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State Museum of Defense of Moscow. Museum of Defense of Moscow: photos and reviews of tourists

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State Museum of Defense of Moscow. Museum of Defense of Moscow: photos and reviews of tourists
State Museum of Defense of Moscow. Museum of Defense of Moscow: photos and reviews of tourists

Video: "200th Anniversary Napoleons Invasion of Russia in 1812" : Borodino Battle (MOSCOW) Russia 2024, June

Video: "200th Anniversary Napoleons Invasion of Russia in 1812" : Borodino Battle (MOSCOW) Russia 2024, June

In 1979, in honor of the defenders of the capital of Russia, the State Museum of Defense of Moscow was opened. One of the main and decisive battles of the Great Patriotic War is Moscow. The facts are captured about him and the expositions in the museum are presented.


Decisive battle

The battle for Moscow was an important and crucial stage of the Great Patriotic War, and the future of not only the Soviet Union, but also many other countries depended on its results.

Everyone who visits the Museum of Defense of Moscow will be able to see the historical battle through the eyes of its direct participants - those who forged a victory, no matter what. Guides will guide you along the path of the warriors, tell you and show you all the tests they passed. Having visited the expositions presented, it will be possible to feel and understand the driving forces that guided the soldiers.


The figures of fascists, who are represented in the person of people who actually lived and attacked Moscow, will help to assess the reality of what is happening. The State Museum of Defense of Moscow in Moscow has unique exhibits that allow you to see the battle not as a military description, but to look at it from the inside, evaluate it with the eyes of a participant who lived and fought for his homeland.

The Moscow battle had several conventional stages, which are presented in various halls of the Museum of Defense.

The beginning … Hall 1

Despite the Nonaggression Pact, Germany nevertheless stepped on the Soviet Union. The plans included the destruction of Moscow as soon as possible.

At the beginning of the tour, visitors plunge into the life and simple life of people before the Nazis attack. Once civilians began to hold rallies at enterprises, women and children were evacuated to more distant corners, and all men were drafted into military commissariats.

You can see how factory workers switch to the production of military parts instead of peaceful products. But at that time Moscow had a huge industrial potential. Factories and plants worked adequately providing people.

And look at the children! The presented exhibits and experienced guides will also tell about their unfortunate fates. It is very interesting to know that about 500 thousand women, students and even high school students were abandoned for the construction of the Rzhev-Vyazemsky and Mozhaisk defense lines.


Seeing with my own eyes how very young girls, women and still very children had to work, it becomes clear why the enemy could not defeat Moscow and the Russian people.

By visiting the Moscow State Museum of Defense, you will find out how patriotic the people who lived at that time were. Particularly indicative was the formation of militia units. 12 divisions were thrown at the defense of Moscow. In the first room you can see unique photographs of people leaving to fight the enemy.

Air alert. Hall 2

After going into the second hall, you can see and feel all the horrors when bombs began to pour from the peaceful sky, and there was nowhere to get away from them. But somehow I had to defend myself. Soviet designers came up with many air defense installations that were used to defend the capital.


Everything that was used to defend against German aircraft is shown by the Moscow State Museum of Defense. In the city in those days, there was an air alert service. Artillery powerfully opposed enemy aircraft. And Soviet pilots successfully threw themselves into the very den of the enemy.

We won’t surrender Moscow! Hall 3

The next exposition tells about the terrifying onslaught of the Nazis. On the presented documents and exhibits, you can see what actions were taken by political leaders, how the defense of Moscow took place.

Listening to the guide, you can find amazing stories of the courage of ordinary people. Very interesting is the document "Plan for the Capture of the Capital", which the museum has (Museum of the Defense of Moscow). Museums in Moscow have many unique historical evidence.

So, having studied the plan for the capture of the city, you can be surprised to find out how much the Germans planned to take the capital sharply and swiftly by encirclement. But it was precisely the capture of Moscow that was associated with a general victory over the Soviet Union and the enslavement of its inhabitants. Hitler had huge plans for our homeland, which, fortunately, were not destined to come true.

The Moscow State Museum of Defense in its expositions and historical documents tells of the most dramatic episode when the Soviet army lost the battle. As a result, all approaches to the city were undisguised. The Germans took advantage of this. They reached almost the outskirts.


Despite all the tragedy of the situation and seemingly complete hopelessness, the Nazis failed to capture the city. Residents so resisted that the Germans were very surprised by the stamina and patriotism of the Soviet people. This largely broke the confidence of the enemy troops, and they never conquered the capital. You can learn about all this by visiting the military museum - the Museum of Defense of Moscow.

Museums in Moscow show how much courage and heroism ordinary people have shown to defend their city, their country.

For Moscow! Hall 4

Moving to the fourth hall, we immediately fall into a counterattack that defeated the fascist army. The presented exhibits tell about the preparations for the decisive battle, as well as the difficulties that have been successfully overcome.

The documents presented in which the leaders of the allied states spoke about the significance of the battle for Moscow were very interesting for reading.

The command was dealt with by the great commander-in-chief Georgy Zhukov, who, after another unsuccessful German offensive, decided to launch a counterattack. As a result, the army of the enemy was completely broken and driven back far from Moscow.

Germany during the battle for the capital of the Soviet Union played its main battle, which involved the quick and unhindered enslavement of Soviet people.

Hooray, victory! Hall 5

In this room you can see photos of particularly distinguished soldiers and commanders. It is very interesting here, especially for schoolchildren, a simple life of people in wartime is shown. Visitors see how difficult the conditions were, but people did not give up and forged the victory all together.


At any time, people need to maintain a good mood, and even more so when there is a war. The Museum of Defense of Moscow has posters that are hung on the streets of the city. They were satirical and at least somehow entertained people. It is noteworthy that the famous poets and artists drew and composed the slogans.