the culture

Etiquette at the table.

Etiquette at the table.
Etiquette at the table.

Video: Dining Etiquette: how to master the basic table manners 2024, July

Video: Dining Etiquette: how to master the basic table manners 2024, July

Having received an invitation to dinner, everyone should carefully prepare for this event. First of all, we must not forget that it is impossible to be late in any case, so as not to upset the hosts. It is also not worth it to come too early, because they may not yet be ready to receive.

Immediately after coming to the table, you don’t need to sit down, but you should wait for the hostess’s invitation. Men are required to help the ladies crouch, after which they can sit down themselves.

To be able to observe etiquette at the table is perhaps the most important thing that the invitee should. It is not necessary to draw general attention to oneself, it is necessary to take into account the interests of people sitting nearby. It is also unacceptable to embarrass the owners or any of the guests. You must behave naturally and naturally, thereby creating a relaxed atmosphere for others.

The rules of good form at the table are simple, and it’s not difficult to learn them. Every man should look after the ladies who sit on either side of him. It is indecent to swing on a chair, make a lot of noise, knock on a plate with a knife or fork, and rattle a chair, sitting down at the table or, conversely, getting up because of it.

Observing etiquette at the table, you do not need to immediately start eating, you should wait until the plates of others are filled. Only after this can you start eating. Across the entire table, one should not reach out to a far-standing dish, it is enough to ask one of the people sitting nearby, not forgetting to thank them. It’s ugly to refuse the proposed dish. If it is not to your taste, then you need to take a small portion.

Napkin before meals should be laid out on your lap. Etiquette at the table does not allow you to fill it in the collar or wipe it with your entire face. You just need to get your lips slightly wet. By the way, talking at the table with a mouthful is extremely indecent.

The quality of the dishes should not be discussed at the table. Critical remarks can offend the hostess, and excessive admiration may seem implausible.

If a fork or spoon accidentally fell to the floor, or a little wine spilled on the table, you do not need to focus on this. Apologizing for your awkwardness to the hostess and neighbors is also not worth it. It is necessary, without attracting attention, to quietly ask for a new device, and tactful and intelligent people will pretend that they have not noticed anything.

You must remember to observe etiquette at the table until the very end of dinner. At the end of the meal, women are the first to rise from the table. Men are obliged to help women go out, and they themselves must stand all the time until the ladies leave the room. After that, they can again sit down in their place and, if they wish, to smoke, but only with the permission of the owners. It is considered indecent at the table to read any correspondence.

Of great importance for maintaining a positive mood of guests is table setting for dinner. After all, everyone knows that a beautifully decorated table and dishes decorated exquisitely stimulate appetite. A beautiful tablecloth, an original table setting, sparkling clean dishes, a radiant smile of the hostess and, of course, fresh flowers will no doubt provoke positive emotions and create a good mood.

Table setting is as follows. Deep plates are put on shallow ones, stepping back two or three centimeters from the table. On the right side, the devices are arranged in the order in which they will be used. The knife is placed near the plate, with the blade directed towards it, also on the right. The spoon and fork are placed upside down with the fork on the left. A glass of water is placed in front of the edge of the knife. If a dessert is supposed to be a dish that needs to be cut with a knife, then a dessert fork and knife are served with a teaspoon. Small salt shakers are placed near the appliance. The folded napkin is placed on the left of the plate. A bread box and a vase of flowers must be present on the table.