, but …


Let's see what Kostyuchenko writes in his articles. The first and probably the most important thing to note is the frequently raised social issues. They are insignificant at first glance. For example, in one of the articles, Elena focused on the fact that the railway connection with the village in the Pskov region was canceled. In her articles and books, she also very often mentions drug addicts, criminals, etc. As other Russian journalists note, Elena often writes about people who do not want to break out of the social pit and vice versa, make maximum efforts to rise from the bottom of social degradation. Of course, Elena Kostyuchenko does not forget to write notes from time to time about LGBT people, a movement of which she herself is a member. She is sure that homosexuals and lesbians should have the same rights in society with people of a traditional orientation. The girl advocates the legalization of unconventional marriages.
