
Where tulips grow in Russia. Where wild tulips grow

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Where tulips grow in Russia. Where wild tulips grow
Where tulips grow in Russia. Where wild tulips grow

Video: Workshop hydroponic Tulips English 2024, June

Video: Workshop hydroponic Tulips English 2024, June

Among a wide variety of ornamental plants, bulbs are the most common.

These include flowers such as lilies, daffodils and others, but tulips are out of competition in almost all countries.


And it is not for nothing that the passion for this amazing plant was called "tulip mania."

And where do tulips grow in nature? How do they spread? All this will be briefly reviewed in the article.

Wild steppe tulips

According to the world classification, wild tulips belong to a separate class and are called "botanical".

This class unites all types of wild-growing tulips, most of which are now on the verge of extinction and are among rare protected plants.

As a rule, wild tulips are stunted, they bloom very early in the spring. Coloring is the most diverse.


Outwardly they look very impressive. According to the characteristics of winter-hardy and unpretentious. Natural tulips are very good for decorating the garden. They look great against the backdrop of natural stones on alpine slides and rockeries.

Where do wild tulips grow? In nature, only 140 species of these flowers are known, growing in the mountains and steppes of the Mediterranean, Central and Asia Minor, in the Caucasus and even in Western Siberia.

A bit of tulip history

Since ancient times, the tulip has always been very popular among different peoples. The very first information about him was connected with Persia. Many poets in their works sang this delightful flower. One of them, Hafiz, wrote that even a rose cannot be compared with the virgin beauty of a tulip.

When the tulips were in Turkey, there began the active cultivation of new varieties. By the 14th century, their number reached about 300.

In Turkey, this magnificent flower enjoyed even greater sympathy and love. In the fabulous gardens of the sultans themselves, big festivities were organized in honor of the tulip.

Where did it all begin and where are tulips most grown in Europe?

In the XVI century, the first tulips from Constantinople fell into Western Europe, so they were called Turkish.

In 1554, the very first representatives of the family appeared in Germany, where they became indispensable in decorating the gardens of rich people. Then gradually spread to other numerous European countries. The wealthiest tulip lovers gathered large collections. By that time, the number of varieties had already reached 500.


And yet, the greatest passion for tulips was in Holland, where it became almost madness, covering all sectors of society.

It literally came to the point that for onions of new varieties, collectors were ready to give their property: cattle, arable land, houses.

Moreover, only the government was able to stop this crazy process, since the fascination with a really beautiful plant was already pouring into large-scale speculation. And the latter threatened the entire economy of the country.

Holland, and now more than any other country, is engaged in the cultivation of tulips.

Where do tulips grow in Russia?

Even in the time of Peter the Great, tulips appeared in Russia, like many other plants. They were imported from Holland itself.

Now there is not a single person who would not know this flower, amazing in beauty and grace.


Tulip is loved by many Russians. In addition to species cultivated on household plots, in several regions of Russia there are beautiful steppes fragrant in the springtime from the flowering of these magnificent plants.

The legend of the flower of happiness

Tulip is a flower of happiness, love and pride. There are many legends and stories about him.

One says that somehow the golden tulip grew with the happiness enclosed in it. However, the flower bud did not open for a long time.

And then one day a woman walked with a small child in the meadow where this proud stubborn tulip grew. Opening his arms, laughing merrily, the child ran to the flower. From his carefree childhood laugh, the tulip opened and endowed everyone with happiness.

Tulips in Volgograd

Where tulips grow in Volgograd, many already know. The Volgograd region has numerous natural attractions, including the steppes with wild tulips in the vicinity of the salt lake Elton. Here in the springtime you can observe the endless carpets of colorful plants.


Shrenka and Gesner tulips, listed in the Red Book, mainly grow here. Also in the steppe you can see other species (Bieberstein), spread in April with amazing yellow and white clearings.

The fairly large pink, yellow, and red Schrenk tulips are particularly attractive. All these species bloom in turn from early April to May. The height of the steppe tulips is 40 cm, and the flowers have a very pleasant delicate aroma.

In the period of abundant flowering, this region turns into a fairy tale.

Rostov Reserve - a habitat of beautiful steppe flowers

Where do tulips grow yet? The reserve is one of the most beautiful sights of the Rostov region. It is located in the Oryol region.

The reserve was founded in 1995 to preserve and study endangered species of animals and plants of the Don. Its total area is 9532 ha.


Amazingly beautiful are the areas of the reserve where tulips grow. In the Rostov region this is one of the most beautiful places. Three weeks in April, you can observe amazing, amazing, created by nature beauty.

Wild Schrenk tulips, which have another name, “azure flower”, have taken root here best of all. There are also Bieberstein tulips that look like yellow stars.