
Geography of Russia: the population of the CBD

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Geography of Russia: the population of the CBD
Geography of Russia: the population of the CBD

Video: MUF2019/ Vertical. The City from Satellites to Bunkers/ 04.07 2024, July

Video: MUF2019/ Vertical. The City from Satellites to Bunkers/ 04.07 2024, July

The predecessor of the modern Kabardino-Balkarian Republic was the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The population of the CBD today consists mainly of Kabardians and Balkars, however, other peoples live in the republic, primarily Russians, who have been actively exploring the Caucasus region since the XVlll century. The population of the republic changed significantly over time depending on migrations and wars.


Ethnic composition

The modern population of the CBD originates from the ancient indigenous peoples of the Central and Western Caucasus. It is known for certain that the Kabardins are by their origin Adyghe people, also known in world historiography under the name "Circassians."

The modern ethnic map of the entire Caucasus was redrawn in the early Soviet era with the intention of promoting the formation of local identities and discouraging separatism. It is believed that until the 15th century all the Adyghe peoples living today in the Central and Western Caucasus had a common history, and only the invasion of Tamerlane destroyed the ties between clans and tribes.

Balkarians, despite the fact that they are considered to be the indigenous population of the region, belong to another ethnic group that derives its pedigree from the ancient Koban culture. It existed in the Caucasus from Vlll to lll century BC, which makes Kabardians one of the most ancient peoples with proven genealogy. Only Ossetians can argue with this, but their claims to seniority are based largely on mythology, which, however, has an ancient Iranian origin.


Population size

The CBD is one of the smallest regions of the Russian Federation, occupying the 75th place in the country by area. In terms of population, the republic ranks 58th, the number of its inhabitants slightly exceeds 865, 000. A distinctive feature of the region is a small but stable population growth due to high fertility.

The largest people of the republic are the Kabardians, of whom more than 490, 000 people live here. The second largest national community in the population of the CBD is the Russians (190, 000 people). Balkarians occupy only the third line, and their number barely exceeds 108 thousand inhabitants.

It is worth noting that other peoples also live in the republic. For example, more than eighteen thousand Turks permanently live in the CBD. Ossetians in the region number about ten thousand people.


Cities of the Republic

The largest city of the CBD in terms of population is Nalchik, which is also the capital of the republic. Its population reaches 240, 000 people. In the capital are representative offices of federal ministries and departments, as well as the residence of the President of the Republic and the main administrative institutions of the CBD.
