
Mushroom places of the Ulyanovsk region and Ulyanovsk

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Mushroom places of the Ulyanovsk region and Ulyanovsk
Mushroom places of the Ulyanovsk region and Ulyanovsk

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How pleasant it is to enjoy a delicious soup or pie of honey mushrooms or champignons. Especially if you pick mushrooms yourself. And it is not as difficult as it seems. You only need to know the mushroom places of the Ulyanovsk region. After all, its forests are rich in a wide variety of edible species. The main thing is not to be lazy, and then from the "silent hunt" you can get the maximum pleasure and, of course, the harvest. To do this, you need to know which mushrooms can be eaten, and which can lead to serious health consequences.

Where to look for mushrooms in the Ulyanovsk region

Where are the mushrooms? "In Ulyanovsk!" - experienced collectors will answer you. And they will be absolutely right. After all, the Ulyanovsk region is rightfully considered the mushroom capital of the Volga region. When the season begins, so many fans of quiet hunting come here that the railroad workers have to let in additional trains and trains. They are called mushroom. Almost all kinds of edible species are found here: white, honey mushrooms, boletus, chanterelles, russula and others. You can search for them in the forests, in clearings and clearings - but anywhere!


Mushroom places of the Ulyanovsk region are in all its regions. But, as experienced amateurs say, the following places are richest in harvest:

  • In Karsunsky district, it is better to look near the villages of Yazykovo and Prislonikha.

  • In Innsky, one of the favorite mushroom settlements is Glotovka, which is probably one of the most fruitful places in the whole region.

  • Paradise for a "quiet hunt" called Kuzovatovsky district. They grow here completely different and in huge numbers. They are found in absolutely all forests of the region, but it is best to look in the Baevsky reserve. There, by the way, you can also collect a good crop of cranberries.

  • In the Staromainsky district, all forest areas are rich in mushrooms.

  • In Undorovskie places, you can find among the ferns good breasts, and also honey mushrooms.

As you can see, a rich harvest can be harvested in almost all corners of the region. And, of course, Ulyanovsk itself and its environs attract mushroom lovers from all over the region.

Mushrooms in Ulyanovsk

If you wish, you can harvest here even in the city. Some parks have good mushroom spots. Ulyanovsk is surprisingly rich in them. Many different species can be found in the forests on the outskirts. First of all, these are deciduous tracts in the northern part of the city. There you can find many wonderful mushrooms and boletus. But you can also go for them, for example, to the area of ​​the Zakharyevsky mine, to the villages of Ivanovka, Poniky Klyuch and Loma. There are a lot of different mushrooms. In Undory, you can easily find good mushrooms and honey mushrooms.


How to find out if mushrooms appeared in Ulyanovsk? Very simple! The main thing to remember is that the “hunting” season begins in late summer - early fall. Although in general, mushrooms grow almost all year round, so if you wish, at any time, except for winter, you can harvest a good crop.

Where to look for mushrooms?

Where is it better to pick mushrooms in Ulyanovsk? You can search for them in almost all mixed forests. But each individual species prefers its place. So, butterflies grow in pine forests, and honey mushrooms - in deciduous. In spruce forests, whites and mushrooms love to settle, and in oak forests - russula. By the way, contrary to beliefs, aspen and boletus are not only at "their" trees. Like other mushrooms, they love the sunlit hills and mounds. By the way, in order to find them, it is not necessary to go deep into the forest - they usually grow at the edge of the forest. And birch barks often hide in lingonberry bushes. Right on the path you can find many chanterelles and russula.


Thus, the mushroom places of the Ulyanovsk region are very diverse. Everyone will be able to find them to their liking.

Note to the beginner mushroom picker

But in order to collect an impressive crop, it is not enough just to know the mushroom places of the Ulyanovsk region. There are some secrets that can help a beginner get home with a full basket. It is best to pick mushrooms when there is still no bright sun in the early morning. As experienced "hunters" note, at dawn they are the most fragrant and strong, and the dew hat sparkles and is clearly visible. You also need to remember that the richest of all young forests. Mushrooms appear in them much earlier, and their harvest is larger. And, of course, you need to be responsible and careful about the forest and its gifts.


There are the simplest cultural mushroom picking skills to keep in mind. For example, it is better not to cut them with a knife, but to take them out of the ground with the leg. This reduces the risk of death of the entire mycelium, and other people will also be able to enjoy its harvest later.

How not to get lost in the forest

It’s better not to go mushroom picking in the evening. During this lesson, time flies by unnoticed, and in the dark it is very easy to get lost. Be sure to bring a first-aid kit, a supply of water and food, as well as a mobile phone, in which case you can contact the rescue service. It is better to grab a map of the area and a compass.

And if you still get lost, the main thing is not to panic and try to find at least some landmark - a path or a clearing. Listen to the sounds: the noise of a train or a working tractor, dog barking or bell ringing can help get out of the forest.

Safety regulations

It is important to remember the basic rules in order to find the safest mushroom spots. Ulyanovsk is a densely populated and vibrant city, so in no case can you harvest near roads, landfills, abandoned places and warehouses. There, fungi attract a large amount of harmful substances. It is better not to put them in plastic bags: due to the lack of fresh air, they deteriorate very quickly. You need to collect only famous mushrooms and never try them raw - this is dangerous.


You can’t eat overripe or wormy specimens, they can be very poisonous. You need to cook mushrooms immediately after returning home. Knowing these simple rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of poisoning.