
Igor Pinkevich: biography and family

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Igor Pinkevich: biography and family
Igor Pinkevich: biography and family

It all started exceptionally well: in the Yakut city of Aldan in 1962, Igor Pinkevich was born, whose biography can serve as an example to any modern young man. All the childhood of the future tycoon passed in small taiga villages, where his father-geologist had to work. Accordingly, the biography of Igor Pinkevich began to take shape: he graduated from high school, entered the Novosibirsk military school, as he decided to become an officer.



After graduating from the military-political school, for ten years Igor Pinkevich filled his biography with service in the Soviet Army, holding various positions. And I probably realized that it’s quite difficult to become a general here. And therefore, at twenty-nine years old, when his career reached its peak — the captain’s rank, he filed a report and retired. The explanation looked beautiful: the officer should swear only once. But the Soviet Union is gone.

The order of discharge was signed by Marshal Shaposhnikov, the last Minister of Defense of the USSR, and the biography of Igor Pinkevich even received a commemorative relic. He also has a CPSU party ticket. But the civilian career immediately went up. And well-being immediately began to improve.


Since April 1992, a correction has been introduced into the biography of Igor Pinkevich regarding his position. To this day, he is the CEO of Nastyusha. On many Internet resources published a set of favorite books, amazing for the characteristics of a businessman. The best handbook for a leader of any rank is the Combat Charter of the Armed Forces, and the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism and the Ten Commandments are enough for a life program - these principles are followed by Igor Pinkevich. The biography (personal life) of a businessman contains many similar facts.

Personal life is also not a mystery - the Nastyusha company is named for the beloved daughter of Anastasia Pinkevich (which will be discussed in more detail below). And his wife is one for life - Lyudmila Vatslavovna. In the biography of Igor Pinkevich, production moments have close ties with the family. Like the head of the family, everyone loves to learn. Not so long ago, Igor Konstantinovich Pinkevich, whose biography also includes the defense of a dissertation on economics, played a silver wedding. Daughter is an adult, works in the company of his father. And the company not only had sixty percent of the bakery market only in Moscow, but in Tsaritsyno, for example, a residential complex was being built the size of a small city. Everything went well until a certain point.



In August 2017, an unexpected turn took place in the biography of Igor Pinkevich: the bread tycoon was arrested on suspicion of fraud, as well as in deceiving interest holders of this huge residential (no, not yet residential) complex in Tsaritsyno, which his company was building on the territory of a vast several hectares - a bakery.

This project began a very long time ago - ten years have passed, and some buildings were nevertheless erected. They are few. The rest are a huge post-apocalyptic city: high-rise buildings, already beginning to collapse, with empty eye sockets (the nearby Muscovites pulled away almost everything, which can be unscrewed and removed, since the complex stopped construction and the facilities were practically not guarded).



This is how the biography of Igor Pinkevich turned: the photo shows him helpless after a stroke in a hospital bed, with which he was taken first for interrogation, then to court, and then to prison. Somehow it's weird. Typically, entrepreneurs who are even healthy are released under house arrest. And after a stroke, how far Igor Pinkevich will run away? Interest holders in Tsaritsyno will definitely get their apartments. “Sooner or later, ” as Arseny Mesitov, communications adviser at Nastyusha Group put it. The share agreement is protected by law.

LCD "Tsaritsyno-1" has already been partially commissioned, but in "Tsaritsyno-2" - complete ruin. Buildings were already ready for forty percent. An indicative fact: investors are literally rushing in crowds for commitments to complete this problematic long-term construction - too tidbit. And something prevented the addition of such a triumphant fact in the personal biography of Igor Pinkevich. And what exactly prevented it requires clarification.


Reason for the arrest

The family calls the cause of such a sharp turn in the biography of Igor Pinkevich not only the general economic crisis. Delays so significant in the construction of residential complexes were organized through specialized bodies, which systematically delayed the preparation of permits. And there were funds for the construction, but there was no permission for it. Because the construction and got up.

So maybe Igor Pinkevich is not to blame? Just someone liked this wonderful place, adjacent to the magnificent Tsaritsyno park? Is this successful biography of Igor Pinkevich spoiled by the fact of arrest? His parents would probably have condemned his son even more, as absolutely Soviet, romantic people, like all geologists who did not rely on money-grubbing and rich life by their nature. Or maybe not, on the contrary: they looked from a better world and were glad that at least grandchildren had avoided adversity, and here - time! And there is no newfound well-being.

Criminal case

There are no official comments yet from the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but own sources told TASS that a criminal case of fraud has already been opened. Igor Pinkevich is accused of stolen money from citizens-interest holders, and more than six thousand people turned out to be deceived. These citizens made statements to the head of the Investigative Committee in a single rush, too simultaneously for a normal uncontrollable situation. Bastrykin promised to intervene and, in case of confirmation of the facts stated, take appropriate decisions.

