
Factors and reserves of labor productivity growth

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Factors and reserves of labor productivity growth
Factors and reserves of labor productivity growth

Video: Productivity and Growth: Crash Course Economics #6 2024, June

Video: Productivity and Growth: Crash Course Economics #6 2024, June

Any production sooner or later faces the limit of its capabilities. To ensure the growth of its effectiveness, it is enough to carry out certain changes, the need for which is due to a combination of factors and additional reserves. With the right innovations and the use of hidden resources, an enterprise will necessarily increase the productivity of its employees.

Growth factors

The growth of labor productivity depends on several important factors. What is it about? This concept refers to the underlying causes that cause positive dynamics of labor productivity. Each factor has prerequisites. For example, automation at an enterprise cannot take place without a clear structure of the plant, factory, etc.

Factors and reserves of labor productivity growth can be divided into 4 groups: technical and organizational, socio-political, socio-economic and natural-climatic. The latter determine the level of effectiveness depending on the place. Natural and climatic conditions are especially important in the mining industry.



Technical and organizational factors and reserves for the growth of labor productivity are associated with the modernization of productive forces in society. These include labor, its improvement and combination with other resources. In this case, as nowhere else, scientific and technological progress is extremely important. Modern enterprises increase their productivity not due to an increase in employees or means of production, but through innovation and the introduction of new ideas.

It is difficult to imagine a successful company without the use of scientific and technological achievements. Labor productivity, indicators, factors, reserves of growth - all this today is connected with modernization. Thanks to scientific and technological progress, the means of labor used are changing. Their productivity increases. A historical example: it was the introduction of new machines, machine tools and devices during the industrial revolution that allowed in many industries to abandon manual labor.


The challenges of modernization

The introduction of technical innovations in production is fraught with several difficulties. Modernization is done in order to increase the volume of products and improve its quality. However, in order to achieve this result, it takes a lot of time. When new technologies are just beginning to replace old ones, production speed drops, which leads to losses and reduced profits. Thus, modernization is a risky step. It is worth starting only with certain reserves for the growth of labor productivity.

The contradiction associated with the use of the fruits of scientific and technological progress can be resolved by using additional capacities that can temporarily fill the gap that arose due to the abandonment of obsolete equipment. It is important to note one more thing. Increasing labor productivity can become a significant advantage only in a market economy with free competition among industry participants.


Scientific Achievements and Market Economics

Since science turned into a separate force influencing production, the level of introduction of scientific and technological progress began to affect all aspects of production: labor, its application and organization. Changes of this nature not only provide new devices, but also improve the working environment itself, making it more comfortable for staff. Thanks to science, the difference between physical and mental labor is gradually disappearing. The technical factor is especially important in the extractive industries.

Finally, many advantages are given by a combination of positive trends in science and market relations. Technical discoveries best reveal their potential in a competitive environment when, through natural selection, the best innovations become familiar features of any efficient production.

Social factor

Production efficiency is affected by social and economic conditions. Such a system of relationships developed after the principles of market relations were established. Factors of an economic and social nature are reflected in many phenomena: the well-being of people, education, the technical level of workers, etc.

According to these criteria, only the enterprise that fully meets the collective, personal and social needs of its employees is effective. It is also necessary to improve the business qualifications of employees. But even the most correct personnel policy will not have a sufficient effect if there is at least a slight improvement in the standard of living of people.


Features of manufacturing products

Production technology is constantly in need of updating. This factor requires several solutions. First of all, a gradual reduction in the length of the production cycle is necessary. Also, owners of efficient enterprises take care to reduce the complexity of manufacturing goods. Production processes should be a single system in which all cycles are interconnected.

So, in an increasing number of enterprises, ultra-low and ultra-high temperatures and pressures, chemical methods of processing products, high-frequency currents, ultrasound, infrared radiation, materials with ultra-high strength, etc. are used.

Application of new materials

In the conditions of constant changes, modern production needs high-quality raw materials. Therefore, enterprises are increasingly using electrical innovations, chemical technologies, etc. Such progress is associated with numerous environmental risks, and therefore requires an especially careful attitude.


For example, synthetic polymers are used in a wide variety of industries. These artificial materials are substitutes for wood, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as other natural raw materials. Today without polymers it is already impossible to solve some important technical problems. And in mechanical engineering with the help of this material they reduce the weight of important structures and improve the appearance of cars. For plastic products, the complexity is much lower than for natural counterparts. In other words, this material is much more efficient and cost-effective.

Current and future reserves

Even if all the factors are taken into account, it is impossible to achieve an increase in the performance of the enterprise without using all possible reserves for the growth of labor productivity. According to the generally accepted classification, they can be divided into two large groups. These are reserves associated with improved use of labor, and those based on the best use of the means of production.

In turn, both of these groups are also divided according to the signs of the place and the time of their use. Thus, reserves for the growth of labor productivity can be promising and current. Some additional features can be used only during the year. They are considered current. Such reserves do not require deep transformations in production, technical restructuring and large investments. They are accomplished quickly and relatively simply. But promising reserves are associated with fundamental technical changes and the introduction of fundamentally new production technologies.


Additional industry resources

In addition to time, reserves for the growth of labor productivity depend on the place of their use. Sectoral and intersectoral groups are associated with transformations in certain areas of the economy. Their value is extremely high. The identification of reserves for the growth of labor productivity in several sectors at once is necessary. to take advantage of each other. Involving them is more difficult, but the result from such transformations will be much more noticeable.

In this case, indicators such as the degree of concentration, organization and combination of production capacities play a large role. For the identification and determination of reserves in intersectoral spaces, there are special research and scientific institutions, as well as state ministries.

Sources of growth within the enterprise

Some additional opportunities for improving the enterprise are within its own walls. These growth reserves are called intra-production. They are also divided into workshop, factory-wide and workplaces. Using them you can reduce the complexity of the production itself. This is an inexhaustible and most important reserve, which is often addressed in the very first place. As a rule, it is associated with the automation and mechanization of the work process. Labor productivity, indicators, reserves of growth - all this largely depends on how large the share of modern equipment is.

By reducing labor intensity, the employer helps its employees achieve greater results in less time. This is beneficial not only to them, but also to the end customer of the products. In addition, so the employer can reduce their own costs for extra staff whose work becomes unnecessary due to the appearance of updated inventory. Such a solution is an example of effective optimization.

Proper use of time

To use the reserves of working time, it is necessary to compare the actual and planned data about it. It is for this reason that all kinds of reporting are so widespread, which record the dynamics of labor. The generalization of such a large data array requires a considerable amount of time. Statistics, reporting and planned balances of working time, additional research and surveys - all this is used to calculate the reserves for the growth of labor productivity.

These indicators do not exist on their own. They are directly related to the complexity, which was discussed above. Reserves of productivity growth, labor efficiency also depend on it. An important problem of working time and labor is the loss associated with work shifts. They can be avoided only by correctly distributing human resources in the enterprise. In order to get rid of the irrational use of working time, company owners resort to the introduction of new schedules and plans.
