
Actress Tatyana Pileckaya: biography, filmography and personal life. Pileckaya Tatyana Lvovna: creative path

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Actress Tatyana Pileckaya: biography, filmography and personal life. Pileckaya Tatyana Lvovna: creative path
Actress Tatyana Pileckaya: biography, filmography and personal life. Pileckaya Tatyana Lvovna: creative path

Tatyana Pileckaya is one of the brightest and most successful actresses of Soviet cinema: stately, beautiful, with a huge shock of brown hair and gray radiant eyes.

Piletskaya: beautiful and successful!

She has accounted for about 100 theater roles and more than 45 films, including “The Green Carriage”, “Princess Mary”, “Different Fates”, “Silva”, “Farewell to St. Petersburg”. She posed for the artist, and part-time for her godfather Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin. Tatiana remembers well Alexei Tolstoy: loud-voiced and large, who lived next door to her godfather. She was credited with novels with the country's most famous beauties - George Yumatov, Oleg Strizhenov, Alexander Vertinsky.


Tatyana Pileckaya - an actress whose biography looks like a fascinating story, felt real female happiness only after forty years; the period preceding this consisted of a struggle for survival, mental pain and the loss of loved ones.

Life of little Tanyusha

Tatyana Pileckaya, films of which the whole country watched with enthusiasm - the native Petersburger. She was born on July 2, 1928 in a house previously wholly owned by her own grandmother. After the revolution and the “densification” that ensued, the family of the future actress ended up in two small rooms with access to the back staircase, where only the servant used to go. Yesterday's hosts were lucky with neighbors: it was Sergei Eisenstein, whom little Tanya had never seen, and the Vasiliev brothers were masters of the film industry. At that time, the legendary directors could not even guess that Tatyana Piletskaya, an actress, the future star of Soviet cinema, who managed to conquer the Venice Festival with her talent and beauty, lives with them on square meters. It was her that several European film studios would want to see in their paintings, but in the USSR it was not customary to let their artists work abroad. And proposals for cooperation in those days often did not reach the addressees.

Great-great-granddaughter of the famous Ulan-Maiden

The great-great-grandmother of Tatyana Piletskaya, from whom the girl inherited strong character traits, was called Louise Grafemus. This woman was a lancer girl. Her husband fought against Napoleon in the Russian army, and she decided to find him. She left two children at home, changed into a man’s uniform, stood on the side of the Russian army in General Blucher’s corps, was wounded in the neck, then in the leg, lost one arm and went to a boarding school in the rank of ulan’s wahmister. She found her husband, but he was killed before her eyes the next day. The feat of Louise in those days was enthusiastically described by newspapers, and she herself was called the second Nadezhda Durova. Then Tatyana's great-grandmother was able to marry for the third time the printer Johann Kessenich, who gave birth to several more children.

In the 40s of the 19th century, she acquired the “Red Zucchini”, famous for having spent her sleepless night on the eve of her coming to the royal throne, Catherine II. It is this institution that is mentioned in the works of Tynyanov, Lermontov, Pushkin. Louise also had a dance class, a description of which is found in Russian classics.


Perhaps this is mysticism, but Tatyana Lvovna Piletskaya made her debut appearance on the professional stage in the wooden theater of the Izmailovsky Garden, built on the very spot where her great-grandmother's dance class used to be.

At the beginning of Tatyana’s career, there was a cinema, with which she eventually parted and went to work in the theater. Usually the opposite happens. Her godfather advised Tatiana to go to a choreographic school, but war prevented her from becoming a real dancer.

Pileckaya Tatyana Lvovna: biography of wartime

During the war, in 1941, their school from Leningrad was sent to evacuation near Perm; conditions were very difficult there, but a thousand times better than in the besieged city. Tatyana, along with other students, was starving, but most of all at that time she was tormented by the fate of the relatives and friends left.


After returning, the girl found out that her grandmother died of starvation, her brother died at the front, there was nothing left of the house. Due to German descent, his father, Lev Ludwigovich Urlaub, who was serving his sentence in Krasnoturinsk, was repressed. He was released only in 1958.

