
Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva: photos, details of personal life

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Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva: photos, details of personal life
Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva: photos, details of personal life

Video: Глеб Матвейчук, Анастасия Макеева – Stumblin' In. Chris Norman & Suzi Quatro 2024, June

Video: Глеб Матвейчук, Анастасия Макеева – Stumblin' In. Chris Norman & Suzi Quatro 2024, June

Actor and singer Gleb Matveychuk and actress Anastasia Makeeva were recently one of the most charming and beautiful couples of domestic show business. However, after 6 years of married life, their marriage broke up. And the reason for this was the alienation that arose between them. In this article we will tell you about each of the former spouses, present their biographies, creative path, love story, and also try to answer the question why Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk broke up.


Gleb Matveychuk: biography, the beginning of a creative career

The future artist was born in the summer of 1981. His father - Alzhiman Matveychuk - was a production designer, a member of the Union of Cinematographers of the Soviet Union. Gleb’s early life passed in Moscow, but after some time the family moved to the capital of the Belorussian SSR - Minsk. When the boy was 8 years old, he began to attend the theater club, where he was very interested in singing. Entering college, he decided to study as a choir conductor. Gleb also showed a love of cinema and acting in his childhood: sitting in front of the TV screen, he imagined himself in the place of actors and even tried to replay their roles. The first role, albeit episodic, he received at the age of 14. After graduating from music college, a talented young man from Minsk went to Moscow to enter the theater school. This was long before Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva met and decided to live together.


Further studies and career start

As a student at a theater school, Matveychuk decided to continue his musical education. He, without leaving classes at the school, entered the Moscow Conservatory. In a word, he could not make a choice in favor of only one of his addictions.

Years passed, but Gleb still can not figure out what is in the first place for him - music or theater. After graduating from the conservatory, he became a sought-after composer. He began acting in films from 24 years old, not counting the first experience of 10 years ago. Slowly, he got a lot of secondary roles in various series, and after some time, gaining fame on television, he decided to try himself as a composer of soundtracks for films.

The music for the painting “Pilgrimage to the Eternal City” turned out to be very successful and was appreciated by film critics. In 2006, he immediately received 4 orders, and four years later, the melody he created for the Admiral blogger was presented for the Golden Eagle award. Matveychuk was nominated for this award as the best composer of television music. After that, he began to receive a lot of orders both for historical films, and for films in comedy and dramatic genres. In a word, in cinema circles he was perceived not as an actor, but as a composer.

When Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva met, she also considered him a talented composer and was fascinated by his works.


Vocal activity

Gleb was naturally gifted with outstanding vocal abilities, and he certainly wanted to prove himself in this role. In 2006, he became the vocalist for Lady Prowler. And a year later, in tandem with Igor Novikov, he created the Flair group, but after some time he joined the collective of the Renaissance group as a vocalist. In 2007, Matveychuk, a composer and vocalist, took part in the musical Children of the Sun, but he did not forget about his television career. In 2009, he starred in the series “Margosha”, where he played one of the main roles. After filming this television movie, he decided to suspend his activities as an actor indefinitely and drew attention to the theater and television shows.

Matveychuk and television

Possessing an excellent tenor, he expressed a desire to take part in the new television project-competition "Russian Tenors". Those who are used to seeing him as a composer and actor were surprised by his incredible vocal abilities. Gleb successfully passed stage by stage, reached the finals. Every day, the charismatic blond became more and more popular with both the audience and the jury. In parallel, he took part in rock operas, performing significant roles.


Contests and Shows

In 2012, Gleb Matveychuk tries himself in the television project "Voice", but fails blind auditions. Nevertheless, this did not prevent him from participating in the show “Two Stars”, where Olga Kormukhina became his partner. The couple become winners of the show, which adds to the popularity of the young singer-showman. After that, he and his partner make a tour of southern Russia. And participation in the show “Just Like”, where Matveychuk also signed up, brings him second place and a prize of audience sympathy. For the entire time of the show, he managed to transform into the images of Shura, Grigory Leps, Anna Netrebko, Klaus Meine, Freddie Mercury, etc. It was his participation in these shows that brought him fame not only in Russia, but throughout the post-Soviet space.

But let's not go far from our theme of the story, that is, from the relationship between Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva, the photos of which you see in this article.

