
Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev: biography, nationality

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Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev: biography, nationality
Governor of the Kemerovo region Aman Tuleev: biography, nationality

Aman Tuleyev, a politician, governor, a bright man, whose biography, whose nationality is causing a lot of rumors, lives by its own rules. He knows how to achieve his goals, can make difficult decisions and is known as a man of action, not words. The biography of Aman Tuleyev is full of interesting facts, unexpected turns and struggles.



May 13, 1944 in the small town of Krasnovodsk, Turkmen SSR, Tuleev Aman Gumirovich was born (at the birth of Amangeldy Moldagazyevich). His father, an ethnic Kazakh, died at the front, and the boy did not see him. He called his father stepfather - Vlasov Innocent Ivanovich, who was a railway employee. According to Tuleyev, he was obliged to his stepfather in his life by everything. Aman’s mother came from a Bashkir-Tatar family. Therefore, all his life, Aman Tuleyev, whose biography, the nationality of which is presented in the article, was forced to feel like an ethnic minority. As a child, he was very shy about his name, which he received in honor of the Kazakh communist, his parents saw a film about him before the birth of his son. Then he redid his name and patronymic a little, and he became calmer. In 1951, the family moved to Kuzbass, where Tuleyev grew up in the Russian environment and his name and appearance always attracted attention to him.



At 17, the young man decides to start an independent life away from his parents and leaves for the Krasnodar Territory. In 1961, Tuleyev Aman Gumirovich, following the example of his stepfather, entered the railway college in Tikhoretsk, which he graduated in three years with honors. Later, already working on the railway, he graduated from the Institute of Railway Engineers in Novosibirsk in absentia. In 1973, he received a diploma of higher education. And already being a top manager, he receives a second higher education at the Academy of Social Sciences (now the Academy of Public Administration).


After the technical school, Tuleyev goes to the Mundybash station in Western Siberia for distribution, where he begins to work as a station duty officer. The work of a young specialist in this remote place began with an excess. Trying to prevent a collision between the engine and the train, Tuleyev violated the instructions and, instead of lighting an alarm, ran out on the road, giving signs to the drivers. They even wanted to institute criminal proceedings against him, but everything worked out, the switchmen stood up for him, took the blame on themselves, and the case ended in reprimand.

In 1966, Aman was drafted into the army, and upon his return, he immediately took up the post of head of the Mundybash station. In 1974, he became deputy head of the railway department in Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region, and after another three years he moved to the chair of the chief. In 1988, he became the head of all railways in Kemerovo. Employees recall Tuleyev as a fair and attentive leader. He always delved into all the little things, not only of the work process, but also of the lives of his subordinates. The reception room of Aman Gumirovich Tuleyev, the head of the railways, was always full of people who came to him for help, and most often he found a way to solve their problems.


Party work

Aman Tuleyev, whose biography, the nationality of which fully corresponded to communist principles, became a member of the CPSU back in 1968. In 1985, he transferred to work in the regional committee of the CPSU of the Kemerovo region, where he heads the department of transport and communications. After serving in this position for three years, Tuleyev again returned to his native railway administration. But in 1991 he was again transferred to work in power. This time he becomes the chairman of the Kemerovo regional executive committee. Tuleyev was already closely within the framework of his work as a manager, albeit a fairly high level. He wanted to influence the life of society, especially since time just gave such opportunities. Tuleyev, with his seething energy, knowledge of the life of the people, was inevitably a road to politics.


Political career

In 1989, Aman Tuleyev, a biography whose nationality was ideally suited for the people's deputy, makes the first attempt to become a deputy. He ran for Kemerovo, where he was well known, but he could not defeat a very strong opponent, lawyer and scientist Yuri Golik. The next election to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, to which Tuleyev went from Mountain Shoria, he won. In parallel, he won the elections to the local Council of People's Deputies. In these elections, Tuleyev received the support of the CEC of the CPSU, local communists and ordinary workers from Kuzbass. Since 1990, Aman Gumirovich has been combining two key positions: the chairman of the regional executive committee and the chairman of the regional council of the Kemerovo region.

In 1991, Tuleyev nominated himself as president of Russia. In his election program, he spoke of the need to find a balance between democratization of the economy and the preservation of collective farms. As a result of the election, he took fourth place out of six. In the Kemerovo region, he became the absolute leader. Political scientists say that Tuleyev participated in these elections not for victory, but in order to declare himself on an all-Russian scale.

In 1991, Yeltsin removed Aman Gumirovich from the post of chairman of the regional executive committee, formally for supporting the Emergency Committee. But they say that it was a lesson for the future, so that he did not claim the supreme power. Tuleyev said that he did not support either the supporters of the coup or Yeltsin. He repeatedly sharply spoke out against the economic course of E. Gaidar. In the conflict between Yeltsin and the Supreme Council in 1993, he was on the side of the Armed Forces.

In 1996, he will make another attempt to become president of the country, but before the first round he is removed from the election, casting his votes to G. Zyuganov. Since 1993, Tuleyev was a member of the Federation Council, headed the Legislative Assembly of the Kemerovo region. In 1996, Russian President Yeltsin appointed him Minister for Establishing Relations with CIS Members. In 2000, he once again tried to become president of the Russian Federation, but this time he came fourth with a result of 2.95% of the vote.


Tuleev Aman Gumirovich - Governor of the Kemerovo Region

In the local elections in October 1997, he received the support of 94% of the vote. Tuleev Aman Gumirovich (Kemerovo region) was appointed head of the administration of his region. Kemerovo believed Tuleev. During his governorship, there were many difficult events: miners' strikes, the so-called rail wars, explosions at the Ulyanovskaya, Yubileinaya, Lenin and Raspadskaya mines with the deaths of people. But Tuleyev did everything possible to help people, and looked very dignified. He was able to take the coal industry of the region to a new level, bringing production to the highest productivity in the history of the region. He carried out a complete restructuring of the industry, attracted private capital, did a lot for the development of the metallurgical industry in Kuzbass.

In 2000, Viktor Tikhonov was arrested on charges of planning an assassination attempt on Governor Tuleyev. Some media said that this was the result of a huge internal struggle for spheres of influence in the region. Tuleyev has been repeatedly accused of lobbying the interests of some business representatives, of illegal sources of income. But all these versions have not received official confirmation.


Awards and titles

Over his life, Aman Tuleyev, a biography whose nationality has repeatedly become an obstacle to his big politics, has received many awards. He is a holder of the orders "For Merit to the Fatherland", "Alexander Nevsky", the holder of the thanks of the President of the Russian Federation, an honorary diploma of the Government of the Russian Federation. In 1999, Tuleyev refused to accept the Order of the Badge of Honor from Yeltsin’s hands, but in 2000 he considered it possible to receive it from V.V. Putin.

A. G. Tuleyev has a Ph.D. in political science, is an honorary citizen of Kuzbass and several cities of the Kemerovo region.