In this world, they were only two: Tatyana and her mother. All this grief left its mark on the emotional and emotional state of the girl who decided that she could no longer be a ballerina. After graduating from a choreographic school in 1945, Tatyana Pileckaya, whose biography is firmly connected with the theater stage, began studying in the studio at the Gorky Bolshoi Drama Theater, some time later became an artist of the Musical Comedy Theater, and not without the help of Korolkevich Anatoly Viktorovich, a wonderful actor, enough often invited to shoot in episodic roles.

Pirogov is a successful start for a young actress

Further, fate brought Tatyana with Kozintsev Grigory Mikhailovich - Soviet filmmaker. For Piletskaya it was an incredible success, a kind of push into the world of the film industry. Tatyana starred in the movie "Pies." Initially, she was allocated a tiny episode related to riding a horse. But Kozintsev at that time was in search of an actress for the role of Dasha Sevastopol. Perhaps a young age, beauty, the absolute naivety of the girl prompted him to try Pileckaya in this role. This was the first significant role in the film career of a successful actress.


Inexperienced and naive, she was on the same set with such masters of acting as Konstantin Skorobogatov, Olga Lebzak, Alexey Dikiy, Vladimir Chestnokov. Tatyana was not able to attend the premiere of the film, she left with her first husband at his place of service. Later, on her return, she congratulated Kozintsev on a successful premiere, and he gave her a stroller for a newborn baby.

Acquaintance with Vertinsky himself!

Among the fans of Tatiana, of whom there were a large number, Alexander Vertinsky attracted special attention. Not distinguished by special beauty, incredibly tall and elegant, he made a stunning impression on women. The public received him with a bang.


Tatyana met him at one of the concerts with the light hand of her mother’s girlfriend, after which Vertinsky often began to invite her to his performances. Sometimes she went to restaurants with him and even tried the first time julienne, from whom she was absolutely delighted. Pileckaya Tatyana Lvovna, whose biography has both ups and downs, owes him the role of Vera in the film “Princess Mary”, starring in the work of Lermontov's “Hero of Our Time”. Vertinsky handed the photos of Tanya to the director Annensky, and after long meetings of the artistic council she was approved for the role. After that, with a light hand of Vertinsky, Tatyana had several more good works: “Oleko Dundich”, “Case No. 306”, “Bride” and, of course, “Different Fates” - a film by Leonid Lukov, which made the actress popular.

"Different Fates" - a key film of Piletskaya

In this film, Pileckaya played the role of a kind of bitch and rejected the love of a positive protagonist. The playable image of Tatyana Ogneva seemed so plausible to the directors that they transferred the screen bitchiness of the heroine to the real Tatyana Piletskaya, so many roles flowed simply past her - women with an “evil look”. Tatyana also received her portion of dissatisfaction from the audience who wrote to her from all over the country.


Men especially criticized Piletskaya, indignant at how it was so unfair and mean to act with an honest guy. Tatyana only warmed her soul: it means that the role was played truthfully, since people believed in it. Although letters to the actress came with other offers: either with an offer to get married, then with a request to borrow money. She read all of them and kept them to one.

Demanded! Loved it!

Actress of the Leningrad Theater. Lenin Komsomol (now the “Baltic House”) Piletskaya Tatyana Lvovna came from 1962 to 1990, the next 5 years she worked in the St. Petersburg Drama Theater. In 1996, she returned to the Baltic House, where she works to this day. In parallel, Tatyana Pileckaya plays in the "Shelter of Comedians" - the entreprise theater. He is the author of the books “Silver Threads”, “Crystal Rains”, “Yes, everyone has different fates, or Biographical Sketches”.

Tatyana Pileckaya: personal life

In Tatyana’s personal life, everything was not going smoothly either. With her first husband - a military officer - she divorced due to the fact that they turned out to be completely different people who were rarely seen at home due to the employment of both. The second husband was Vyacheslav Timoshin - artist of the operetta theater. He also did not work out due to excessive spouse jealousy.


For the third time, Tatyana Pileckaya, whose personal life finally became happy and calm, married Boris Ageshin, a classical pantomime artist who worked in the Druzhba ensemble with Edita Piekha and Bronevitsky. Together, the couple has been more than 4 decades old. The husband is 12 years younger than her, and the acquaintance took place with the light hand of a familiar gypsy. She herself brought him to Tatyana’s house, whispering in her ear that this man was her fate.