
City Makaryev of the Kostroma region: history, photo, population, city code

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City Makaryev of the Kostroma region: history, photo, population, city code
City Makaryev of the Kostroma region: history, photo, population, city code

The city of Makaryev, Kostroma region, is located in the valley of the Unzhi River. It is 186 kilometers from the city of Kostroma. The telephone code of the city of Makaryev is +7 49445. The population of the city, as of 2017, is 6600 people. The postal code of the city of Makaryev in the Kostroma region is 157460. It arose originally as a settlement at the Makaryevo-Unzhensky monastery. It is a small but ancient town with almost 6 centuries of history. What is the story of this amazing city? What are the sights of Makariev? What does the city live today?


History of the foundation of the settlement

Monk Makariy, who built his monastery on the banks of the Unzhi River in 1439, “had a hand” at the base of the city. The monk became famous among people for his ability to heal seriously ill patients, for this he was popularly called the "reverend". The pilgrimages of people began to him, many of them wished to stay forever to live near this man. Near the monastery of Makarios, several wooden churches were built around which a monastery and a village formed. The monastery developed especially rapidly since 1619, after a visit to it by Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.


Wooden buildings in 1665 are gradually being replaced by stone ones. In 1670, the Trinity Church was built, five years later - Makaryevskaya, another five years later - the Annunciation, in 1685 - Nikolskaya, and in 1735 - the Assumption Church. Thus, the monastery Makaryevsky complex was formed.

City Formation

In 1775, two provinces were formed in the Kostroma Territory: Unzhenskaya and Kostroma. Makaryev settlement became part of the Unzhen province, becoming its center.

Three years later, the settlement by decree of Catherine ΙΙ received the status of a city. A year later, the emblem of the city was approved, which is the following: on a blue background in the upper part - a galley feed with three lanterns and lowered stairs - indicates the emblem of the Kostroma governorate, in the lower part - two bells, meaning that the city is a monastery.

The history of Makaryev in the XIX-XX centuries

Since the mid-19th century, the construction of stone houses has been unfolding in the city, which has survived to the present.

The urban settlement (the city of Makaryev-on-Unzhe) was famous for its fairs, the most popular were Blagoveshchenskaya, Ilyinskaya and Epiphany.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the city burned several times, the largest fire was in 1802, in which almost all buildings were killed. After this disaster, Makaryev was built up according to a plan very similar to the development plan of the city of Kostroma.

In the middle of the XIX century, the city had three churches, 550 houses, more than 30 shops.


At the beginning of the XX century, brick, two tanneries, two soap factories, a tallow candle, and sheepskin factories worked in Makaryev. There were about 17 haberdashery, manufactory, bread, and shoe stores.

The main population of the city were: shoemakers, joiners, tailors, blacksmiths, carpenters and other artisans.

Forest industry and logging were widely developed. The city was the main forest market on the Volga.

It was a major river port, the first private shipping was opened in 1860.

Through Makaryev, exiles were transported to Siberia.

In 1891, a vocational school was opened, and in 1909 a female gymnasium.

After the revolution of 1917, the Council of Workers' Deputies was created in the city, whose chairman was Peter Katanov. In honor of him, the city street was later named.

Years of World War II

The years of war were harsh and tragic for the city, about 7000 citizens stood up for the homeland, more than 1000 of them were awarded with medals and orders, every second did not return alive. Citizens are very proud of the heroic deeds of their fellow countrymen and respectfully honor their names: Smirnov Yuri, Smirnov Nikolai, Alexander Volodin - Heroes of the USSR. Here lived and studied Marshal of the USSR, Minister of Defense of the USSR - Ustinov D.F.

City today

Currently, the city of Makaryev is a typical Russian provincial town, whose inhabitants live off of trade. Here every Thursday a large market-fair is open, to which sellers come from the nearest cities.

In recent years, residential neighborhoods, a distillery, and a bakery have been built in the city. The city has a central hospital.

In 1993, the reconstruction of the Makaryevo-Unzhensky monastery began; from the beginning of 2000, the Alexander Nevsky Church was restored.


The city has a House of Culture, a music school, a children's art school, a museum named after Yu. Smirnov, a local history museum, a city park of culture and leisure, a library, a stadium, and a sports school. Tourists and city guests can stay at the Zarya Hotel.