Anastasia Makeeva: biography, childhood

Nastya was born in the city of Krasnodar in December 1981 in the most ordinary family. Her parents were not artists, although her father worked for some time as the leader of the vocal and instrumental ensemble. Perhaps this had a great influence on the formation of ideas about the profession of young Anastasia. Soon, she began to perform under the guidance of her father and remained in the ensemble even after he switched to another job.

Musical education

The girl understood that in order to become a real musician, she needed to get a musical education. She entered a music school, became one of the 4 musicians of the Harmony quartet. The girl was also attracted to participating in television projects. In this, Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva are very similar to each other.


Career model

A little matured, the girl began to think about the career of the model, because she had both a magnificent figure and stunningly beautiful features. To this end, Nastya entered defile courses. At the same time, she began to be invited to various beauty contests of local importance, after which regional and All-Russian competitions followed. She, unfortunately, did not take the leading positions, but these defeats forced her to work on herself and more confidently go to the intended goal. In 1998, the seventeen-year-old Nastya finally won the prestigious Miss Krasnodar competition, there were other competitions, but her highest achievement was the title of “Miss Miss of the Universe” (Russia). At this moment, she studied at the Krasnodar College of Music, but after winning the beauty contest she left school and went to conquer Moscow. There met Minsker Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva - a native of Krasnodar.

Creative career Makeeva

For some time, Nastya worked in Moscow exclusively as a model. She was actively invited to shoot for prestigious magazines and promotional videos. Then she was invited to the STS channel as a TV presenter. Having settled in the capital, the girl began to think about getting a musical education and entered the prestigious State Musical College of pop-jazz art. In parallel with her studies, she began to play and sing in musicals - “Dracula”, “Eastwitch Witches”, etc.

After some time, the young singer made her film debut. The first film she starred in was Lawyer. Here she played an insignificant, but vivid role, remembered by the audience. After her successful debut, Anastasia fell in love with the world of cinema and dreamed only about him. In order to get a role in any series, Anastasia Makeeva often took part in various auditions. Over and over again, she had new roles. In parallel, she continued to act in music and commercials.

The most active in terms of creativity for her was the segment between 2004 and 2007. During this period, she starred in 9 films, graduated from the Academy of Theater Arts of the Russian Federation. In 2008, Nastya triumphantly returned to the theater to play the role of Mercedes in the musical “Monte Cristo”. It was at this time that Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk met each other.

Personal life

Before meeting with Nastya, Gleb met with actress Svetlana Belskaya. However, he was not going to lead her down the aisle. After some time, Sveta left him, and the artist’s mother, who was very sympathetic to her son’s friend, tried to reconcile them, but to no avail.

As for Anastasia, she was married twice before meeting with Gleb. The first husband was a film actor Peter Kislov. After the divorce, Nastya began to meet with another artist - Alexei Makarov. She was married to him and lived for several years.

She married Gleb Matveychuk in 2010. They met in the theater, played together in “Monte Cristo” - they were the main actors. It was from the stage that he made her an offer of marriage. The audience was moved, and since then the couple has become the favorite of the public. Their wedding was also fabulous.


Unfortunately, the family of Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk did not last long, but at first all seemed unusually happy to everyone. The couple everywhere appeared together, the couple often played together in performances. Speaking of them, the expression “do not spill water” was often used. Their marriage broke up after 6 years of marriage. All fans were interested in one question - why did Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva split up? Probably only the heroes of our article themselves can accurately answer it, and we make only an assumption.

The divorce of Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveychuk: reasons and reasons

From the very beginning, their family life did not go very well. Gleb was absolutely unsuitable for family life. As Nastya said, he thought that “bread grows in a bread box”. In addition, he was very absent-minded and did not pay attention to the disorder, while Nastya, on the contrary, was pathologically pure. Because of this dissimilarity between the spouses, disputes often arose, but they managed to overcome this difficult period.

In addition to everyday troubles, the young wife was shocked by the fact that the former passion of her husband Svetlana was a welcome guest of her mother-in-law. But Anastasia coped with this.

She was much more worried about the question that she and Gleb had no children. Nastya, as they say, has already exchanged the fourth dozen, so the issue of motherhood was quite acute for her, but her wife did not care much. Perhaps the marriage of Gleb Matveychuk and Anastasia Makeeva, children, if they were born, could save from a divorce, but this did not happen.

Gradually, alienation settled in their relationship. Spouses practically did not see each other. Each of them lived his own life. This situation came to its logical conclusion - Anastasia Makeeva and Gleb Matveichuk broke up.
