
Mikun city: origin of the name, history, sights

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Mikun city: origin of the name, history, sights
Mikun city: origin of the name, history, sights

Video: Symposium: Where did the Albanian language & the Albanians come from? (10 November 2012, Leiden) 2024, July

Video: Symposium: Where did the Albanian language & the Albanians come from? (10 November 2012, Leiden) 2024, July

In the Ust-Vymsky district, the town of Mikun is located, which received its status only since 1956. It is located almost a hundred kilometers from Syktyvkar, surrounded by taiga and impassable deep swamps. What is this settlement famous for? What is his story? What are the sights? Where is the city of Mikun?

origin of name

According to scientists, the word "Mikun" came from the male name Nikolay, which the people had many derivatives: Mikun, Mikulai, Mikunka. That is how the Komi in the old days affectionately called boys. Probably, in honor of this diminutive derivative of Nikolai, the city is named.

History reference


In the Komi Republic, the city of Mikun received its status only from the middle of the 20th century, that is, it is a relatively young settlement. How did he form and what is his story?

Back in 1937, there was a village at the railway station on the site of the city.

Its main attraction is the history of the construction of the North Pechersk railway line. It was then that in these places, which were endless taiga and marshy swamps, a settlement arose (1937).

The railway construction project was developed by clergyman and State Duma deputy Popov D. in 1916. He managed to quickly coordinate the project, and later construction began. The initial work was carried out using the labor of captive Austro-Hungarians, but after the October Revolution, prisoners of war were removed from the construction site.

In the first post-revolutionary years, no one thought about continuing the development of the north. But during the Civil War, the question of the construction of a railway line in Komi again became acute.

Active work on the development of Komi will begin only in 1932. One can only imagine what efforts and under what conditions the construction of the railway was going on. Severe climatic conditions, the complete absence of roads, dense forests, frozen soils, deep swamps - all this is the north of our country. In addition, the local soil turned out to be completely unsuitable for construction; for these purposes, new soil was developed and delivered to the construction site.

Prisoners of two special-purpose camps, Sevzheldorlag and Pechorzheldorlag, were involved in the construction. Almost 30 thousand prisoners were dispersed in 58 camp special posts. The construction stretched for hundreds of kilometers in the taiga: they cut down a forest, blew up mountains, fell asleep or drained swamps. Worked in two shifts. At the end of 1937, a railway station was built between the Shemazhka and Chub rivers, which was called Mikun. In 1941, the first train with coal from Vorkuta passed through it.


In May 1948, Mikun became a workers' village.

In the early 60s, there was logging for Bulgaria, and Mikun turned into a key railway junction.

Currently, it is a functioning railway station, trains come here with guests of the city, lovers of a calm and measured rest in an ecologically clean corner of our homeland.



The main attractions of the city are:

  • Monument-steam locomotive "Lebedyanka", which is located on the forecourt;
  • monument of the Commonwealth of the rear and front;
  • Church of the Pachaev Icon of the Mother of God;
  • Monument to Lenin V.I.;
  • Museum of the History of the City and the Northern Railway;
  • the old district of the city of Mikun, the photo and the view of which gives the impression of an absolutely dead village.

The formation of the city of Mikun is closely connected with the history of the Gulag. In memory of the difficult time, 5 kilometers from the city, a monument in the form of a cross with a memorial plaque was written on the site of the mass grave of victims of the camps, on which is written: "In memory of the victims of repression of 1937-1954."
