
City of Ulan-Ude: population. Strength, Employment, Social Protection

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City of Ulan-Ude: population. Strength, Employment, Social Protection
City of Ulan-Ude: population. Strength, Employment, Social Protection

Video: Russia funds IVF baby boom to battle population slump | AFP 2024, June

Video: Russia funds IVF baby boom to battle population slump | AFP 2024, June

The capital of the Republic of Buryatia is Ulan-Ude. The population of this city is quite diverse in terms of its social status, ethnicity, age, etc. This administrative center has an interesting and rich history that could not but affect the formation of the appearance of its inhabitants. Let's find out what the population of Ulan-Ude is, as well as the history of its formation.

Geographic location

But, before you begin to study the population of Ulan-Ude, you need to figure out where exactly this settlement is located.


As mentioned above, Ulan-Ude is the capital city of the Republic of Buryatia. It is located in Eastern Siberia, in the western part of Transbaikalia, at a distance of about 100 km from the shore of Lake Baikal, the deepest lake in the world.

The large river Selenga flows through the city, dividing it into two parts. In addition, in the territory belonging to Ulan-Ude, another one flows into this river - Uda.

The capital of Buryatia is located in a region with a sharply continental type of climate, which is characterized by warm summers and very cold winters.

The city covers an area of ​​347.6 thousand square meters. km


To find out how the population of the city of Ulan-Ude was formed, you need to look into its history.

Since antiquity, the Buryat tribes inhabited the territory in which Ulan-Ude is now located. The Russians began to actively penetrate these places from the 17th century. In 1666 they founded the village of Udinskoye on the site of the modern capital of Buryatia. It got its name, as it was located at the very mouth of the Uda River. Its main function was to ensure the collection of yasak from the conquered Buryats. In 1678, the village acquired defensive structures and was transformed into the Udinsky prison. In 1689, the prison was turned into a real fortress, which was called Verkhneudinskaya.

In the 30s of the XVIII century, a new name became widespread - Verkhneudinsk. In 1775, the fortress received the status of a city, which eight years later became the center of the county in the Irkutsk province. Gradually, the city began to turn into the center of the Transbaikal region.

After the October Revolution, Verkhneudinsk changed its status several times. Initially, it became the administrative center of the Baikal province, in 1920 it was the capital of the Far Eastern Republic, which was formally considered an independent state. However, the city stayed in this status for only about six months. In 1923, he received the status of the capital of the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as part of the RSFSR. In 1934, Verkhneudinsk was renamed Ulan-Ude, which means “Red Uda” from Buryat. That is, to the name of the river, which for centuries has been present in the name of the city, the word "red" was added in the Buryat language, symbolizing the color of Soviet power. Thus, the name of the city simultaneously acquired an ideological and national Buryat shade.


In Soviet times, the city expanded and modernized, enterprises and factories were built. If initially the main population was Russian settlers, in Soviet times, more and more Buryats from other settlements of Transbaikalia moved to Ulan-Ude. The population of the city became ethnically diverse. In 1957, the Buryat-Mongol Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was renamed the Buryat Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, and, accordingly, Ulan-Ude became the capital of this transformed autonomy. After the collapse of the USSR, in 1992, Ulan-Ude became the capital of the Republic of Buryatia, which is a subject of the Russian Federation. In this status, the city remains today.

Population size

The main demographic indicator of any territorial unit is the number of inhabitants. The population of Ulan-Ude at the moment is 430.55 thousand inhabitants.

When compared with other regional centers of the Russian Federation, it must be said that this is an average indicator. Ulan-Ude takes 42nd place in terms of population among all cities of Russia.

Dynamics of the number of inhabitants

But he did not always have such a number of residents of Ulan-Ude. The population of this city periodically increased or decreased. Let's look at the demography of the capital of Buryatia in dynamics.

The first data on the population in the future Ulan-Ude refer to 1695. Then in the Verkhneudinsky fortress lived 1981 resident. In 1770, Verkhneudinsk already had 4700 inhabitants. But then the number began to decline. So, in 1820 it amounted to 3, 000 inhabitants, and another five years later - 2, 024 inhabitants. But then the number of residents began to grow. In 1829, it amounted to 2972 ​​people, and in 1851 reached a value of 3746. In 1856, the number of inhabitants again fell to the mark of 3400 people, but already in 1860 it increased again, and amounted to 4032 people. In 1890, the number grew to a record 5, 223 people.


