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State program "Healthy Nation - Healthy Russia": description and features

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State program "Healthy Nation - Healthy Russia": description and features
State program "Healthy Nation - Healthy Russia": description and features

The formation of a healthy lifestyle is considered a priority in most countries of the world. The Russian Federation is no exception. Most recently, our country adopted the program "Healthy Nation - Healthy Russia." The main goal of the program is the formation of compatriots' caring attitude to their health, mental and physical form. To achieve the goal, the goal was to make a healthy lifestyle truly prestigious and fashionable. In what ways are lawmakers trying to implement the program? This will be discussed in the article.

"Healthy Nation - Healthy Russia": general description

The program is a certain set of measures aimed at socio-economic and demographic development by modernizing the health care system. A special place in the program is given to financing medicine.

Legislators call the program "the beginning of global change" in the country. According to authorities, health centers have begun to open in Russia, the insurance system is being transformed, and domestic medicine is being modernized.

At the same time, the project “Healthy Nation - Healthy Russia” is more aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle. According to statistics provided by health authorities, human health is 50% dependent on lifestyle, and only 10% on the quality of medicine. Can this approach be called correct? A moot point. In fact, program developers advocate for prevention. Treatment, for which medicine is responsible, fades into the background.

What is the program for?

Many citizens may wonder about the relevance of the presented program. Why finance a system whose main purpose is to promote a healthy lifestyle? Do Russians really not know enough about the importance of personal care? Unfortunately, the population of our country does not give priority to physical education and sports, and therefore there really is a need for a program.


Program developers understand that the majority of the population transfers responsibility for their own condition to the healthcare system, which in this case is an external factor. Indeed, domestic medicine leaves much to be desired. However, citizens themselves must periodically take care of their health. It is necessary to get rid of bad habits and pay more attention to physical activity, and the Healthy Nation project will help.

The main directions of the program

The project "Healthy Nation - Healthy Russia" has the following directions:

  • Training professionals in the medical field who could take part in the implementation of recreational activities, as well as programs aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle among the population.

  • Preparation of information and communication programs, the purpose of which is to give up smoking, alcohol and other bad habits.

  • Formation of large-scale programs that can be implemented in conjunction with various public institutions. This, for example, church, state, public, entrepreneurial and other types of communities.


In order to speedily implement the presented directions, the creators of the project "Healthy Nation - Healthy Russia" provide not the most optimistic statistics. For example, in Russia, life expectancy between men and women varies significantly - by 13 years on average. I must say that no other country in the world can "boast" of such a gap. Program developers attribute this to increased cases of alcoholism and drug addiction among men.

Program objectives

The program appeared in 2009. Her slogan was the dictum "Health is your concern." The company has many industries, including "Sober Russia - a healthy nation", "Body Culture" and much more. Moreover, all programs are united in their desire to implement the following tasks:

  • constant informing of citizens about dangerous and unhealthy factors;

  • the formation of the principles of "responsible parenthood";

  • individual and group propaganda of disease prevention, abandonment of bad habits, the formation of a responsible attitude to health, etc.;

  • assessment of adaptive and functional reserves of the body, taking into account the age of people, their state of health;

  • counseling on health promotion and maintenance;

  • issuing recommendations on the correction of nutrition, physical activity, sleep patterns, etc.


The developers of the program advise you to go to the doctor as often as possible - not only for the treatment of specific diseases, but also for routine prevention.

The project "So great"

The state program "Healthy Russia" has its own website. This is the project “So Cool” - the official information resource of Healthy Russia. On the site you can find a lot of useful information about proper nutrition, exercise, healthy habits and much more. All materials are thoroughly tested by leading specialists in Russian healthcare. Published information contains accurate information that will be useful to people of all ages.


The project does not have an advertising department, and you can find it by any close meaning: for example, "A healthy nation is the future of Russia." The creators of the site claim to be realistic. Difficult living conditions, long winters, special traditions - all these are integral features of our state. The project is sure to help add a few years of a happy life.

Program structure

The program "Healthy Nation - Healthy Russia" was approved by the Expert Advisory Council of the Russian Federation under the Chairperson of the lower house of Parliament. The project is divided into 11 main areas:

  • rational and proper nutrition;

  • healthy rest and rational work;

  • the correct mode of rest and work;

  • optimal motor mode;

  • rational use of free time;

  • personal hygiene, hardening;

  • active longevity;

  • sexual culture and family planning;

  • prevention of bad habits;

  • health monitoring;

  • hygiene rules.

The responsibility for the program is assumed by Rospotrebnadzor, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, and the Academy of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.

Holding meetings

On October 8, 2015, the largest meeting of program developers at the moment was held. The following officials attended the congress:

  • Tyunyaev Andrey - the chief editor of the newspaper "President".

  • Zhuravleva Nadezhda - chairman of the Moscow Medical Chamber, head of the congress.

  • Bessonov Alexey - the head of the scientific medical center "LIDO", Honored Doctor of Russia, one of the developers of the program "Healthy Nation".

  • From the Ministry of Health of Russia - Vladimir Lukin. Polar explorer, oceanologist.

  • Boris Leonov - President of RAMS (Russian Academy of Medical and Technical Sciences).

At the meeting, many reports were read. As a result of the congress, a conclusion was drawn about the need for further development of the program, support for presidential initiatives and the modernization of work to improve the nation. It should be noted that such congresses are occasionally formed at present.

Program implementation mechanism

“A healthy nation is a happy Russia” works on several mechanisms. They help to solve tasks and achieve specific goals.

One of the mechanisms of work is the system of Healthy Nutrition Centers. Such centers are in all Russian districts. Their main responsibility is to disseminate information about proper and wholesome nutrition. In addition, the Centers develop various methods for individual citizens: depending on age, type of disease, characteristics of the body, etc.


Of course, there are many other mechanisms. For example, the Sober Russia movement operates through the work of some government and private bodies. There are also federal projects and movements that help achieve program objectives.

Principles and directions of activity

What are the principles and ideas of the Healthy Nation program? The prosperity of Russia, according to the developers of the project, is possible only subject to the following principles:

  • ensuring human health as a fundamental social and governmental principle;

  • adherence to productive cooperation of financial, business, cultural and labor resources to improve the nation;

  • recognition of human health as a phenomenon that acts as a prerequisite for human survival in an unfavorable environment;

  • recognition of the inextricable link between human health and social quality of life.

The main activities recorded in the program are the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the modernization of Russian medicine.