
Where is Afghanistan located? Description, geographical location, main features and problems of the country

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Where is Afghanistan located? Description, geographical location, main features and problems of the country
Where is Afghanistan located? Description, geographical location, main features and problems of the country

Video: Geography Now! Afghanistan 2024, July

Video: Geography Now! Afghanistan 2024, July

Afghanistan is known as a conflict and dangerous country in which wars have been waged for decades. However, this was not always the case. The territory where Afghanistan is located has been inhabited by people since time immemorial, and there have also been years of prosperity and prosperity in its history. It developed science, art, architecture. They say that it was on its expanses that Zoroastrianism was born. Let’s talk about this state in more detail.

Where is Afghanistan located?

The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan belongs to the Central Asian states. It covers an area of ​​652 864 km 2. Its capital, the city of Kabul, is also the largest city in the country. Among other significant settlements - Kandahar, Mazar-e-Sharif, Herat.

Afghanistan is located in the north-eastern part of the Iranian Highlands. Mountain ranges and plateaus occupy the bulk of its area, leaving the plains only 20% of the territory. The country has an arid climate, which is why most of it is represented by deserts and steppes.


The republic’s neighbors are Iran, Pakistan, China, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, as well as the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir, which is disputed by other states. On all sides it is surrounded by other countries and has no access to the sea. Nevertheless, the territory where Afghanistan is located has always been of strategic importance. Located between South Asia and the Middle East, it often became a stumbling block between two different worlds, experiencing their influence.

Historical Development and Culture

Starting from the 17th century BC, the area where Afghanistan is located was part of various kingdoms, khanates, kingdoms, republics and emirates. Repeatedly, it came under the influence of neighboring territories, absorbing their cultural features.

In the VI century BC e. the country was part of the Persian Empire, and part of its population spoke Iranian languages. According to one version, Zoroastrianism was formed here, whose adherents still exist in Afghanistan. Ancient pagan sanctuaries are still preserved in Kandahar and Balkh.

Later, under the influence of the Bactrian and Parthian cultures, Buddhism spread throughout the country, taking a dominant position in the life of the population. This period left behind Buddhist monasteries and cave complexes (Bamian, Shotorak, Khazar Sum, Kunduz, etc.). At the same time, metalworking and stone cutting were actively developing. Archaeologists have discovered in Afghanistan jewelry made of gold and silver, vessels, figurines, amulets, caskets and other objects from a variety of minerals.

In the Middle Ages, Arabs and Turks came here, who brought Islam with them. Thanks to this, cult monuments of architecture appear, which are minarets and mosques. One of them - the Blue Mosque is also a mausoleum that keeps the remains of two revered saints of Islam.



The location of Afghanistan at the crossroads of various cultures and traditions was reflected in its ethnic composition. The state is a multinational, within its borders there are about 20 nationalities that belong to the Turkic, Mongolian, Iranian, Darish and Darwidian language groups.

The dominant ethnic group in Afghanistan is the Pashtuns, or Afghans, accounting for approximately 40% of the total population. This is the only Iranian people with tribal division. In total, they distinguish about 60 tribes led by the "Khan", and several hundred clans, which are ruled by leaders, or Maliks.


Another large ethnic group is Tajiks, which account for about 30% of the population. After them, the most numerous groups are the Hazaras and Uzbeks. In addition, Nuristanis, Balochis, Tajiks, Pashais, Charaimaks, Bragui and other nationalities live in the country.

The overwhelming majority of residents profess Sunni Islam. In addition to them, Shiite Muslims, Sikhs, Zoroastrians, Hindus and Baha'is live in the state.

War in Afghanistan

Over the past hundred years, there have been more than seven armed conflicts in the territory where Afghanistan is located. The modern war began in 2015, but in fact it is a continuation of the early conflict, which has lasted since 2001. Its main participants are Afghanistan, NATO and the United States on the one hand, and the Taliban and the Haqqani Network on the other.


In the 90s, the Taliban regime was already in power, noting particular cruelty and religious obsession. One of the goals of this group is to establish an ideal Islamic state with strict observance of all the requirements of the Sharia. According to the Taliban, the ban should be: the Internet, music and visual arts, alcohol, other faiths and much more. In 2001, they destroyed one of the most significant monuments of Buddhist culture - two huge Buddha statues carved in the rock.

The Taliban regime was abolished in 2002. Today, its representatives are clandestine, periodically carrying out terrorist attacks on civilians and military coalitions.