
Unknown Space: Life on the Moon

Unknown Space: Life on the Moon
Unknown Space: Life on the Moon

Video: The last man on the Moon's panic revealed | ITV News 2024, June

Video: The last man on the Moon's panic revealed | ITV News 2024, June

The first answer to the question of whether there is life on the moon was attempted by the outstanding astronomer Carl Sagan. In the early 1960s, based on the testimony of special instruments, he concluded that in the bowels of the moon there are impressive caves. Life on the moon seemed quite real, after studying the microclimate of these caves, scientists came to the conclusion that in them there are all favorable conditions for life. According to the astronaut, the volume of some of them is equal to 100 cubic kilometers. A few years later, Soviet scientists M. Vasin and A. Shcherbakov hypothesized that the Moon is a kind of spaceship with a huge cavity inside.


Interestingly, the flights of Apollo also made us think that life on the moon is not fiction. According to a former NASA space liaison officer Maurice Chatelene, Apollo was equipped with a special nuclear charge, with the help of which it was planned to cause an artificial moonquake. It was assumed that after the explosion, scientists will observe the lunar infrastructure and process data using special seismographs. However, “Apollo” was never destined to fulfill its mission: a mysterious explosion of one of the oxygen cylinders in the cockpit destroyed the ship, and the nuclear experiment was unsuccessful.


Another proof that there is life on the moon may be the fact that in the maps of ancient astronomers there is not a single record about the Earth’s satellite. The ancient Mayans also depicted gods descending from the “new sun." And in 1969, another experiment was conducted: empty drone fuel tanks were dropped onto the surface of the moon. As a result of processing the information received from the seismographs, astronomers concluded that at some depth there is something that is vaguely reminiscent of an egg shell 70 kilometers thick. According to the analysis, it was found that the composition of this “shell” includes nickel, beryllium, iron, tungsten and other metals. Apparently, such a shell could only have an artificial origin.


Although from a biological point of view, intelligent life on the moon is really impossible. And this is not surprising: while the sunny side of the moon heats up to + 120ºC, the shadow side cools to -160ºС. In addition, there is no atmosphere on the moon that could protect living organisms from a colossal temperature difference. And a kind of veil of gases around the satellite can not be called a full atmosphere.

Plus, the moon's surface is dotted with tens of thousands of craters. At first glance, they seem shapeless and motionless. However, the so-called “moving surface phenomenon” was adopted in academia. This means that the diameters of the craters are unstable: in a couple of days, the crater can grow in diameter, and small ones often disappear altogether. It can be argued that almost the entire surface of the moon moves in this way: the craters either disappear completely or reappear. “The phenomenon of motion” undoubtedly tells us that life on the Moon is still present, but not in the earthly definition of the word “life”.