
Graben is What are grabens and how are they formed

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Graben is What are grabens and how are they formed
Graben is What are grabens and how are they formed

Video: Graben 2024, July

Video: Graben 2024, July

In this article, we examine the issue of natural phenomena. What are grabens and how do they form? Also, looking ahead, we pay attention to the opposite of graben - this is a handful.

What is graben

Graben is the sagging part of the earth's crust, which was formed as a result of a tectonic fault and stands out among the elevated areas.

Grabens usually appear as a result of the emergence of tensile forces near elevated areas of land. Under the influence of this, subsidence of the soil occurs and a failure of the rock formations is formed.


On the edges of the graben appear towering parts, which are formed as a result of the accumulation of new rocks, they are called "graben wings".

In length, they can reach several tens and hundreds of kilometers - in width. The most pronounced and widely known grabens are in East Africa. They are located along the lakes of Tanganyika, Victoria, Nyansa. In Russia, the largest graben is the Barguzinsky Depression, the basin of Lake Baikal.

In the solar system, the largest graben is the Mariner Valley, located on Mars. The reason for the formation is volcanic activity.

What is a horst

A horst is a block of the earth's crust raised along faults formed as a result of tectonic movements.

Regarding the surface, there are three types of horsts:

  1. Inclined - the surface over the entire area is inclined in one direction.

  2. Wedge-shaped - there is a stepwise narrowing down.

  3. One-sided - faults or faults occur on one side only.

Often, horsts create mountains with flat peaks. The length usually reaches hundreds, and the width is tens of kilometers, the height is several thousand meters. Vivid examples of horsts are the mountain range in Spain, Sierra Nevada, a mountain range in the south-west of Germany, the Black Forest.


For the first time the term "horst" was introduced in the science of geology in 1873 by the Austrian Edward Suess. In their own words, graben is a hollow, a handful is a hill.