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Aerobatics with titles

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Aerobatics with titles
Aerobatics with titles

Video: Intro to Aerobatics with Patty Wagstaff 2024, July

Video: Intro to Aerobatics with Patty Wagstaff 2024, July

Aerobatics at all times were performed by cadets of military schools and experienced pilots during a serious air battle with the enemy. Currently, flying equipment is being modernized and is almost completely automatically controlled, and therefore air maneuvers are mainly used for competitions, holiday shows and training of future pilots.

The difference in aerobatics

Maneuvering an aircraft in which enemy manpower is struck is called aerobatics. The aerobatics are called the movement of the apparatus along a specially designated path, canceled from horizontal.

There are several types of maneuvering: simple, complex and higher. By the number of participating vessels - single and group.

Simple figures include:

  • turn;
  • U-turn
  • slide;
  • spiral;
  • simple dive (with an angle of up to 45 degrees);
  • horizontal figure eight.


Complex aerobatics include:

  • turns at an unfolded angle;
  • "Dead loop";
  • dive;
  • coup;
  • Ranversman;
  • "Corkscrew";
  • "Simple barrel";
  • vertical flip.

Aerobatics include various complex figures and combinations, for example:

  • Cobra
  • "Bell";
  • The Frolov Chakra.

Important! All figures "move" to other groups as the aircraft technology improves.

Basic combat maneuvers


Such maneuvers include:

  1. Dive. The latter is used in cases where it is necessary to break away from the enemy or gain speed. During execution, the pilot sharply reduces the flight altitude at an acute angle, using only the elevator.
  2. Combat reversal. Used to quickly change the direction of the aircraft (180 degrees) and climb.
  3. Turn. When performing this maneuver, the apparatus rotates 360 degrees on a horizontal plane at a constant speed (engine power is used at full speed).
  4. A simple figure eight is performed by the pilot on a horizontal plane and is a closed path without displacement in height.
  5. The spiral is designed to change the height (climb or lower) along a special path. It is important to adhere to special angles of attack.

Most popular shapes

The most popular aerobatics are:

  1. "Cobra Pugachev". During the execution of this maneuver, the aircraft stretches its bow up to 180 degrees and again returns to its original position. This figure is not used for combat, but is intended for competitions and shows. At the same time, the Cobra is designed to evade the enemy and homing missiles.
  2. "Corkscrew". One of the most dangerous figures, which is prohibited in many countries, is performed by reducing the height of the vessel along a special path - spirals. The most difficult part is to exit the loop.
  3. The basic and popular figure is Immelman. The combat maneuver is also called the Half Barrels. It is performed to quickly climb and change the position of the vessel. The figure allows you to easily overtake an enemy aircraft.
  4. Popular in the countries of the former USSR is considered the "Frolova Chakra". The plane performs a dead loop aerobatics, only around the tail. She is one of the youngest and is used only in demonstration performances. Until today, the Chakra has not been used in battles. The figure is also designed to check the aerodynamic parameters of a new generation aircraft.
  5. Convert It is used for quick climb. When performing such a maneuver, it is important to take into account the technical parameters of the vessel and the optimal angle of flight.

Doing Barrels

Aerobatics of this type (Quarter-, Three-Quarter- and "Half-Barrel") are the most common aerial maneuvers in conducting various shows and competitions. The implementation of the figure consists in fixing the aircraft at certain intervals of height and at various angles (45 and 90 degrees).

Testing of fixation is carried out through 45 degrees in horizontal flight. Having gained the necessary altitude (1-1.2 km), the ship is set to horizontal flight mode. The speed is 210-220 km / h. Predefined landmarks are used to determine fixation sites. The control sets the pitch angle of 10-15 degrees, and this position is fixed. Next, the pilot creates a roll at 45 degrees and again fixes the position. After that, the roll is removed. It is very important to remember the position of the vessel relative to the horizon.


During the maneuver, the apparatus tends to turn towards the roll. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the stable position of the bow of the aircraft.

After 3-4 swings in different directions, the plane turns 180 degrees and performs the same maneuvers in the other direction.

Performing aerobatics Dead Loop

"Nesterov's Loop" is considered one of the most complex figures. The second name is Dead Loop. This name was given to the maneuver due to the fact that the project was not implemented for a long time, but existed only on paper. It was first performed by the pilot Nesterov, after which the name changed. The maneuver is a figure of a vicious circle. Prior to the maneuver, the vessel gains speed up to 450 km / h. After passing 3 points the speed drops to 340-360 km / h. Entry and exit from the ring are made at an acute angle.


The execution is considered correct when all the points of the trajectory are in the same vertical plane. All cadets of flying and military educational institutions study the maneuver “Loops of Nesterov” and other aerobatics with names.

Shape Assignment

Each of the maneuvers has a combat mission.


For instance:

  1. "Bell". The figure, in which the ship rises with its bow up at zero speed and capsizes down, is designed to hide the fighter from homing missiles.
  2. Hammerhead A maneuver in which the device rises into the air in a vertical position, is fixed in a certain place and the bow is sent to the ground, performed only in demonstrations. The thing is that a hovering plane is an ideal target for the enemy.
  3. Ranversman also refers to aerobatics. The vessel gains height at a constant angle. It is used to attack enemy ships and return combat. The maneuver allows you to quickly change flight direction without losing altitude.