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Artistic symbols of the peoples of the world - man-made wonders of the world!

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Artistic symbols of the peoples of the world - man-made wonders of the world!
Artistic symbols of the peoples of the world - man-made wonders of the world!

Video: Cave Art 101 | National Geographic 2024, June

Video: Cave Art 101 | National Geographic 2024, June

More than two hundred and fifty countries, several thousand nationalities, nationalities, peoples - large and small, exist and interact with each other on planet Earth. And each of them has its own characteristics, customs and traditions, characteristic features formed over the centuries. There are also artistic symbols of the peoples of the world, reflecting their idea of ​​being, religion, philosophy and other knowledge and concepts. In different countries they differ from each other, possessing the originality and originality inherent in a particular piece of the planet. They do not depend directly on state power, but are sometimes formed during the change of power and rulers by people themselves. What are the artistic symbols of the peoples of the world in the generally accepted sense of the word?



Roughly speaking, a symbol is a hypertrophied sign. That is, the image, as a rule, is schematic and conditional, of an object, animal, plant, or of a concept, quality, phenomenon, idea. The symbol is distinguished from the sign by the sacred context, the moment of normativity and social or religious-mystical spirituality expressed in the image (as a rule, schematically and simplified).


Artistic symbols of the peoples of the world

Probably, each country has its own “man-made miracles” made by people. It was not for nothing that “seven miracles” were distinguished in antiquity, which were considered, of course, a kind of artistic symbols (Herodotus believed that the first list was in the fifth century BC - there were only three miracles in it). These included the Cheops pyramid, the gardens of Babylon, the statue of Zeus, the Alexandrian lighthouse and others. The list varied over the centuries: some names were added, others disappeared. Many artistic symbols of the peoples of the world have not survived to this day. After all, in fact, at all times, various peoples had an immeasurable amount. Just the number seven was considered sacred, magical. Well, time has preserved to date only a few symbols of the peoples of the world.
