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Shocking: what is it - a provocation or a way of self-expression?

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Shocking: what is it - a provocation or a way of self-expression?
Shocking: what is it - a provocation or a way of self-expression?

Video: Politics, Human Sexuality and Beauty's Justification 2024, July

Video: Politics, Human Sexuality and Beauty's Justification 2024, July

In order to more or less restrainedly characterize far from restrained images or a style of behavior unlike other people, the term “shocking” was probably introduced. It became widespread in the 19th century, when bright personalities were already beginning to go beyond the generally accepted.


Linguists who are fluent in French can easily determine the literal meaning of the term and amaze everyone by deciphering the word "shocking." What does this mean? The brutal action, literally - "deprive the legs."

But, adapting the French verb to the Russian language, we conclude that there is nothing bloodthirsty in it and the word “shock” takes on the meaning “turn upside down”, “stun”.

What and how shocked in the 19th century?

The term was coined and introduced by French artists, who decided to somewhat stir up the audience, accustomed to the classical style.

And even the ancient masters “dabbled” with a mixture of styles, it was the representatives of the French bohemia in 1830 that caused a great resonance and presented a real shock. That this would definitely affect society, none of them even doubted.

The revolutionary mixture of high and low styles, forbidden topics raised to the surface with a brush or pen, or even the maestro’s frankly inadequate behavior - such an old Europe has not yet seen. And therefore, she was indignant, indignant, surprised, and a little (very little) admired by the courage of the authors.

Is it fashionable or ridiculous?

Not everyone dares to demonstrate something out of the ordinary to a wide or even limited audience. Dressing “not like that”, thinking “not like that”, behaving “not like that” and not feeling discomfort is possible only for very strong and bright people who are given the status of “shocking personality” as a reward or blasphemy.


What can we say about a pink-green hairstyle, a dress made of computer disks or papier-mâché sandals (an element of a concert costume by Zhanna Aguzarova, remember?), Even if ordinary sanity or disagreement with a deliberately wrong (stupid - let's call a spade a spade) decision " superiors ”is perceived not just as audacity, but considered shocking - no less.

The masses won’t do this, although many women still wear pink and turquoise wigs “for the mood”. For the rest - sorry. It is better to adhere to generally accepted standards. So it lives calmer.

The first shocking doll

Let's talk about the universal favorite Malvin. After all, there was a shocking girl, in vain, that with a porcelain head. Easy behavior was not noticed behind her (a very correct doll), but she escaped from the theater. But this was the second manifestation of Malvina's rebellious shocking.

And the first is the color of her hair. Indeed, before Malvina, there were no girls with blue hair in the world of fairy tales, only goldilocks and ordinary princesses. The doll became the first and spawned a fashion for multi-colored heroines in films and in life.

“I will kill you with my behavior”

Age also means a lot in the manifestation of human shocking. More than others are inclined to "kill" parents and those around them with their unusual behavior.


And this does not mean that “young people are completely indignant, ” as all the grandmothers sitting at all the entrances report. Teenagers do not just use shocking. What is it: little attention is paid to them, everyone is busy at work, there is no one to talk to, adults do not consider their problems too important! So in this case you will get an answer in the form of punctured navels, painted faces, torn sloppy clothes or a vulgar tattoo in a prominent place. Well, plus defiant behavior.

Elegant shocking

How to excite the environment if you are a well-educated young lady, always dressed up with a needle, knowing several languages, under no circumstances raising her tone and never running after men?

How to attract attention without going beyond decency? How if light behavior is incompatible with your image? The question has a positive answer and lies in what women can do in the best possible way out of nothing. No. Not a scandal … Although some have resorted to this method.


Hat! An unusual hat, due to which you can cause the close attention of men and the envy of women. A hat that will best emphasize your personality and at the same time will not look vulgar.

A hat that will become a mirror image of your mood and state of mind. A hat that is completely unlike other boring hats, a hat about which its mistress will be gossiped for a long time with various shades of admiration or indignation. But not indifferent! Conclusion: a good hat eliminates indifference.

Professional de foie

Actually, this phrase means “confession of faith, a set of views representing a worldview, ” but all fans of “Ivan Vasilievich” know that “professional de foie, ” according to director Yakin, is a professional duty.

By the way, the film based on the novel by the shocking writer Bulgakov also turned out to be not without shocking, that is why we are loved, and it has been popular for decades.

So, regarding professional duties: many shocking stars of show business daily set themselves the task of radically differing from the rest, winning the audience not only with talent, but also with a non-standard appearance.

Among the stellar youth, the most extraordinary is Lady Gaga, presenting herself in front of the audience either in a “meat dress” or sometimes with incredible designs on her head and body. It is not known whether the Lady is aware that she had a competitor in Ukraine, Olya Polyakova, who “sewed” a dress of fat for herself. And the girl wears on her head both on holiday and on weekdays such “towers” ​​that not every head can stand it.

And among Ukrainian TV presenters, Katya Osadchaya holds the primacy palm. Only the lazy did not make a parody of her transmission style and her hats. But Katya is amazing not only in appearance. Her questions to famous people are so bold that some rate them as offensive.


But can bright and non-standard stars themselves answer one interesting question? For them, shocking - what is it: a way of self-expression or a way of provoking the public?