
Evgenia Podberezkina: a spectacular model with non-standard forms

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Evgenia Podberezkina: a spectacular model with non-standard forms
Evgenia Podberezkina: a spectacular model with non-standard forms

Recently, women with magnificent forms, wide rounded hips are gaining more and more popularity, confidently competing with fashion models suffering from malnutrition. One of the most famous models of the "wide format" in Russia is considered to be young Evgenia Podberezkina. She has a short career in big sports, and now she shines on the pages of magazines and catwalks.

Girl and synchronized swimming

Evgenia Podberezkina was born in 1997. The girl was barely five years old when she was sent to the harsh world of big sport. Mom wanted for her a career as a gymnast, but there she was rejected due to the fact that Zhenya was a bit big for this sport. In synchronized swimming, the sizes did not become an obstacle, and Podberezkina began to attend training in the pool diligently.


She was enthusiastic and soon made some progress. The girl fell into various youth and youth teams, went to international competitions and came with medals of world and European championships. An athlete acted as part of a group, by virtue of its physical parameters, playing the role of the foundation of a kind of pyramid when performing jumps and outbursts.

However, Evgeny Podberezkina’s biography soon saw a sharp turn, which did not allow her to become a star in world synchronized swimming. At the age of seventeen, she received a serious knee injury, as a result of which she had to say goodbye to great sports.

For a long time, Evgenia Podberezkina could not even go to the pool, feeling immense moral fatigue and devastation. She went to swim and relax exclusively on the sea coast.

Career model

Saying goodbye to dreams of Olympic gold, Eugene decided to make the most of her spectacular natural data. In synchronized swimming, girls are slightly larger than in rhythmic gymnastics, since constant residence in water requires a certain protective cover. Among the friends on the team, Eugenia was especially distinguished, who talks about the fact that she even had to put on a second swimsuit so that the impressive chest did not jump out to freedom.

Just at that time, the movement of plus size models, that is, girls with non-standard dimensions and curvaceous forms, gained popularity. Eugene fell into her own wave and signed a contract with PSFW. On the covers of glossy magazines, photos of a spectacular girl began to appear regularly; thanks to her sporting past, she stood out from the competition and attracted more attention.


In addition, she is actively involved in catwalk shows. In particular, the young plus size model spoke at the presentation of a new collection of clothes for ladies with feminine forms from the singer and designer Nadezhda Babkina. Fans of the singer’s creativity appreciated the unknown facet of their favorite talent, as well as the shape of the novice model.

Evgenia Podberezkina in the Maxim magazine

In 2016, young Zhenya became a participant in a kind of beauty contest among girls with non-standard forms. Photos of applicants were exhibited for the trial of users of the World Wide Web, among whom Evgenia Podberezkina took not the last place. The magnificent forms of the former athlete produced the effect of a bursting bomb, and Zhenya won, taking the title of Miss Russia PLUS SIZE.

In the status of the best plus size model of the country, Eugene took part in a bold photo session for the famous men's magazine. No reader could remain indifferent after viewing the results of many years of sports training. And as a result, Evgenia Podberezkina was included in the rating of the most coveted women of the country according to the version of Maxim magazine.


Zhenya weighs 71 kg with a height of 174 cm, which is an excellent indicator of health in terms of physiology, especially since the girl’s body does not have excess body fat.