
Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich: biography, activities, personal life and interesting facts

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Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich: biography, activities, personal life and interesting facts
Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich: biography, activities, personal life and interesting facts

The Russian businessman Konstantin Veniaminovich Goloshchapov is a person who is known only to a narrow circle of initiates. It is often called the gray cardinal. They say that he is one of the closest associates of Russian President Putin. And they have known Vladimir Vladimirovich since childhood. Many wonder how he manages to avoid publicity. By the way, they say that Konstantin Goloshchapov is Putin’s personal masseur, and that he owes his career to working perfectly on the president’s body. Is this not enough? After all, not everyone is so honored!


Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich: biography and education

The future businessman was born in 1954. Along with studying at school, he was engaged in martial arts and distinguished himself as one of the best athletes in his weight category. After graduation, he entered the Leningrad Civil Engineering Institute, choosing the specialization "Industrial and Civil Engineering". The most important childhood event was the meeting of Kostya Goloshchapov with Volodya Putin. Both of them were judokas and, despite the fact that they studied in different sports clubs and took part in competitions as rivals, they made friendships in life.

After the competition, Kostya put Volodya in order, as he possessed excellent massage techniques. By the way, Putin played for the Turbostroitel club, and Goloshchapov played for the club of the Soviet Army. In 1982, Konstantin Veniaminovich graduated from the university and began to work by profession in one of the construction companies.

Start of activity

What did Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich do after the collapse of the USSR? His activities in the troubled 90s are not recorded in any sources. Somewhere information slipped up that he worked in the construction SMU-7, and then he jumped from there to the chair of the director general of the New Russian Projects Center (FSUE Roscentrproekt, and then to the Central Office of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation. he had to move from his native Leningrad to Moscow.

It happened in 1996, it was at this time that Vladimir Putin took the place of deputy head of the Yeltsin administration. In a word, where Putin goes to Konstantin Goloshchapov. His biography testifies that after this event, fate will give him many more chances to become successful. He is a modest person, therefore, does not want to be much talked about among the people, especially that he is one of the president’s favorites, however, being in the shadow of a person of this level is not so simple.



So, Goloshchapov Konstantin is a personal masseur of Vladimir Putin, and just like Putin, a judoka. In their youth, they were often rivals on the tatami. How is it that the massage therapist has become one of the most successful businessmen in the country? During the 2004 election, he led the campaign headquarters of Putin. After Goloshchapov was appointed to Moscow, he became the head of the federal enterprise Roscentrproekt. Few people understand exactly what this organization was doing, however, according to a media investigation, Goloshchapov promoted his St. Petersburg acquaintances to serious posts, apparently not for free.

So, for example, an appointment to the executive branch cost up to 50, 000 cu Over the past few years, Mr. Goloshchapov has been engaged in charity work, namely, he is leading the organization that is taking steps to restore the temples on Athos. As a sign of belonging to this community, Konstantin Veniaminovich wears a wooden rosary bracelet with Athos symbols on his wrist. Goloshchapov himself, in view of his activities, began to be called by the people the “Afonets”.


Former Judoka

After Putin came to power, his judoka friends from St. Petersburg moved with him to Moscow and became his closest circle. Among them, a special place is occupied by the brothers Rotenberg and Goloshchapov Konstantin. They strongly support each other in business. So, together with Arkady (one of the Rotenberg brothers), Goloshchapov established SMP Bank, but soon transferred his share to his second brother.

A family

No matter how much the “Afonets” does not want to hide his personal life from prying eyes, nevertheless, the paparazzi are interested in covering it, because we are talking about one of the people closest to the president of the country, who is Goloshchapov Konstantin Veniaminovich. His family, by the way, has many children. His wife Iraida Gilmutdinova gave him 6 children, for which she was awarded the Order of Parental Glory by Dmitry Medvedev (during his presidency).

However, she is not limited to the role of a housewife and mother, but is a large business woman. It has its share in Promtoring, a textile company; "Business sphere", as well as in others. Naturally, her husband, Konstantin Goloshchapov, helps her in their management. Family for both is the most important value in life. And they are doing everything in their power to provide their children with a good future.


Business wife Goloshchapova

In addition to the two companies listed above, Irai Gulmutdinova has several more in the arsenal, for example, two large non-specialized companies in which her partner is the son of the governor of St. Petersburg, Aleksey Poltavchenko. These firms are called Investbugry and Petersburgstroy. According to the calculations of "Interlocutor", each of them monthly gives the owners about twenty million rubles of profit.

Irai Gilmutdinova also has a stake in a woodworking enterprise called BeamsStroy. Her partner here is Roman Kamyansky, President of the Ski Federation. By the way, he helped the spouse of Irai, Konstantin Veniaminovich, acquire the Italian football club Bari.

Italian interest

The media that collected facts from the life of the country's most famous massage therapist noticed that he was especially warm in Italy. According to the Italian press, Russian businessman Konstantin Goloshchapov purchased an expensive apartment in the city of Bari. It is there that the Orthodox church is located, where the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker - the patron saint of Russia are stored. Goloshchapov sent some of these holy relics to Russia, to some of the monasteries under the northern capital. In addition to an apartment in Italy (namely in Cagliari), Goloshchapov also owns a small four-star hotel. Goloshchapov Konstantin is known to Italian journalists as a mediator between them and the Russian oligarchs.


Compromising evidence

In 2014, scandalous publications appeared in the opposition press about the society for the reconstruction of churches in Athos, led by Goloshchapov himself. It was about the fact that fundraising for the reconstruction and restoration of the holy cloisters is carried out by force, and not from anyone, but from the communal and road organizations of St. Petersburg. The press also managed to identify that this supposedly religious society is in fact an organization of much broader significance.

The co-founders of the society are Konstantin Veniaminovich Goloshchapov, who holds the position of adviser to the governor of the Leningrad Region, as well as assistant to the governor I. Divinsky. The Governor Zhora Poltavchenko himself acts as the chairman of the board of trustees. This “religious” society also includes V. Kichedzhi and V. Lavlentsev (formerly Poltavchenko's assistants), the Kaluga governor and others. By the way, in view of this, a special term is also formed among the people - Orthodox Chekism. The long-standing officials included in this society, from time to time, visit Greece to get to Mount Athos. Rumor has it that it is there, far from prying eyes, that the fate of the country and its peoples is being decided.


How FC Bari became the property of K.V. Goloshchapova

There is a story according to which the fans of the small football club “Bari” during the visit of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to Italy asked him to buy this club in order to save him from the current owner. They went outside with posters with this slogan. And during the meeting, the players presented the president with a uniform T-shirt with the club logo. Of course, Putin decided to satisfy the request of the Italians, but he didn’t buy it himself! The Rotenberg brothers close to him took the initiative into their own hands, but negotiations had to be canceled due to European sanctions. And then Putin’s personal masseur K. Goloshchapov appeared on the horizon. He signed a contract to invest in the Bari club and became its co-owner.

And again the Athos theme

It turns out that in the northern capital there are many officials who are members of the Athos community. They are called brothers in faith. There are rumors that helicopter VIP tours are being made to Athos. From time to time, the St. Petersburg elite gathers there. After Putin visited the sacred mountain in 2005, interesting events began to take place, namely, the relics of saints, as well as the famous belt of the Mother of God, were brought to Russia from churches. In view of this, the Russian Orthodox Church expressed her gratitude to the leader of the Athos community.
