
Kholmogorov Egor: biography of a famous publicist. Interesting facts about the journalist and the style of his works

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Kholmogorov Egor: biography of a famous publicist. Interesting facts about the journalist and the style of his works
Kholmogorov Egor: biography of a famous publicist. Interesting facts about the journalist and the style of his works

Kholmogorov Egor Stanislavovich was born in Moscow in 1975. This is a popular publicist who advocates for Russian values ​​and religion. He is also known to many as the chief editor of sites bearing the following name: “New Chronicles” and “Russian Observer”. And it is to him that the phrase “Russian Spring” belongs, which has already become a term. In general, this is the person who really deserves attention.


About the beginning of journalistic activity

Since 1994, Yegor Kholmogorov has been engaged in journalism. He is the author of an unbelievably large number of publications in which he carefully analyzes the religious and political situations in the Russian Federation. In addition, this author pays attention to philosophy, conservatism and its ideology, as well as the Orthodox Russian Church and the history of our country. His first works were publications in the newspaper Today and in the magazine Alpha and Omega. Yegor Kholmogorov admitted that at that time he was “an Orthodox liberal youth who was motivated by Chesterton's“ Orthodox ”and“ Lewis's Letters of Balamouth ”.

Nationalist movements

Kholmogorov Egor in 1998, together with Konstantin Krylov, founded the famous Russian nationalist site, which became known as “Doctrina.Ru”. By the way, for a long time he was in the non-canonical Orthodox Autonomous Church (8 years - from 1996 to 2004).

Kholmogorov Egor is categorically against any forms of historical nihilism and pagans. He even wrote as an ideological experiment a pamphlet called “Right Turn. A program of good living, a healthy economy, and fair politics. ” And then, after rereading his work, he said that this was perhaps one of the best works that he only managed to write.


Journalistic activity

In 2006, Russian columnist Egor Kholmogorov actively continued his journalistic activities. In 2006, he even worked on a television project such as Russian Answer. True, work in 2007 was discontinued. But, participating in it, Yegor first came to the Crimea and to Sevastopol. In the white-stone handsome, as the journalist himself admits, he fell in love so much that set his return to Russia one of the main goals of life.

In 2011, he began to appear in public more and more often - he participated in a rally of Russian nationalists, where he called for stubbornly seeking democratic changes in Russia. And in March next year, 2012, he was elected a member of the organizing committee of the National Democratic Party. But two months later left the post. After that, he switched to television - on NTV, he became a co-host of the Wasserman Reaction program.

In general, this person has quite an interesting activity. He is loved by many Russian readers for many reasons. But one of the main ones is that this person is a true patriot of his country and a person who truly respects the dignity and values ​​of his people, trying to support them in every way. And, of course, cannot fail to attract his unique, special style of presentation. Egor's journalism is something special. So, it’s worth talking about it then in more detail in order to have an idea of ​​his texts, which are actually very many.
