
Where you can swim with dolphins in Moscow: overview, description, addresses and reviews

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Where you can swim with dolphins in Moscow: overview, description, addresses and reviews
Where you can swim with dolphins in Moscow: overview, description, addresses and reviews

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Many people know what kind of smart and friendly animals dolphins are. Therefore, dolphinariums have become a very popular attraction in recent years. One of the services that some of these establishments provide is swimming with dolphins. This entertainment gives an unforgettable experience, and is also good for human health and psyche. Therefore, many guests of the capital are often interested in where you can swim with dolphins in Moscow. Unfortunately, at the moment there are few places where this is possible. Moreover, this service has become expensive and not accessible to everyone.

Why do people tend to swim with dolphins

In Moscow, this service is not as widespread as in the southern resort cities. But more and more people are already finding out how useful this is. After communicating with dolphins, one's well-being improves, a cheerfulness charge appears and one's mood improves. These benevolent funny animals love to play, they are direct and smart. Researches by scientists have proved that dolphins are closer to humans in terms of intelligence: they distinguish colors, geometric shapes, and can draw. They are curious and kind. Therefore, for many years people have been using dolphin therapy to treat many psychological abnormalities, diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system.


Swimming with dolphins is especially useful for children with autism, cerebral palsy, and developmental delays. But such a bathing will also bring a lot of new impressions and emotions to a healthy person. Therefore, one can increasingly hear the question: where can you swim with dolphins in Moscow? People want to relax and rest, a ticket to visit the dolphinarium is often given for the holidays.

Rules for swimming with dolphins

Previously, such a service could only be obtained in the southern resort cities. But in recent years, swimming with dolphins in Moscow has become available. Bathing takes place in special indoor pools and requires compliance with certain rules:

  • a person who is allowed to swim with dolphins must be good at swimming;

  • you need to have a bathing suit, slippers and a towel with you;

  • visitors should not have jewelry: rings, earrings, watches, bracelets and other items that could injure dolphins;

  • during the session you need to listen to the coach and carry out his commands.


Who can swim with dolphins

There are special restrictions that do not allow everyone to swim:

  • adults and children over 5 years old are allowed to swim, although in some dolphinariums an age limit is set from 7 and even from 10 years;

  • you can not swim with dolphins for pregnant women and people suffering from epilepsy;

  • persons intoxicated, as well as those who have signs of skin or infectious diseases, are not allowed into the pool;

  • children with developmental disabilities are allowed into the pool only with the assistance of special personnel; but now in Moscow there is no such service, so only healthy people can swim.


Swimming with dolphins in Moscow

Where, how much it costs, what is the duration of the session and what you need to take with you - all these questions guests of the capital can find out from their tour operator. But this service is also popular with local residents who have heard about the benefits of such bathing and want to experience an unforgettable experience. Therefore, very often they ask the question: where can you swim with dolphins in Moscow?

Most of all positive reviews about this service were received by the Moscow Dolphinarium at Semenovskaya. More recently, there you could swim for an hour with dolphins for only 3000-5000 rubles. But, unfortunately, recently this dolphinarium was closed. The institution at the All-Russian Exhibition Center on Prospekt Mira was also very popular. "Dolphin Land" offered to swim with dolphins on any day except Monday. Bathing itself took only 10 minutes and it cost from 5, 000 to 10, 000 rubles. But keeping dolphins in indoor pools is very difficult, you need to regularly change the water and maintain the right microclimate. And this dolphinarium has also recently been closed.


Where can you swim with dolphins now? Local residents and guests of the capital with pleasure visit such institutions. This service is in demand, so there are dolphinariums in Moscow.

Where to swim with dolphins

Now this can only be done at the Moscow Zoo and in the pool at VDNH. In the summer, a dolphinarium on Izmailovskaya was opened. They also offered swimming service with dolphins, but with the onset of cold weather it does not work. The current Moscow dolphinarium offers swimming with dolphins any day. But the duration of the service is only 10 minutes, and the prices are quite high. In the evenings on weekdays, a session costs 11, 000 rubles, on weekends the price is even higher - 15, 000 rubles in 10 minutes. True, during the day on a weekday for the same amount you can swim with dolphins for as long as 20 minutes.

The rules in this dolphinarium are more stringent: children under 10 years old and people who can swim poorly are not allowed in the pool. But still, there are a lot of people who want it, so it is advisable to buy a ticket in advance. However, with the closure of the remaining dolphinariums, this service has become less accessible and not everyone can use it. Therefore, more and more often Muscovites and guests of the capital ask the question: where can you swim cheaper with dolphins in Moscow? This became possible with the opening of a new complex, including an aquarium and a large swimming center with dolphins.