
Sri Lanka Fruit by Season

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Sri Lanka Fruit by Season
Sri Lanka Fruit by Season

Video: Sri Lankan Fruits | Tropical and Wild Fruits of Sri Lanka. 2024, June

Video: Sri Lankan Fruits | Tropical and Wild Fruits of Sri Lanka. 2024, June

Tourists rush to the paradise islands for a relaxing vacation and new experiences that many of the travelers receive from tasting various dishes. Despite the gastronomic spoilage of modern man, many corners on our planet can still surprise him with the extraordinary taste of dishes of national cuisine. One such place is the island of Sri Lanka.

The pearl of the Indian Ocean

Sri Lanka is not as well known to Russian tourists as the resorts of Turkey or Vietnam. But those who managed to spend several days on the shores of the Indian Ocean tend to return here again. And there is a simple explanation for this: Sri Lanka is simply an unforgettable island in every sense of the word.

You can relax on the island all year round. There is always warm and comfortable weather. The number of sunny days exceeds three hundred and fifty, and the average monthly temperature is about thirty degrees above zero. These characteristics make the island a desirable place to relax in the winter season, when frost and slush reign in our country.


Such an amazing climate provided the island with lush vegetation. Almost every centimeter of the earth grows a lot of plants and flowers. Harvest on the island can be harvested several times a year, and the fruits of Sri Lanka are a separate topic for discussion. After all, such a diversity as here, you will not find anywhere else in the world.

Features of the daily diet of the Sri Lankans

The national cuisine of the island inhabitants consists mainly of seafood and vegetables. A large percentage in the daily diet are fruits of Sri Lanka. They are added to almost all dishes. For example, coconut milk is used in hot dishes, snacks and desserts. On its basis, soft and alcoholic drinks are prepared.

Almost every resident of the island has his own recipe for the preparation of cashew alcohol. Yes, yes, the very cashew, the seeds of which we are happy to buy in stores and find a delicious delicacy. Among the local population, this fruit is very popular, but its seeds are rarely consumed by Sri Lankans. Want to know what kind of fruits grow on about. Sri Lanka? We will be happy to tell you this secret.


What fruits in Sri Lanka grow in abundance?

It is difficult for an inexperienced reader to imagine what kind of fruit variety Sri Lanka will meet. The tropical climate of the island has become ideal for all types of plants and fruits that are only known to man. Perhaps, on the plantations of local residents, you can not find only apples. They do not take root in a humid island climate, but this does not upset the Sri Lankans, who offer tourists an extensive list of delicacies that grow in abundance on hospitable land in the Indian Ocean.

Many fruits that a tourist will meet in local markets will be familiar to him. Locals grow surprisingly delicious bananas, pineapples and watermelons. Mango, papaya and coconut grow on the island almost all year round, their taste is also no longer something surprising for Russians. But here exotic fruits of Sri Lanka, such as jackfruit or sapodilla, not every traveler will decide to buy without preliminary study. But believe me: in this heavenly place tasteless fruits simply do not meet. During the vacation you need to try to try almost all of them. Only then about the rest can it be said that he was a success.

The most unusual fruits growing on the island

Exotic attracts many tourists, this applies to unfamiliar food. But the fruits of Sri Lanka, whose photos and names are not very common, should be tried with great care. Some of them are very nutritious and can compete with desserts based on mascarpone cheese in calories.

What fruits in Sri Lanka are the most exotic tastes of the average Russian? Perhaps this category includes three amazing fruits, which I want to talk about in more detail.

Jackfruit - gift of the gods to the inhabitants of Sri Lanka

Quite often it is called a bread tree, but you guessed it has absolutely nothing to do with baking. Locals have been growing this fruit for hundreds of years, they really appreciate it for its nutritional value and high yield. In one season, more than two hundred fruits are removed from the tree. And the height of the trees often exceeds twenty meters.

One fruit is able to feed a whole family for more than seven days, because the average weight of this exotic gift of nature is about twenty-five kilograms. Absolutely all parts of jackfruit are eaten. The core can be eaten raw, and when boiled, it goes well with rice and spices. From the leaves, local women make a wonderful salad, which is definitely worth a vacation to the island. Even the peel of the fruit goes into business - delicious candied fruits are made from it.

