
Mount Magnetic: description, history, location and interesting facts

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Mount Magnetic: description, history, location and interesting facts
Mount Magnetic: description, history, location and interesting facts

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Mount Magnetic, or Atach, is a mountain in the South Urals, located on the left bank of the Ural River, near the city of Magnitogorsk. The Magnitogorsk iron ore deposit was discovered here, and the mountain has long been used as a source of raw materials. Most of it is torn. Currently, the highest point of the peak of Mount Magnetic 616 meters. What is this mountain object? What is he like? Where is Magnitnaya Mountain located? What is the history of exploring the highlands and discovering iron ore deposits? What is the mysterious side of the mountain? Ancient legends associated with Mount Atach. This amazing and mysterious mountain of the South Urals will be discussed in the article.


Legend of Magnitnaya Mountain

The Bashkirs have a legend associated with this mountainous area. There was such a batyr Atach, and he was brave and brave. Somehow he felt bored wandering around the mountains and valleys of his native land, and he decided to find out where the sun rises. He gathered and galloped east. Suddenly a huge mountain stood in front of him, which had several peaks. She lay down like a multi-humped camel giant. He jumped to the mountain and froze: so she impressed him. Her tops were not visible, she was so tall. But then the batyr saw a herd of wild goats, he fired an arrow into the herd, but when it flew to the mountain, it fell right on the boulder, as if it had been pulled by an unknown force. Atach galloped after his arrow. As he approached the block, he felt as if something was pulling him toward her. He stuck to the stone with his horse and turned himself into a stone block. Since then they have nicknamed the mountain - Atach, in honor of the batyr.

Mountain description

Mount Magnetic is a combination of several mountains: Magnetic (Uzyanka), Dalnaya, Atach, Birch, Ezhovka. The area of ​​the mountain complex is approximately 25 square kilometers.

The mountain is located in the strip of sandstone and limestone of the Lower Carboniferous age. The thickness of sedimentary rocks is erupted by volcanic (diabases and granites). At the contact of the igneous rocks with sedimentary deposits of magnetic iron ore were formed.


Near the mountain, the Cossack Magnitnaya station developed, which was founded in 1743 as the supporting fortress of the Orenburg line. In the Soviet years, the city of Magnitogorsk and the metallurgical plant were built.

Unusual mountain and discovery of ore deposits

Mount Magnetic in humans has always been considered very unusual and mysterious. Such superstitious ideas are connected with the fact that the reserves of magnetic iron ore, with which it is rich, made themselves felt. Even in ancient times, villagers noticed that almost no animals live on the mountain, birds fly around it.

Now, of course, such strange behavior of animals is understandable - they are very susceptible to magnetic waves and magnetic radiation, but in those days people, seeing such strange behavior of animals and birds, were frightened and tried to avoid the mountain.

Many years later, when compasses were already in the arsenal of man, it turned out that in the immediate vicinity of the mountain, the compass needle deviates. Thus, one of the world's largest deposits of magnetic iron ore was discovered, at the same time the mountain got its name - Magnetic. Almost immediately, the development of the deposit began, and in 1930 a large city was built nearby - Magnitogorsk - and industrial production of iron ore began.


How were the deposits developed?

In 1747, geological researchers on the orders of the industrialist I. Tverdyshev conducted a study of the mountain, the purpose of which was to determine whether there is enough ore to build an iron ore plant. In 1752, Tverdyshev filed a petition with the chancellery of the Orenburg province for securing the field on Mount Atach.

The first professional researchers of Mount Magnitnaya were Hoffmann E. and Helmersen G. in 1828.

However, it is worth noting that the Bashkirs also mined in ancient times and used it to make weapons.

In 1752, the chancellery of the Orenburg province issued a permit, according to which Myasnikov and Tverdyshev had the right to develop the mine. The construction of the plant began, which later brought ore from Magnetic Mountain.

In 1759, the first delivery of raw materials to the plant took place. Ore mining was a very primitive method: in summer it was collected on the surface, piled in piles, and in winter it was transported using sledges.

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works was opened in 1931. A railway was built, the rock was loaded into trains and delivered to the metallurgical plant. In the same year, industrial ore mining began. By the end of the year, its volumes amounted to about 6 tons of ore per day.


Before the war, about 50 million tons of ore were mined at the mine. During the war years, it was the main iron ore base throughout the country. The main part of the mine team at this terrible time consisted of teenagers.

In 1979, a 500 millionth ton of iron ore was mined. But gradually, production moved from Mount Magnitnaya to Maly Kuybas, production here fell to 1 million tons per year.

Monument to the mountain mine

In 1971, the anniversary of the extraction of the first ton of ore from the Magnitogorsk mine, a monument dedicated to its 40th anniversary was unveiled at the top of the mountain. It is an excavator bucket with a block of ore. At the base of the monument, two blocks of iron ore are installed.
