
The famous series "Do not be born beautiful." What are the actors doing now

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The famous series "Do not be born beautiful." What are the actors doing now
The famous series "Do not be born beautiful." What are the actors doing now

In 2005, another story of Cinderella appeared on the television screens of the country - Katya Pushkareva, nothing inconspicuous, in the series “Don't Be Born Beautiful. The naive story “gray mouse”, which got a job in a fashion house, brought a huge rating, and the actors woke up the next day very popular. What was the fate of the actors after the end of the series?


Nelly Uvarova (Katya Pushkareva)

The girl during the filming met her first husband. Sergey Pikalov was one of the directors of the popular series. The relationship was very romantic, the wedding was held in a circle of loved ones.

Everything was fine, but family relationships did not last long. The reason for the divorce was typical - her husband was very jealous of Nellie that she became in demand and turned into an attractive woman. And he needed a "gray mouse." And he went to another.

For all the time, Nelly starred in several film projects, now serves in the theater. And at the same time engaged in charity. The actress is married, and together with her husband, Alexander Grishin, has two children.

Grigory Antipenko (Andrey Zhdanov)

According to the plot of the series, he falls in love with his inconspicuous assistant, leaving Victoria Klochkova “overboard”. Gregory behind the scenes is married to Julia Takshina, they are raising two sons.

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Once the artist said that he could never fall in love with the “gray mouse”. But even beauty did not save the marriage, and in 2012 they divorced.


Now Antipenko is alone. After the television series “Do Not Be Born Beautiful” thundered throughout Russia, the artist began to receive interesting job offers from all sides. To date, the man is removed less and less, explaining this by the lack of interesting roles.

Julia Takshina (Victoria Klochkova)

Participation in "Do not be born beautiful" was the first appearance of the girl on the screen. Although the marriage with Grigory Antipenko broke up, the film still played a huge role in her career.


Takshin began to be called into large television projects. Today, Julia starred in the film, but so far has no right to divulge information about him.

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Olga Lomonosova (Kira Voropaeva)

According to the plot, Cyrus is Katya's main enemy. In life, on the contrary, all the artists were very friendly. Lomonosova even became the godmother of the first child Antipenko and Takshina. And after Olga herself, two daughters and a son were born.


The father of the children is director Pavel Safronov. After the sensational television series, a beautiful girl began to be invited to various projects. Her filmography includes more than 50 paintings.

Peter Krasilov (Roman Malinovsky)

But this actor came to the television series already being famous after the film "Poor Nastya." So the game in Do Not Be Born Beautiful only helped strengthen fame.

He is married to actress Irina Shebeko, who gave birth to his daughter Sasha. The actor has a son from his first marriage.

Ilya Lyubimov (Alexander Voropaev)

Now the man has the main role in the film "Inadequate People-2." In my personal life, Ilya Lyubimova is also doing well. He is happily married to Ekaterina Vilkova. Lovers have a daughter and a son.


Artyom Semakin (Nikolai Zorkin)

The role in the series was not his first job. But it was after his appearance on the screen that the artist began to be invited to more serious roles. The film also affected the personal life of Artem Semakin.

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He officially broke up with his wife, leaving her with a child for the sake of a colleague on the set Maria Mashkova. But, as everyone knows, “happiness cannot be built on someone else’s misfortune, ” and four years later the man again left the family for another woman.