You can buy jackfruit at any store on the island. The main thing is not to choose too fragrant fruit, such a fruit is no longer suitable for food.


Zapodilla - an emigrant from South America

Zapodilla is headed by numerous fruits of Sri Lanka, photos of which tourists have not met in ordinary life. This delicious fruit was accidentally brought to the island from South America. Since then, Sri Lankans began to actively grow sapodilla, which has become the most favorite dessert for young children. The special sweetness of the fruit, which kids love so much, is not its only merit. Sapodilla is rich in vitamin A and calcium, which is very good for health. In addition, wood is ideal for carving. Tourists often bring home crafts from local craftsmen. Tree sap is used in the production of chewing gum due to its latex content.

It is worth noting that sapodilla is a very fruitful fruit. During the season he brings several thousand fruits. This also significantly increases its popularity among the islanders.


Exotic mangosteen: the taste of grapes and peach in one fruit

Mangosteen is found not only in Sri Lanka. It is quite common in other places with a tropical climate. Attracts fruit with its delicate flavor with a delicate aroma. Tourists believe that the taste of mangosteen resembles a combination of red grapes and peach. It grows very quickly and requires virtually no maintenance. Therefore, in many places in Sri Lanka, it grows randomly and is a wild fruit.

Sri Lanka Fruits by Season

If you are going on vacation to Sri Lanka, then it will be useful to find out what kind of fruits will be in abundance during this period. Naturally, the fruits of Sri Lanka are also subject to the rule of seasonality.

The most unfortunate for a fruit lover will be the winter period. From January to May, most fruits are just starting to ripen, and tourists will have to do with common bananas and coconuts.


From May to September, a gastronomic paradise begins for vacationers. In the markets you can find all the famous types of fruits that grow on the island. Prices are falling, and it will be difficult for tourists to resist, so as not to try the entire assortment of the presented fruit variety.

In the fall months, the markets and stores of the island of fruit become much smaller. But tourists practically do not notice this, because what is on the shelves is enough for a real belly celebration.

It is best to try fruit in Sri Lanka in December. During this period, the island is harvesting a second crop and the choice of delicacies is very large. In addition, prices per kilogram of delicious fruit in this season are much lower than in other seasons.

How to choose fruits by month?

It so happens that vacationers try fruit and do not share the enthusiasm of those who have previously been to Sri Lanka. The fact is that for some fruits certain months are suitable when the Sri Lankans harvest a fresh crop. In other months, the preserved fruit may lose its properties and taste. For example, sapodilla is stored only a few weeks. Therefore, the country does not export this delicious fruit.

How to choose Sri Lanka fruits by month? Very simple. The main thing is to remember a simple rule. Coconut, bananas, papaya, lime, cantaloupe and avocado are always on sale on the island. An impressive list, right? For many tourists, this abundance is already quite enough.


But those who wish to indulge in exoticism should come to Sri Lanka in May. Jackfruit, cashews, sapodilla and ambarella are ripening at this time. In May, strawberries, pineapple and lychee are very tasty.

In December, you can enjoy all of the above fruits, but the most desperate gourmets will get a chance to get acquainted with the new harvest of the most ambiguous fruit on the island, which is rightly called the king.

King of Fruits - Durian

December is the best month to decide to meet the king of fruits. Almost all people on the globe have heard about durian. And all of them can be divided into those who tried durian, and those who can not dare to do this thing. The caustic and strong aroma of the fruit can almost knock down, so it is forbidden to bring it to public places in all countries where durian is grown.

But locals make legends about its benefits and indescribable taste. It is best to make your own opinion about durian, but everyone notes that its taste is identical to a mixture of flavored cheese, onions, garlic and sugar. The skin of ripe fruit is always soft and easily cut with a knife, and the pulp of the fruit is eaten completely, without residue.


Usually, the weight of durian is about two kilograms, it is impossible to eat it alone. Therefore, having bought the fruit king, share it with friends and relatives.