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Vachinsky finca: description, size, material of the blade

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Vachinsky finca: description, size, material of the blade
Vachinsky finca: description, size, material of the blade

Vachinsky finca belongs to the group of legendary rare knives. Most of them were destroyed in the 80-90s of the last century. Miraculously, surviving specimens are exhibited at various auctions and exhibitions. The collectors are interested in this product not only in terms of rarity, but also in connection with historical facts. The fact is that special units of the NKVD and the KGB armed with such a knife. All data associated with these services were subject to destruction, which also affected the edged weapons. Consider its features and characteristics.


History of creation

The prototype of the Vachin Finnish was the national Finnish blade, known as "Pucco". Over time, the Soviet version of the knife improved, receiving specific characteristics that the Scandinavian ancestor did not have. The official history of the existence of Finns ended in 1935, when a ban on the carrying, manufacturing and sale of this type of cold steel at the legislative level came out.

The original Vachin Finca was designed and created in the 30s of the past century. The model was made for special units of the NKVD, which needed reliable and compact combat knives. Schemes and drawings were created on the basis of short Finnish national knives, which was designed by Pontus Holmberg. Since the creator was originally from Sweden, initially the blades were classified as the “Norwegian” type of blades.

Features of manufacturing in the USSR

The history of the creation of the Vachin Finca in the Soviet Union originates at the Trud plant, located in the Nizhny Novgorod region (Vacha village). The main differences from the Scandinavian "brother" include several points:

  • instead of a bone handle, a plastic analog appeared due to the high cost of an elephant tusks element;
  • the guard also underwent transformation, which made the knife more convenient without changing its traditional configuration;
  • the brand of the manufacturer was placed on the heel, which became the main difference between the original and existing copies.

In modern times, it is quite difficult to find a real Finnish NKVD. Nevertheless, there are instances on which practically no signs of use are visible. The knife in question was operated by employees of the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs and the State Security Committee. The specified edged weapons were never officially in service with the Soviet Army.


Technical plan options

The following are the performance characteristics of the knife in question:

  • cold steel guard - S-shaped in double-sided execution;
  • the length of the blade of the Vacha finca is 12.5 centimeters with a width of only 2 cm;
  • high rigidity of the blade was ensured by the presence of longitudinal fractions and a thickness of the order of 4.5 millimeters;
  • in front of the guard there was an unsharpened heel, which served for a comfortable location of the index finger for certain types of grip;
  • type of sharpening - one-sided with a hardness of 58 units on the Rockwell scale;
  • hilt material - carbolite with inserts of bone and wood;
  • scabbard - made of dense dark skin, fixed on the belt with a fastening buttonhole with a special button that provides quick fastening of the cover;
  • total length - 24 cm.

In addition to the Vachin finca itself, quick-release sheaths are included in the package. In modern copies, they can be made of fair skin. The knife itself was made in several variations, characterized by the presence of a stamp in the form of a star, material and color of the handle.


Modern versions

Now it’s not so easy to buy the NKVD Finnish in its original version. Most often they appear at foreign auctions, while the price reaches several thousand euros. If desired, you can purchase copies of the legendary edged weapons. They are produced by various manufacturers, products differ in exterior and quality.

Typically, replicas are issued in a modified configuration, which allows them to be excluded from the category of knives, releasing them for free sale. AiR company located in Zlatoust became a pioneer in the field of recreation of copies of Vacha Finnish. Knowledgeable people and collectors give preference to models "Finca-1", 2 and 3.



The last two modifications accurately copy the original. Among the main differences, the following points are noted:

  • extended range of raw materials for the handle;
  • near the butt, the thickness of the blade is 2.3 mm;
  • other quality parameters of the metal.

In addition to factory imitations, replicas of the Vachin Finnish, the description of which is given above, are made by private masters. The quality of such knives is significantly higher, as is the price. Some copies from the original can be distinguished only by an experienced specialist.

Purpose and operation

Since the shape of the blade of the Vacha Finka and the general design are carefully designed, for its time the weapon was considered successful and modern. The compact size was appreciated for wearing comfort during long transitions or moving, and the strength and reliability were sometimes exaggerated. On this occasion, even whole legends were created, elevating the specified knife almost to the first step in its class.

The modern purpose of the Finnish is divided into the following positions:

  1. In the role of a souvenir. A well-made copy will delight collectors and connoisseurs of edged weapons. To make the product unique, you can apply the original engraving or inscription to the handle.
  2. For tourist purposes. In a hike, the Finnish will perfectly cope with standard duties, because in shape and size it resembles the analogue used by tourists.
  3. For self-defense. It is worth noting that even a replica of the specified knife is required to carry appropriate permission.

Where can one buy?

There are several ways to purchase Vacha Finnish or its exact copy. These include:

  1. Interactive auction. Usually these are foreign sites where you can buy original models in good condition.
  2. On the resources of official manufacturers. Only copies are available here, but the prices are quite acceptable, along with decent quality characteristics.
  3. Collectors who place relevant ads on the Web or sell products through the antiques community.

Alternatively, you can buy a tourist knife, which will not be inferior to Finnish, in addition to appearance. You need to be aware that the technical parameters of the copies will definitely differ from the characteristics of the original. This is due to the fact that the material of the blade of the Vacha Finca and other indicators correspond to the category of knives. This requires special permission to carry and store the knife.


The price of replicas of NKVD knives in the modern market ranges from 150-200 dollars (9-12 thousand rubles). The final cost is affected by age, equipment and material of manufacture. Early copies are valued higher, as they are considered as imitating the original Finnish. Initially, the blade in question was purely a specialized military weapon. Now, such products are usually positioned as collection or souvenir exhibits. The original is recommended to be purchased in the presence of an experienced specialist dealer. It will help not only determine the authenticity of the model, but also its real value.


Interesting Facts

The Finnish-Swedish knife has occupied a certain niche not only in the security forces, but also in the prison world. The Soviet government in the 30s of the 20th century organized entire workshops in the zones for the manufacture of the cold steel in question. Moreover, the equipment for these purposes stood out the most modern at that time. As a result, artisanal production flourished at such "plants." According to some reports, it exceeded 50% of the manufactured knives in the state.

Finks quickly came into everyday life not only of special services, but also of the “sitters”. Such knives were called Irka (the abbreviation for IRA is “I'm going to cut an asset”). The asset included convicts who willingly collaborated with the security and management of prisons or zones. Knives of this type appeared in the 40s, they were distinguished from the Vachin Finnish by the absence of a guard. Such a blade was easier to disguise in a sleeve or boot. In addition, the product did not cling to clothing items.

The second distinguishing feature is the letter “I” in the typesetting pen. Usually it was performed in red color. There were also options with a red diagonal and two black stripes. In addition, the lines could be spaced along the handle, which was done for the purpose of conspiracy, and in the jargon was called "smudge Irka."