Boris Titov from the Union of Entrepreneurs decided to deal with this ugly situation of arrest. According to paragraph 1.1 of Article 108 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, the application of such a measure is limited if the businessman is not hiding from justice. But the businessman was not hiding. It is easy to provoke a stroke, it is impossible to simulate. The disease is severe, it requires strict bed rest with all the “ducks, ” and even more so interrogations! - courts are categorically impossible, unless the task is to bring a person to the grave. These unexpected events replenished the biography of Igor Konstantinovich Pinkevich.


Other investors

Buildings in Tsaritsyno are very interested in the Inteko Group of Companies, which was once sold by Elena Baturina, the wife of the former mayor of the capital, Yuri Luzhkov, to the co-owner of Binbank Mikail Shishkhanov, who owns 95%, that is, almost the entire company. The remaining five percent was bought by Sberbank. After Luzhkov left, construction stalled. Also some kind of completely blurry situation. So far, the consent of the current owner has not been given to replace the investor, but be sure that it will be obtained. As today's students say, "Skip this post."

Igor Konstantinovich Pinkevich, whose biography contains information that he is the owner of three dozen bakeries, flour mills and elevators, and that he owns a huge amount of arable land, was arrested. A sharp turn - and now an extraordinary businessman is accused of banal fraud: he collected sixty billion for construction, and he brought most of them abroad, and spent the rest on other projects. How can this happen to a Soviet officer, albeit a former one? Everyone who knows this businessman well knows that this cannot happen. Despite all the obstacles and difficulties, Pinkevich would certainly have completed these residential complexes in Tsaritsyno.


How it was

The officers of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were not alone, they were supported by special forces from Rosguard, apparently dangerous, and then everything was completely bad in the biography of Igor Pinkevich. Life sometimes turns completely unpredictable. Large-scale searches were carried out in all structures controlled by Igor Pinkevich, that is, in dozens of addresses. Documents were seized even in the apartment of each top manager of Nastyusha Group of Companies. To Pinkevich himself, the police arrived at the hospital and deprived him of droppers.

The initiative group of deceived equity holders is also well aware of the problems that arose with the execution of permits regarding development. They also know that at least three micro-strokes in Pinkevich were already during this process. Police say they acted with the permission of the doctors. Igor Pinkevich was taken to Novoslobodskaya, the tenth investigating department, where a person who suffered a stroke was charged with especially large-scale fraud. And then he was taken to the Tverskoy District Court. Neither the spokeswoman, nor the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs gave press comments.

The heyday of the company

Pinkevich never shone much. For twelve years, he had only one press conference and finger-interviewed interviews. And this despite the fact that in 2005-2006 the company's turnover exceeded eight hundred million dollars. It is noteworthy here that over fifty percent of this business was conducted in Russia, the rest in Kazakhstan and the Baltic states.

And these are more than twenty agricultural enterprises, three hundred eighty thousand hectares of land, sixteen elevators, seven pig farms, five large poultry farms, even an airline of its own. How Pinkevich managed to fend off the press is amazing. In 2009, Nastyusha began to have financial problems, as did everyone. And in 2010, Yuri Luzhkov ceased to be mayor, which was a particularly strong blow for this company.



First, the group of companies experienced a technical, then a real default. Huge losses began to bring agribusiness. But about ten years ago, the Pinkevich spouses gave one of the assets for development when the market grew, refinancing was constant, and money became cheaper every day. MHK (Moscow bakery plant) - the largest of the capital - already belonged to the family.

It was there that Igor and Lyudmila Pinkevichi decided to engage in the construction of residential complexes. These are the same LCDs, one of which at the moment has a completely awesome look, you can shoot about the end of the world without any additional scenery. The MKH was purchased under the renovation program of Moscow industrial zones. Pinkevich then, in the 2000s, paid off all the huge debts of this plant and got the opportunity to build up virtually unused territory.

LCD "Tsaritsyno"

The first residential complex began to be built in 2006. It was supposed as shared construction of fifteen high-rise buildings. Permits were obtained only after three years, but this did not prevent the start of an even larger-scale construction of Tsaritsyno-2.

One building of the first residential complex was delivered late - only in 2013. Now there are seven more built. The rest in the Tsaritsyno-1 residential complex are not surrendered and stolen. In the Tsaritsyno-2 residential complex, empty windows of concrete boxes gap. A terrible sight. Three years ago, construction began to slow down, and this process led to a complete stoppage of work. Counterparties wages were delayed. Interest holders began to complain a little. Banks issuing mortgages filed lawsuits.


To the finale

Everyone hopes that Pinkevich will hand over the unfinished, together with the land, which he has been renting for 49 years, to another developer, who did not have to look for a long time. An arbitration manager was appointed, who intended to resume the construction of these residential complexes.

Pinkevich found a foreign bank with which he agreed to transfer investor obligations, but this agreement was not approved. Now, according to some information set forth in the press, negotiations are underway on the transfer of the Tsaritsyno residential complex to the GVSU Tsentr from Promsvyazbank. The first is a former contractor, and the second is a former creditor of this project. It is very similar to a raider seizure, if you also take into account the export of post-stroke Pinkevich to the courts.