
Gafur Rakhimov: biography and photos

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Gafur Rakhimov: biography and photos
Gafur Rakhimov: biography and photos

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He was wanted by the US Treasury, he was wanted in his native Uzbekistan, and the Russian Interior Ministry claims that he is the leader of the organized crime group. Who is Gafur Rakhimov really and how did he become a criminal authority? Is it true that he used to sell pies and was able to get rich this way?


Gafur Arslanbek Akhmedovich Rakhimov was born on July 22, 1951 in Tashkent. From the age of seven he was actively engaged in boxing at a sports boarding school. In 1968 he served in the ranks of the Soviet Army. Then followed several years of study at the Leningrad Economic Institute. Received an engineering degree. In 1975, he began working at the Ministry of Commerce, where he was considered a good specialist. At the same time, he held the position of coach at CSO Dynamo. Interest in sports has not waned over the years, and since 1990 our hero has been a member of the Boxing Federation of Uzbekistan. He also advises the national team before performing at world competitions. In 1993 he became vice president of the Federation. Since 1999 - Vice President of the Olympic Council of Asia.


Other side of life

Also, the biography of Gafur Rakhimov contains dark pages. He began his entrepreneurial activity with the sale of samsa in his native city. For this he was given the nickname Pie. However, he quickly realized that you won’t get rich in this way, and began to gather people around him. He gave preference to athletes and people who had a criminal past. So over time, he put together a good group and began to engage in serious "business". Such a quick rise of the young Uzbek liked Grandfather Hassan, and he introduced Gafur Rakhimov to an authoritative circle of people. The nickname Pie was quickly forgotten, and he began to be called Gafur the Black. In confirmation of the close relationship with Hassan, there is a photo where they pose in the house of the newly-appointed protege.

Under the wing of the president

The mid-90s brought Gafur Rakhimov real wealth. At this time, he is considered the second most important person in the republic, and all important issues are resolved with his direct participation. The FSB begins to collect files on it and finds a lot of interesting information. It turns out that the businessman not only controls the cotton processing plants in Uzbekistan, but also buys illegal cotton from Tajikistan in large quantities. In addition, it has great connections in Europe, where it supplies the very illegal products. He has already acquired a huge mansion where he regularly holds tennis tournaments. Thieves in law come to visit his house.


The Ministry of Internal Affairs has its own operational archives. Judging by them, Gafur Arslanbek Akhmedovich Rakhimov for a long time was engaged in the supply of drugs to Moscow and St. Petersburg. For safe transportation, an effective scheme was used - heroin was hidden in cotton, which was supposed to follow in Ivanovo. It is worth highlighting that there is information that the son of a very high-ranking Russian official was put on a needle with a light hand of Gafur Cherny. This was done in order to blackmail the deputy prime minister and make him his puppet. Yeltsin was told about the circumstances of such a high-profile case, but he ordered everyone who was initiated into these details to be silent.

Uzbek drug lord

Foreign intelligence agencies became interested in Rakhimov when he began business with Abdurashid Dostum. The Afghan man at that time controlled the entire north of the country, where there were endless poppy fields. After the Taliban dealt a decisive blow to his troops, he left his homeland and fled to Tashkent.

Then Rakhimov was spotted aboard a yacht with Ricardo Fancini. This man has long been known to the security services, as he had connections with the KGB. For the first time in the dashing 90s, along with Jap, he brought into the country vodka in bottles, which according to the documents passed as mineral water. A little later there was a grand oil scam. Black gold went to Kaliningrad for sale, but instead it was sent to Estonia. This fraud on an especially large scale allowed all participants to become millionaires and buy luxurious mansions in expensive resorts. Fancini is currently in prison. He was given a long term for organizing drug trafficking. These people are on Rakhimov's list of friends.


First troubles

European print media finally drew attention to the Uzbek drug lord and began to print articles listing his "sins." France was the first to respond to press statements and deprived Rakhimov of a visa. The Uzbek was deported urgently to his native land. The next blow was the refusal of the Sydney authorities to allow him to the Olympics. For a lover of sports and all kinds of competitions, this has become rather unpleasant news. Then there was a stupid oversight - a photograph appeared in the media, which captures the distinguished guests at the birthday party of Zakhari Kalashov. A group of crime bosses could impress anyone. In the photo, Gafur Rakhimov was standing next to Grandfather Hassan and he paternally hugged his friend.


Non-affectionate homeland

Gafur’s houses were in even greater trouble. Friendship with the president cracked after the businessman refused to share the profit from the bank with his daughter. The man immediately lost all posts, and tax officers began to hunt him. All goods were stopped at customs, and tens of millions of dollars hung in the air. Uzbekistan decided to show the West how it fights against drug lords. Rakhimov was the best suited for the role of a bandit, who was taken by the throat and blocked all access to oxygen. The man had to hastily leave his homeland. All his shares in enterprises were urgently transferred to relatives and the president’s circle. A criminal case was opened on Rakhimov himself and put on the wanted list.

