
State of Vietnam: South, North and Central

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State of Vietnam: South, North and Central
State of Vietnam: South, North and Central



For many, Vietnam is associated with war. However, now this amazingly quiet and cozy corner hospitably welcomes travelers and tourists from different countries.

In this article we will get acquainted with these interesting exotic places and their features. Southern Vietnam is a special feature described in this article.

General information about Vietnam

This state is located in Southeast Asia (Indochina Peninsula). Its area is 329 thousand 560 square meters. km


The population is more than 83.5 million inhabitants. Officially, 54 nationalities live here, which are grouped according to their linguistic characteristics: Vietnamese, Tibeto-Burmese, Mon Khmer, Thai, Chinese, Tyam, Miao-Yao, others and foreigners. Largest cities: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City (or Saigon).

As for religion, here it is free. The main part of the population: Buddhists, hoa-hao (after other koa-kao), Christians and kaodaists. Also, there are places to be traditional local beliefs and Islam.

Geographical position

Before deciding where the southern part of Vietnam is located, consider the geographical location of the entire state. The territories of this country include some islands located in the Gulf of Thailand and the South China Sea, including Spratly and part of the Paracel Islands. The largest of the latter are Phu Quoc, Katba and Condao.

The north of the state borders with China, the west with Laos, and the southwest with Cambodia. From north to south, 1650 kilometers stretches Vietnam.

The South China Sea washes its waters from the east, and the Gulf of Thailand from the west. The entire length of the coast of Vietnam is 3960 km. The Mekong, Red and Black (a tributary of the Red) rivers flow through its territory.

Division of Vietnam into zones

You can relax in these places all year round. The holiday season ends in one part and begins in its other zone. The best corner of this country is undoubtedly South Vietnam, which will be discussed below.


The only factor hindering a good rest is the rainy seasons. In different regions, they come at different times. The explanation for this natural phenomenon is the location of the country in the subequatorial zone where monsoons dominate. In the summer, southwestern and southern moist winds blow, and in winter - dry northeasterly winds.

Vietnam is divided into 3 climatic territories. We will dwell on the description of these zones in more detail, that is, we will consider Central, North and South Vietnam.


In this region, more humid and hot weather persists throughout almost the entire year. The best seasons are May-October or December-February.

In turn, the central territory is divided into coastal and mountainous areas. In the last month from July to November, typhoons are frequent. In this area are the resorts of Hoi An, Danang and Hue.


Dry and hot weather in the north of the country is mainly observed from spring (May) to autumn (November). The cool rainy season lasts from the end of November to almost the beginning of May. This is an inappropriate period for a beach holiday, since at this time the air temperature is quite low - about + 20 degrees Celsius. The coldest month of this zone is January.


Well-known resorts such as the island of Shapa, Kathba and Halong are located here.

Vietnam South

In the southern part, a completely different situation is observed, since the tourism season lasts from December to April, and the cloudy rainy season lasts from spring (May) to late autumn. Moreover, the humidity in this period ranges from 80 percent. Despite this, the rainy season in these places is not entirely terrible, because it rains no more than 20 minutes intermittently.

Famous resorts in southern Vietnam: Da Lat, Phan Thiet, Nha Trang, Phu Quoc and Vung Tau.


South islands

Vietnam is interesting for its amazingly picturesque islands located near the coast, where the resort of Nha Trang is located. Among them is the island of Moon with a fishing village located on it. This site is a kind of marine reserve, where you can see amazing corals, fabulous fish and marine animals.


Here are excellent conditions for snorkeling and diving, as well as with your own eyes you can see how lobsters and cuttlefish are grown, and order a wonderful seafood lunch. On the other island of Hontham, you can spend a wonderful beach holiday with relaxation and swimming.