
Evgeny Korotyshkin: biography, photo, personal life. Yevgeny Korotyshkin Swimming School

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Evgeny Korotyshkin: biography, photo, personal life. Yevgeny Korotyshkin Swimming School
Evgeny Korotyshkin: biography, photo, personal life. Yevgeny Korotyshkin Swimming School

Swimming is a sport that harmoniously develops a person, uniformly training almost all muscle groups. Exercising in water helps to stabilize the psychological state, improve endurance and maintain flexibility for many years.

Swimming is a great and enjoyable way to keep fit. That's exactly what the Russian athlete Yevgeny Korotyshkin thinks.

Talented Russian swimmer

Korotyshkin Evgeny Evgenievich was born on April 30, 1983.


As a child, he decided on what path he would take in life. Young Zhenya chose a butterfly stroke as the main swimming style. The industriousness and zeal of the young guy allowed him to become a member of the Russian national team as early as 17 years old. For a certain period of time, Eugene was on the same level, but closer to 2003 he became more active and began to take part in competitions of different echelons. These were the Championships of the Russian Federation, and competitions of European and world levels.

The rapid progress of Eugene riveted to his person serious attention from experts and experts.


The bronze award of the World Champion was the first serious success of such an athlete as Evgeny Korotyshkin. The biography of a swimmer a few years after the achievement will not please with new high-profile achievements, but this was only the calm before the storm.

In 2008, Eugene was able to win the European Championship in the short pool at a distance of 100 meters. After this event, he was immediately included in the Olympic swimming team of the Russian Federation.


The athlete sought to develop, so he constantly monitored modern trends. At one of the relay races, he decided to try out a new swimming suit. As a result, he did not receive a gold medal, but still was able to show himself at a decent level. Eugene competed with Michael Phelps, which is simply impossible to compete with.

2010 was a triumph for the athlete. It was during this period that he won the European Championship, and also received gold and silver awards of the world championship.

World Record Update

Twice in his sports career, Yevgeny Korotyshkin was able to break the established world records.

In the fall of 2009, the athlete was able to swim the hundred-meter race in 48.48 seconds.


A month later, in a team competition with Sergey Geybel, Stanislav Donets, Danila Izotov, he was able to cover a distance of 4x100 meters in just 3 minutes 19.16 seconds.

Current activity

At the moment, the athlete is training under the guidance of an experienced specialist Vyacheslav Lukinsky. He also plays for the Dynamo club.


Evgeny Korotyshkin - coach of the national team of the Russian Federation. The man is a member of the All-Russian Swimming Federation and chairman of the Athletes Council.

Evgeny Korotyshkin: personal life

In addition to swimming, the athlete should have another side of life. While in Italy at a training camp, Eugene gets the opportunity to regularly engage in self-training. But, as soon as he leaves Moscow, the amount of time spent with relatives and friends decreases.

Now the athlete intends to engage in the organization of his future life, including personal, the details of which he prefers not to disclose. It is only known that he does not have a wife, but he has a girlfriend and plans for the future.

Evgeny Korotyshkin sometimes begins to doubt that he needs endless training and achievements, because deep down he does not at all strive for this.

Advantages of foreign trainers over Russian colleagues

Yevgeny Korotyshkin, whose photo you can see below, has repeatedly stated that he does not see himself as a coach. He believes that the domestic methodology for preparing for swimming competitions should be subject to adjustment.


The athlete considers the greatest problem the mentality and approach to the work of Russian specialists, but not only of the trainers, but also of the athletes themselves.

Americans have always been and remain the legislators of world navigation. These people spend their every training session with excitement and a desire to defeat an opponent. After hard tasks, they support each other and appreciate their excellent time. It is very important to positively assist one's neighbor when one performs tasks to the limit of possibilities.

Despite the fact that Switzerland is not distinguished by its achievements in swimming, local coaches create a favorable atmosphere and the right approach, which is a guarantee of good results in various competitions.

Eugene would like to wish patience to domestic specialists, because they often break down on athletes. American coaches cannot do this. A similar action on their part threatens to file a lawsuit. That is why in the USA, the rationalism technique is popular, in the framework of which athletes are constantly supported and encouraged, and interested in further achievements.

The secrets of training swimmers from Eugene Korotyshkin

This item should include not only regular training, but also a balanced diet. Many young athletes forget about this, they believe that they can eat any food, since they have no problems with weight. But eating excessively fatty foods creates an additional burden on the liver, which means it slows down the process of removing harmful substances from the body.

After each quality workout, you need to eat food to restore strength. This simple rule will allow the body to function smoothly.

Secrets of self-control from Evgeny Korotyshkin

There are a huge number of ways to bring yourself to life, but a talented athlete advises you to choose a technique individually. Only by making a mistake and trying again, you can find the only sure way to calm.

Eugene advises remembering the three main components of the right attitude: music, excitement and preparation.


It is best to wake up at least three hours before completing the main distance. This rule helps achieve maximum results. On the day of the competition, you should not load the stomach with heavy food, it is better to eat a light salad, fish or pasta.

Music is a simple component of the right mood, which quickly raises the mood and sets the desired working rhythm. Mobile speakers are popular with many athletes. They block a person from unnecessary sounds from the outside world and excite the blood with powerful bass. This helps to tune in before going to competitions with eminent rivals.

Excitement is also possible and necessary to fight. Eugene advises to learn to control his emotional state. If you are too excited, try to sit down, close your eyes and remember something pleasant: friends, comfort, or food. Restoring normal breathing is the main sign that the situation is under control.

With each subsequent start, the athlete will become more confident in his abilities, and therefore, calm.