Fair vote

In June 2006, the whole world recognized the names of three cities claiming to host the Olympics in 2014. Representatives of the Olympic Committees were to determine by voting where the sporting events would take place. What role did Rakhimov play in this? At that time, he was still vice president of the Olympic Council of Asia and could radically change the balance of power in this difficult struggle. Talking with representatives of Russia, he puts forward several conditions for them. First of all, he demands that his longtime friend receive a grant for the construction of Olympic facilities in Sochi. Secondly, he really likes the Yakut diamonds, and he is not averse to taking part in their mining. As a result, the advantage in the direction of Sochi was only 4 votes, and 5 votes from the Asian Committee played an important role in this. In his interview, Leonid Tyagachev did not hide this fact, and this can be considered a confirmation of the agreement with Rakhimov. He warmly thanked his Asian assistant for the help.


By the way, about the Yakut diamonds: at the moment, Gafur Rakhimov and his wife own a network of jewelry stores. High-ranking officials and thieves in law come to his house on a private visit. Only now he does not live in Uzbekistan, but in Dubai. A chic resort town, an expensive mansion and a profitable business - it seems that the authority knows how to settle down anywhere. He acquired diplomatic immunity and is actively involved in the sports life of Russia. The Children of Asia project is fully sponsored by Rakhimov.

Take and share

One of the versions of the “dislike” of the President of Uzbekistan to his criminal friend was the statement of Rakhimov about his intention to obtain Russian citizenship. It is at this moment that he begins to “squeeze” all the enterprises and removes his former friend from all posts. There have been publications in reputable publications on tax evasion and the organization of criminal activity. Rakhimov is blocked by all sources of income, and only by a miracle he manages to leave the country on time. All movable and immovable property was seized, as it was acquired with money acquired illegally. To whom all the good of Rakhimov has gone is unknown.

Unfinished conflict

It might seem that friction with the ruling family began recently, but in fact, from 2010 Gafur Rakhimov did not even plan to return to Tashkent. He had enough of persecution, and the new house in the UAE was quite suitable for him. But soon he had to remember his true nature. Barack Obama has provided a list of his name. Strict sanctions were imposed against Rakhimov and six other criminal authorities. Moreover, he was dubbed on this list “one of the leaders of Uzbek crime.” He was charged with the production of narcotic substances and their further distribution. These sanctions put a ban on any activity of a businessman with American enterprises.


After such actions on the part of the United States, Rakhimov lost all remaining posts in the world of sports. This was a logical move on the part of the leaders of the Asian states - the person who lived in Dubai cannot manage organizations in Asia. It seems that Karimov contributed to this decision. The president still could not let go of his former comrade and avenged him in every possible way.

Contribution to the development of the state

In 1990, a new company called “Agroplus” appeared in Uzbekistan. She is engaged in export and import. General Director - Gafur Rakhimov. A year after the collapse of the USSR, this enterprise will become one of the few that will begin to supply products to the republic. For almost three decades, the company has been a leader among all importers. After the conflict with the president, the company changed hands.


Rakhimov received a tangible part of his income from the oil and gas industry. Zeromax was engaged in the supply of equipment for Uzbek companies and received payments for this with natural products. Things were going well, and it soon became clear that this was a gold mine. But it became clear not only to Rakhimov, but also to the president’s daughter. She offered her patronage in exchange for part of the profit or partnership. The businessman politely refused, and soon realized that they were beginning to put pressure on him. As a result, he had to say goodbye to the enterprise.

“Zeromax” became the first swallow, but in those years Gafur still believed in his integrity. He was really left alone for several years. However, when he decided to purchase a bank for his commercial purposes, it turned out that the president’s same daughter had long had views on him. Another conflict ended in disgrace of Rakhimov. Twice Gulnara Karimova got in his way, and the next meeting brought very big problems. Despite his regalia and positions, a businessman becomes a mouse in the hands of a high-ranking cat. It is not known where Gafur Rakhimov would have lived today and how his financial affairs would have evolved had it not been for these two refusals. By the way, Gulnara herself has the nickname “Uzbek villain” in Europe, and many criminal cases have been instituted against her in many countries, thanks to Interpol.


Professional criminal

There are rumors that the Uzbek authority bought the status of a thief in law. He never was in prison and was not even convicted of any act. Opinions were divided, and some believe that he never had such a title. He was always considered a criminal authority, but nothing more. Nobody can challenge his connection with real thieves in law. If this society accepted it, then it can be assumed that it still has some influence.