
Ella Pamfilova: biography, political and social activities

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Ella Pamfilova: biography, political and social activities
Ella Pamfilova: biography, political and social activities

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Ella Pamfilova (whose photo will be presented later in the article) is the Chairman of the Presidential Council for Human Rights and the Promotion of the Development of Civil Society Institutions. She has been in this post since 2004. Prior to this appointment, she was the head of the Presidential Commission on Human Rights since 2002. In the period from 1994 to 1999, Ella Pamfilova was a deputy of the State Duma. In 1991-1994 She was the Minister of Social Security. From 1989 to 1991, she was a deputy of the USSR Armed Forces.


Ella Pamfilova: family

She was born on September 12, 1953 in the Tashkent region, UzSSR, in the city of Almalyk. Lekomtseva is the maiden name that Ella Pamfilova wore before her marriage. Parents - mother Polina Nikitichna and father Alexander Savelyevich - worked hard. The upbringing of his daughter was mainly done by his grandfather. At one time he was dispossessed and exiled to Central Asia. Here the grandfather again raised the economy. Ella Pamfilova, whose personal life began as a student, has a daughter, Tatyana. She is currently divorced.


Lekomtseva studied well at school. For her academic performance and attitude towards studies, she was even honored to hand flowers to Nikita Khrushchev when he was on a visit to Tashkent. In 1970, she graduated from high school with a gold medal. Her mother wanted her daughter to become a doctor. But contrary to this, Ella Lekomtseva decided to enter the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov. But she did not pay Komsomol contributions and was not published. For these reasons, she was denied admission. In the same year she entered MPEI and in 1976 graduated from it, having received the qualification of an electronic engineer. As a student, Ella Alexandrovna married Nikita Pamfilova. After the birth of her daughter, she got a job at the Central RMZ PO Mosenergo. At the end of the seventies, she interrupted her career and went with her husband, called up from the reserve, to Tmutarakan (apparently on the Taman Peninsula).


Return to Moscow

Arriving back in the capital, Ella Pamfilova again began working at the factory. Soon she became a master, then a process engineer. Ella Pamfilova in her youth was an activist and quickly took the post of chairman of the trade union committee. In 1985 she joined the party, and in 1989 she was elected from the trade unions to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In the sun, she was a member of the committee on environmental issues and the rational use of natural resources. Subsequently joined the democratic opposition. In July 1990, after the XXVIII Congress, Pamfilova left the Communist Party. In the same year, she was appointed secretary of the Armed Forces Commission on privileges and privileges. In addition, she was a member of the anti-corruption committee. It was at these posts at the initial stage of his political career that the Government noted the activities carried out by Ella Pamfilova. Her biography during this period is full of events that are mostly associated with work in the administrative apparatus. So, from 1990 to 1991, she waged an active struggle with the device of special medical services and sanatoriums. However, as she later noted, the committees were virtually unable to achieve anything.

Work in the field of social protection

In late autumn 1991, President Boris Yeltsin signed a decree appointing Pamfilova as Minister of Social Protection. In this post, she repeatedly spoke about growing poverty, noted the stratification of the population. During her career as a minister, the introduction of a computerized pension structure was launched. The initiator of these works was precisely Ella Pamfilova.


Biography from 1992 to 1995

In December 1992, she resigned. As noted by the media, Ella Pamfilova did this in protest. At that time, Yegor Gaidar and. about. Prime Minister. But Yeltsin did not sign the petition of Pamfilova. As a result, she had to remain in the Government under Chernomyrdin. In 1993, Ella Pamfilova participated in the activities of the commission on the development of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. In December of the same year she was elected to the State Duma. Despite the fact that she was in the first three from the bloc along with Gaidar and Kovalev, she managed to get into the Duma from the single-mandate 87th Kaluga District. In March 1994, Pamfilova left the ministerial post. According to official sources, this was due to her disagreement with government policy. After that, she became a member of the Committee on Social Policy and Labor in the State Duma. Ella Pamfilova tried to get the bill approved to abolish the immunity of deputies, opposed the war in Chechnya. In addition, she participated in the discussion on the adoption of temporary measures in this Republic, providing for a peaceful resolution of the situation. However, the bill did not find majority support. From May 1994 to July 1995, Ella Pamfilova was the head of the Presidential Council on Social Policy. In November 1994, she became an independent deputy, leaving the "Choice of Russia" and the Gaidar party.


Election to the State Duma of the Second Convocation

In 1995, Ella Alexandrovna was a member of the Pamfilova-Lysenko-Gurov bloc. The latter was a major general of the police and was involved in countering crime. Lysenko was the leader of the Republican Party. The block could not overcome the five percent barrier. However, Ella Pamfilova entered the State Duma from the 86th Kaluga District. In 1996, she joined the group of deputies "Regions of Russia." Since that time, she also became deputy chairman of the committee on youth, family and women. After a while, she left him. After that, she began work on the safety committee. At her post, Pamfilova was engaged in the problems of social services. security, the fight against alcoholism, drug addiction, domestic violence, issues of street children. On a voluntary basis, in parallel, participated in the activities of the commission to search for interned citizens, hostages, prisoners of war.


Further activities

As a deputy of the State Duma of the Second Convocation, Ella Pamfilova formed the movement "For Healthy Russia." Later, the political association For Civil Dignity was created from it. The slogan of this movement was a call to vote against everyone. In the elections to the State Duma of the Third Convocation, Pamfilova did not stand for candidacy. The movement she created failed to overcome the five percent barrier. In 2005, the association was liquidated.

Work in the early 2000s

Pamfilova is the first woman to run for president. She became the seventh, gaining 1.01%. After the failure, Ella Alexandrovna initiated the formation and joined the Independent Public Commission, which investigated offenses and defended human rights in the North Caucasus. This association was headed by P. Krasheninnikov. In 2001, Pamfilova took over the chair of the Presidium of the Movement for Civil Dignity. It coordinated the activities of non-governmental organizations involved in the protection of children. In July of the following year, Vladimir Putin appointed her chairman of the Presidential Commission on Human Rights. In 2004, the reform of this structure took place. Pamfilova headed the Presidential Council for Human Rights and the Promotion of the Development of Civil Associations. In this position, she participated in coordination efforts to search for missing persons and return refugees to Chechnya. In addition, she advocated the release of Bakhmina from the colony (former Yukos lawyer).



In 2009, the Council, led by Pamfilova, issued a statement condemning the campaign against Alexander Podrabinek. Olga Kostina, a member of the Public Chamber, responded with a few harsh words. They were addressed both to Pamfilova herself and to the Council as a whole. In this regard, it was decided to file a lawsuit against Kostina to protect dignity, honor and reputation. As Pamfilova noted, it was she who became the primary source of inaccurate and offensive information circulated in a number of media. Kostina, in turn, stated that she was ready for trial, intending to present evidence of her innocence. In 2010, Pamfilova's claim was denied. In connection with this conflict, representatives of United Russia announced that they would seek her resignation from the post of chairman. A dispute erupted around an article by Podrabinek published in one of the issues of the Daily Journal. The note of the journalist caused a wide public outcry. Activists of the Nashi movement, some veterans and representatives of United Russia opposed the article. In July 2015, Pamfilova initiated the deprivation of the M. Gaidar fund of the presidential grant he won. At the end of August 2015, she turned to V.V. Putin with a proposal to conduct an audit of the activities of the authorities and officials who participated in the proceedings in the Oboronservis case. On this day, Vasilyeva, the main person involved in the trial, was released on parole by the court.