Major Attractions

Makaryevo-Unzhensky monastery was founded in the first half of the XIV century. Rev. Makarii, after the capture by Kazan ruler Ulu Mohammed of Nizhny Novgorod and the Trinity Monastery, left his native monastery and went to the Unzhensky forests, where he founded a monastery. Legends say that thanks to his fervent prayers, a spring appeared near the mountain. Years passed, the monastery expanded, churches were built: the Church of Macarius, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Church of the Assumption. The stone walls around the monastery were built for about 10 years, construction was completed in 1764. Within the walls of the monastery, in the Trinity Cathedral, the relics of the monk Makarii are kept.


During the years of Soviet power, the monastery was closed, but the parish life and worship continued in it. In 1926, a club for physical education and sports was located in the St. Nicholas Church, and three years later the monastery was finally closed, banning worship and other religious activities. The relics of Makarii were transferred to the museum.

From the beginning of the 90s, the revival of the monastery begins, relics return from the museum here. Currently, it is a functioning convent, open to all who wish to visit the holy and historical place. A holy spring still bears near the monastery.

"Love tree". On Nizhnyaya Naberezhnaya Street, Novy Sad is located - a favorite vacation spot for city guests and citizens. The main attraction of the park is the long-lived pine, which is about 200 years old. It is popularly called the "Tree of Love." The air and atmosphere in the park and especially near the tree are filled with romance and love. The tree witnessed many romantic meetings and dates, and according to urban traditions, the newlyweds come here on the day of their wedding.

The local history museum is located in a building built in the 18th century. Various expositions are presented in it, the main of which is “The history of the city of Makaryev of the Kostroma region”, which tells about the emergence of the city and all stages of its development. The exposition itself consists of several sections devoted to the history of the founding of the city, its history during the Soviet period, during the war and after the war. The exposition presents photos of the city of Makaryev in different historical periods of its development.

There are exhibits about the everyday life of citizens of past centuries. At the exhibition you can see city fairs of the past, what types of crafts the inhabitants of the city were engaged in. There are sections on education and medicine, on administrative management, on the social and cultural life of the city.

In the natural department of the museum there are stuffed birds and animals living in these places.

A very interesting exposition "Education", which presents to the attention of visitors diplomas of the best students, desk and textbooks of the XIX century, books and historical encyclopedias.

The exhibition "Household items" presents a variety of things woven from birch bark, willow roots and twig.

Church of the Nativity. The first wooden temple on the site of the modern, appeared in the XVII century. At that time it was the village of Kovrovo, which belonged to the monastery. By the beginning of the XVIII century, the wooden building was completely dilapidated, in October 1715 a new temple was laid, which was built in several years. Its main attraction was the Tikhvin icon of the Mother of God, and it was consecrated in honor of her. But in the beginning of 1770 the temple burned down, five years later a stone structure was erected in honor of the Nativity of Christ. At the beginning of the 19th century, a bell tower was added to the temple. In the period from 1929 to 1938. the church was the only one operating in the city, but then it was closed until 1945.

Famous citizens

Many prominent Russians were born and lived in the city. Smirnov Yu.V. studied at the city vocational school in different years - Hero of the USSR, Ustinov D.F. - Minister of Defense of the USSR. In the city were born Volodin A.F. - Hero of the USSR, Smirnov N.A. - Colonel, Skuchalov A.V. - Knight of the three orders of glory.

City architecture

The general plan of the city of Makaryev in many ways resembled the layout of Kostroma. It was approved in 1781, and after a strong fire in the city it was transformed.


A semicircular square was laid in the center of the city, radial lines departed from it. The area was supposed to serve as a shopping center.

Not only religious, but also architectural landmark of the city are Makaryevo-Unzhensky monastery and Tikhvin Cathedral in the city center. No less interesting in architectural terms is the building of public places, built in 1806. This is a two-story building in the style of classicism, the project of architect Zakharov A.D.

In 1868, the building of the fire station and city council was built, and in 1888 - the hotel yard, in the early 20th century - trading shops.

The architectural landmark of the city is the building of the noble assembly, the Trinity House, the Nemkov House, built in the city center in 1907.

In 1890, the buildings of a vocational school, a zemstvo hospital, and a religious school were erected in the city.

The city has well preserved the original layout and historical buildings of the XIX - early XX centuries.



The city has a central bus station, from which you can get to Kostroma, Moscow, Yurovo, Kologriv, Manturovo. The Unzha River is used as a transport route, along which there is a ferry to the village of Komsomolsky, located on the left bank of the river. Passenger shipping no.