
What is a financial system? Concept, structure

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What is a financial system? Concept, structure
What is a financial system? Concept, structure

Video: Financial System & Its Components 2024, July

Video: Financial System & Its Components 2024, July

An important attribute of any modern state is the financial system. This is the same norm as institutions (schools, hospitals), the army, and the government. It is difficult to imagine how the state will function without all this. In this regard, the question is urgent for those who want to understand: what is the financial system? What is this? What is its structure? How does the financial system of the Russian Federation work? All these questions will be addressed in the framework of this article.

general information

First of all, you need to understand the terminology. The financial system is the totality of all relations that encompass the formation and subsequent use of primary, derivative and final cash flows. If viewed from the point of view of the structure, then it can be defined as the union of spheres, links and institutions that indirectly contribute to the formation and use of income. At the same time, financial policy plays an important role.

It represents a certain set of decisions that are made by subjects of the economy in obtaining and using income. When talking about financial policy, they usually mean government influence. This can be felt throughout the country or only by individual local authorities. But one should not forget about financial policies on the part of business entities, such as enterprises, firms, corporations. After all, every element of the system affects it. The question is only how strong. One thing is a company for the manufacture of furniture in the village per thousand people. And quite another - a huge corporation, in which one hundred thousand people work.

But, perhaps, the government and the decisions it makes are most tangibly affecting the entire system. Thanks to his skillful or inept actions, a country can flourish or sink into poverty. After all, the government can determine the tax and bureaucratic burden, the convenience of using various tools (for example, investing in bonds and stocks) and much more.

What does the structure of the financial system look like?


Consider the example of the Russian Federation. Conventionally, four levels can be distinguished. For ease of understanding, let's imagine that we have before us a hierarchical pyramid. At the very top there is only one element - the financial system. She occupies the entire first level. The second one is the finances of power structures and independent economic entities. Each of these elements is divided into different components. So, to the independent economic entities include the finances of enterprises, non-profit organizations and the population. At this third level, the pyramid is limited. The finances of power structures are formed from a system of budgets and funds. They occupy the third level. What applies to them? These are state and local budgets, as well as pension, insurance and other funds. This is the fourth level.

But if we talk about how the financial system of Russia is built, then all this will not be enough. It is necessary to consider the finances of power structures in more detail. Given the existing realities, it will be more appropriate to highlight 3 elements of the third level. Namely, finances are federal, regional and local. At the same time, the fourth level will also be rebuilt. In this case, the federal budget will include the country's budget, various funds operating throughout the Russian Federation, loans issued (for example, to other countries), funds of state enterprises. It lists what is managed at the highest level.

Then comes the regional finance. What are they? These are regional budgets and funds that provide loans and funds to subordinate state enterprises to internal entities. And local governments close the list. Their finances are represented by municipal budgets and funds, loans and funds of subordinate enterprises issued by territorial entities.

About relationship


Of course, the information is far from complete. You can also consider in detail the pension fund, social and health insurance. But then it will turn out not an article, but a book. Therefore, let's better concentrate on the relationships from which the links of the financial system are formed. But initially a bit of history. Public finance began to form at the dawn of the emergence of political entities. A little earlier they established relationships between households. Commercial links fully took shape only in the Middle Ages. Although trade has flourished since antiquity, but institutions that would purposefully work with money as they are now, appeared literally half a millennium ago. All the relations that take place go between the state, private enterprises, households and financial markets. Those who have studied political economics are familiar with this scheme. But there is a fifth element - financial institutions. What functions are performed by these tight weaves? Here is a short list:

  1. Distribution function. Conducting primary and secondary dividing the gross national product.
  2. Regulatory function. Used to stimulate or limit economic growth.
  3. Control function. It manifests itself in the form of the influence of financial institutions on the distribution of resources.

That is, literally take into account all the relationships that exist. Some of them may not be registered, but nevertheless they are. Now let's look in more detail what constitutes a financial system. This will allow you to delve into all the nuances and understand how the individual components function.

Public finance

Their design took place at the dawn of mankind. The state financial system has undergone many changes. Initially, she used barter - the ruler had to pay a certain amount of products, raw materials, resources, products, provide supplies for the troops. Also, valuable metals and jewelry made of them were used for these purposes. It should be noted that earlier they were understood as slightly different compounds than now. So, when the pyramids were built, bronze was considered valuable. Not only jewelry was made from it, but also a weapon that was progressive by that time standards. Everything changed when the ancient state began to issue a unified means of payment - coins. For their minting, metals already more familiar to us were used, such as gold and silver. Although the use of copper was common for small coins.

