
Where is Rostov the Great? Description, history and interesting facts

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Where is Rostov the Great? Description, history and interesting facts
Where is Rostov the Great? Description, history and interesting facts

Video: 10 True Facts In Hulu The Great 2020 (eng sub) 2024, July

Video: 10 True Facts In Hulu The Great 2020 (eng sub) 2024, July

Where Rostov Veliky is located, travelers who want to visit this ancient Russian city, which is now located in the Yaroslavl region, are interested. He stands on the banks of the Nero River. Moreover, the settlement itself is relatively small - now about 31 thousand inhabitants live in it.

What is interesting about this city?


In this article we will tell you where Rostov the Great is located, what is the history of this city, what makes it interesting and famous.

This is one of the oldest cities in our country, which dates back to 862. In the X century, it was the center of the Rostov-Suzdal land, and later entered the Vladimir-Suzdal principality. It was named Rostov the Great in the famous Ipatiev Chronicle of 1151.

From the 13th to the 15th centuries, the city turned into the center of the Rostov principality. In 1777, received the status of a city during the reign of Empress Catherine II.

On its territory there are more than three hundred cultural monuments, approximately a third of them are officially considered monuments of federal significance. In 1970, it was included in the list of historical cities on the territory of the RSFSR. In 1995, the local Rostov Kremlin Museum-Reserve was recognized as a particularly valuable cultural heritage site. Included in the Golden Ring of Russia, being one of its tourist centers. That is why many are interested in where the city of Rostov the Great is located.

How to get there


There are several ways to get here. There is a railway station on the territory of Rostov the Great, which is located on the highway between Moscow and Arkhangelsk. At the station there is a station for intercity buses. It belongs to the M8 highway "Moscow - Arkhangelsk".

The city of Rostov the Great is located in the Yaroslavl region, in the regional capital is the nearest airport Tunoshna. There are river ports on the Volga in Uglich and the same Yaroslavl.

Next, we will tell you where Rostov the Great is located, what are the most common ways to get to it.

The city is 210 kilometers from the Russian capital. It is close enough, so travelers from Moscow show a high interest in it, due to the increased demand, it is connected with the capital by several convenient flights of various vehicles.

Each option has its own disadvantages and advantages.



Knowing where Rostov the Great is located, it is obvious that it will simply be accessible from Moscow by bus.

There are several direct flights departing from Shchelkovo and Yaroslavl stations, as well as from VDNH metro station. They all belong to private companies, so their schedule tends to change. As a rule, these are buses going to Kostroma. All of them make a stop in Rostov the Great.

Experienced tourists believe that it is most convenient to leave the Shchelkovo station. Several flights depart from here per day. On the way to spend about three and a half hours.

In Rostov the Great, the bus station is within walking distance of most of the most important city attractions.



You can get here on the passenger train, and on the train. All trains leave from the Yaroslavl station.

An electric train from Moscow goes to the Alexandrov-1 station. There you will need to transfer to the electric train of the Yaroslavl direction. The transplant is carried out promptly, it will take no more than five minutes. The total travel time will take about four hours.

Long-distance trains leave from the Yaroslavl station, which stop in Rostov the Great. There are several such flights daily. For example, the Moscow-Khabarovsk train leaves at 0:35, the Moscow-Kostroma train at 23:20. Travel time is approximately three hours.

Arriving at the station, within walking distance you can observe the first attractions of the city of Rostov the Great. Crossing the M8 highway, you can see the aryk. On the opposite side of the road is an amazing wooden house. That's where the railway clinic is located in Rostov the Great. This is a real miracle of wooden architecture.


From Moscow to Rostov about 215 kilometers. The trip takes approximately three hours.

You need to go along the Kholmogory highway or the Yaroslavl highway. You should leave the capital in the Yaroslavl direction.

The emergence of the city


About the city of Rostov the Great, the first information refers to the year 862. He is mentioned in The Tale of Bygone Years. It is spoken of as the city that Rurik owned.

As they were able to establish as a result of archaeological excavations, the first fortification on Lake Nero was the large Sarskoye settlement, which arose in the 7th century.

The city begins to form in these places no earlier than the 10th century. There are several hypotheses about when Rostov the Great himself appeared. Some believe that this happened back in the pre-Slavic era, while others are convinced that only in the 10th century did the pagan Sarsky settlement be transferred to the territory of the modern city. Interestingly, for some time these settlements existed in parallel.



In the 9th century, Rostov was annexed to the state of Rurik, whose capital was on Ladoga. During Oleg’s campaign on Constantinople, the Rostovs stood on his side as allies. Since 987, the young Yaroslav the Wise reigned here.

In the second half of the 11th century, it became one of the key cities of the Rostov-Suzdal principality.

The independent Principality of Rostov appears in 1207. Soon it turns into one of the most influential centers of Russian princes. The founder of the principality was Konstantin Vsevolodovich, the eldest son of Vsevolod the Big Nest, who rebuilt one of the symbols of the city - the Assumption Cathedral.

During this period, the city experienced a cultural and economic upsurge. He became one of the largest in the north-west of modern Russia. In 1237, there was considerable resistance to the Mongol forces. A squad led by Prince Yuri participated in the battle on the River Cit.

In 1297, Rostov prince Konstantin passed off his daughter for Moscow prince Yuri Danilovich, which did not prevent him from burning the city together with Tatar detachments in 1317. According to the hypothesis of historians, after that the city was actually divided into two parts.

The Rostov squad took part in the battle on the Kulikovo field, and during the time of Basil II the Dark, the city finally became part of Moscow.