From that moment, the number of the city's population began to grow rapidly. After seven years, it already amounted to 8086 people, and by 1917 it reached the level of 21.6 thousand people. In 1931, already 44.0 thousand people reached the population of the city of Ulan-Ude. The population especially rapidly increased precisely in the 30s of the XX century. This was due both to the forced relocation of the repressed to Siberia, including the capital of Buryatia, and to the voluntary relocation of young people participating in the industrialization of the region. In 1939, the population of Ulan-Ude reached a record high of 125.7 thousand people. That is three times more than eight years before.

In the future, the growth trend continued. So, in 1956 the number of inhabitants reached 158.0 thousand people, in 1970 - 253.6 thousand people, in 1980 - 303.2 people. The population growth continued until 1987, when the number of inhabitants amounted to 351.0 thousand inhabitants. But in 1988 in Ulan-Ude, the first decrease in the number of residents was observed in more than 100 years. Then the number of city residents decreased to the level of 345.2 thousand people.

In the following years, a peculiar “swing” was observed: the population was either increasing or decreasing. So, in 1989 its number amounted to 352.5 thousand people, in 1992 - 366.0 thousand people, in 1995 - 363 thousand people, in 1997 - 370.0 thousand people, in 1998 - 366.1 thousand people, in 2002 - 374.9 thousand people. From 2003 to 2009, inclusive, there has been an annual decline in the population of Ulan-Ude. So, during this period it decreased 359.3 thousand people. up to 340.2 thousand people

In 2010, there was a sharp increase in the population of Ulan-Ude. The number was 404.4 thousand inhabitants. True, this did not happen due to natural growth, but because of the accession of a number of suburban settlements to Ulan-Ude. But nevertheless, it should be noted that it was precisely starting in 2010 that the number of inhabitants of the city began to grow steadily. In 2013, it reached the number of 416.1 thousand people, and in 2016, a record was once again broken. The number of residents reached the level of 430.6 thousand people.

At present, the trend of population growth in Ulan-Ude continues.

Population density

Knowing the total population of the city, and the area occupied by it, it is not difficult to calculate the population density. In Ulan-Ude, it is 1238.6 people / 1 sq. Km. km

When compared with other nearby regional centers of Eastern Siberia, the density in Chita is 643.3 people / 1 sq. Km. km, and in Irkutsk 623.4 people / 1 sq. km. km Thus, we see that in Ulan-Ude, a relatively high density of residents.

Ethnic composition

Now let's find out the people of what nationalities live in Ulan-Ude. The city is dominated by two nations - Russian and Buryat. Russians in Ulan-Ude have an absolute majority of 62.1%. There are also quite a lot of Buryats in the capital of the republic - 31.9%.


All other nations make up only 6% of the total population. Among them are ethnic minorities such as Ukrainians, Tatars, Koreans and Chinese.


In the city of Ulan-Ude, there are quite a few different religious denominations. Nevertheless, the vast majority of city residents profess Orthodox Christianity.

In addition, in Ulan-Ude there are representatives of such religious movements as Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism, various Protestant movements, Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as people who profess the original religion of the Buryats - shamanism.


City Economy

Employment of the population of Ulan-Ude is provided by both large enterprises and individual entrepreneurs. The largest organizations are aviation and locomotive plants, Buryatzoloto and Buryatnefteprodukt enterprises, a number of energy complexes (TPP-1, Buryatenergosbyt, Trunk energy networks, etc.).

In addition, the city has developed light and food industries, a number of large trading enterprises are operating. Although, of course, engineering remains the main area of ​​production in Ulan-Ude.


Employment center

For those who nevertheless temporarily lost their jobs, the Employment Center offers its services. Ulan-Ude is a fairly large industrial city, so various vacancies are constantly available on the labor exchange. In addition, in the Center, if necessary, you can improve your qualification level or get a new profession.

What kind of work does the Employment Center of Ulan-Ude provide? Jobs here are very diverse. Workers are always in demand for low-skilled work. But at the same time, engineering and other technical specialties are in demand. But the need for lawyers and economists for employers is relatively low.

People who have temporarily lost their jobs and are registered with the Employment Center will receive unemployment benefits established by the state.

Social protection

But unemployment benefits are not the only social guarantee of the state. The social protection of the population of Ulan-Ude is a question that is mainly decided by the department for labor and social protection.

It is this body that is responsible for calculating benefits for the disabled, parturient women, the poor and other socially vulnerable groups of the population, the care of which is delegated to him by the state.