The next stage of evolution was reached at the moment when paper money appeared. They were very different from the then usual coins, and they were almost ruined by the unsuccessful manipulations of financial tycoons. But, nevertheless, gradually paper money began to fill the space of settlements. Although then one of their unpleasant properties was discovered - inflation. And to this day, they are actively criticized for their exposure to depreciation. Although the state is much easier to work with them.

And the next stage of evolutionary development is the so-called electronic money. Now, all calculations are carried out using information technology, which can significantly simplify and speed them up.

About the market


It should be noted that the financial and economic system is designed in such a way that its components are quite intertwined, and clearly attributing something to one may be problematic. Take, for example, a state loan. It displays temporarily attracted free cash from the government to ensure recurring expenses. It is based on the principle of voluntariness and offers the use of loans and the issue of securities. And they are being implemented just in the financial market! But this is only part of it.

You can recall the stock market, which provides the movement of capital in the industry, where there is a high level of income, mobilizing and effectively using temporarily free cash. It is built on the principle of selling specific financial assets, which are securities.

And there are investment, insurance, state, pension funds. And sometimes they can be combined. Government finances and market funds are very centralized. The market is rather tightly regulated by the controlling structures, such as the Securities Commission, the Central Bank and many others. They are necessary in order to avoid and suppress cases of fraud and abuse of their position by the participants.

About decentralized finance

These include cash held by commercial enterprises, intermediaries, non-profit organizations and households. How is the organization of the financial system under such decentralization? Let's look at each object individually:

  1. Household finance. This is an economic relationship that occurs with real cash flow at the individual family level. They are the material basis for people's lives and suggest the presence of control over income and expenses for one cell of society.
  2. Finance non-profit organizations. This includes charitable and social organizations that work to solve certain important problems.
  3. Finance intermediaries. They include credit and insurance organizations, private pension and investment funds, as well as all other institutions that are used as flows for the entire system.
  4. Business finance. They are engaged in the maintenance of material production and the creation of gross domestic product, as well as its redistribution. Moreover, the financial system of an enterprise can have many components. Thus, it structurally resembles a global one, only on a much smaller scale.

About legal support


But how does this big machine work? The financial system of the Russian Federation is built on the principle of benefits, which is regulated and limited by law. A legal norm is necessary to unify and standardize relations, as well as to prevent the emergence of critical situations at various levels. And specifically for this purpose, a system of financial law was developed. It allows you to adjust all ongoing processes. Also, legislation and regulatory mechanisms help to avoid destabilizing the situation and causing losses. They work with the fundamental principles of the device. Correct, adequate and effective organization of the financial system at the legislative and regulatory level allows you to avoid many potential problems and crisis situations. In addition, the activities of individual elements (for example, enterprises) can be influenced by individual structures (local authorities), providing land, bringing infrastructure and so on.

About the manual


How is financial system management structured? In the Russian Federation, this is being done by:

  1. Ministry of Finance.
  2. Federal Treasury.
  3. Accounts Chamber.
  4. State Tax Service.
  5. Central bank.

Each of these structures does a specific job of maintaining the entire system. Central to it is the Ministry of Finance. The functions of the federal treasury complement it. The Accounts Chamber monitors their work, as well as the functional suitability of the entire financial system and provides data to the country's highest legislative body, the State Duma. She is the controller of the performers. The state tax service monitors the payment of taxes, administers them and implements the country's budget. The Central Bank is entrusted with the regulation of the work of commercial financial institutions. Together, they provide operational management. It is the most famous. But, besides this, there is still general management. It is entrusted to the State Duma, the government and the President. How is the management process implemented in practice? In our case, it is:

  1. Forecasting and subsequent planning. It includes a rationale for the sources of formation of finance, as well as directions for their use.
  2. The implementation of the plans and developed programs by ensuring the timely and full mobilization of financial resources, their rational spending and obtaining positive results.
  3. The implementation of current and subsequent monitoring of compliance with legislative standards, as well as the effectiveness of decisions made and then implemented.

A few words about intermediaries


It is necessary to mention the work of such structures as banks, pension and investment funds and a number of other similar organizations. What is their role? They were created to ensure the concentration of free money in the system with subsequent transfer on special conditions to those who need them. Let's look at an example.

Hundreds of people under the pillow accumulated ten thousand rubles. They bring them to the bank and open a deposit guaranteeing ten percent per annum. At the same time, there is an entrepreneur who has calculated that if he expands his business, he can significantly increase income. For example, with an investment of one million rubles, he received four hundred thousand profits in a year, that is, forty percent. But there is one problem - he does not have free money. In this case, he turns to the bank, which provides him with the entire necessary amount at twenty percent per annum.

As a result, all the free money went into business and made a profit. The economy is working, increasing volumes, in a word - developing. But if there were no intermediaries, then you would have to independently search for individuals who have savings and negotiate with them.