
Where does Boyarsky live in St. Petersburg?

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Where does Boyarsky live in St. Petersburg?
Where does Boyarsky live in St. Petersburg?



Someday, young people will understand that the main thing in life is a family and a home. And there is no greater pleasure than returning home, to the native hearth, in life. These are the words of Mikhail Boyarsky. Where does Boyarsky live now and what can he say about his house?

Favorite city

Loyalty to St. Petersburg is a feature that characterizes the famous actor. He is distinguished by constancy, all his life he lives in the same city where he was born - of course, we are talking about Petersburg. The date of birth of the actor is December 26, 1949, he was born into an acting family. The communal apartment where Boyarsky lived in St. Petersburg is located on Goncharnaya Street, not far from Moskovsky Train Station. Five huddled in a six-meter small room, in the house, except for cold water, there was nothing, no amenities. There was not enough furniture. Before Misha was 8 years old, they lived at this address. And although living conditions were not the best, the actor considers this carefree period of his life as the best - childhood. Then the family moved to the very center of the city.


Native Sink

A true Petersburger, the last 30 years, the legendary D'Artagnan of Russian cinema lives in an apartment at the address: Moika, 31.


This old building on the corner of the Moika River Embankment and Millionnaya Street is known as the Fersen House. Nevertheless, this name does not mean anything to the average resident of St. Petersburg. The inhabitants of this building are celebrities, and the house itself was erected almost a hundred years ago, today the house has acquired a rather resonant reputation, but this is not about that.

Opposite the building where Boyarsky lives, at Moika 12, is the house of A.S. Pushkin, in which the poet lived his last years.


Every 15 seconds, water trams with tourists pass by the house where the apartment of the great actor is located, guides tell their wards that Boyarsky has been living here for more than 30 years, he is very used to this house on the Moika and will not exchange it for any other house.

Near the mayor

The first mayor, Anatoly Sobchak, once lived in the same house on the fourth floor. And often at the entrance angry crowds gathered in demonstrations, shouting to the fourth floor that they would not give up the Kuril Islands. It was audible throughout the house. The actor’s children could not fall asleep from this noise, then he literally jumped out with a sword and dispersed everyone out. No one expected that instead of Sobchak a “crazy” D'Artagnan would appear with a weapon and would furiously demand that people shut up because the children were sleeping. Then there was no Internet, and no one knew that Boyarsky lived here.

From scratch

The apartment on the Moika, where Mikhail Boyarsky lives, is the actor’s family nest, which was destroyed by wars and revolution, so his actor actually created it from scratch.

Together with his wife, Larisa Luppian, Mikhail Sergeyevich created his own housing, made the layout, all independently, without the help of designers with their fashion trends. He sincerely says that not one of them would have done what Larisa and Mikhail would like to see - everything would have been done, albeit soundly, but without a soul. Actors enjoy a warm classic, they are close to a hi-tech style without impurities. In an apartment in St. Petersburg, where Boyarsky lives, every thing in its place - a fireplace and sofas, beautiful dressers and a crystal chandelier. To each his own.

The bustle of the city


Boyarsky admits that he always wanted to live in the heart of the city - on the Moika, as if he always led here. In childhood, as a boy, he hid from the rain in the Hermitage, under his Atlanteans, and went here to salutes and demonstrations. Even when he served in the army, Mikhail Sergeyevich marched with a drum on Palace Square.

Where Boyarsky lives in St. Petersburg, many people really like it, and everyone strives for it here, in the heart of the city. After all, there are continuous sights nearby: the Hermitage and Palace Square, and all the holidays are held right at the actor’s windows. Here you can constantly hear music and fireworks, concerts and sporting events. But the habit is second nature, Mikhail Sergeyevich is very used to this, and according to the actor, the noise does not bother him at all.

Boyarsky says that if there are a lot of people gathered nearby, he tries to quickly get to the car parked near the main entrance and leave soon. But wherever the actor is, he always seeks to return home, never lingers anywhere, rushes back, to his family, to his homeland.

New flat


Boyarsky always dreamed of life in the center of his native city; he was never attracted to sleeping areas. Numerous travels throughout his life have not changed his mind. He says that the theater where he worked with his wife Larisa Luppian gave the spouses a two-room apartment at 8. Moika, where they lived, and their children were born there - Sergey and Lisa. As the family grew, and the actors acquired new ranks, the theater allocated a three-room apartment, where Boyarsky should be moved to, somewhere near the BDT. Larisa and Mikhail were very happy, but an interesting story happened - sometimes fate throws up interesting turns. The couple was preparing to move, but no one canceled the filming process. Mikhail Sergeyevich was busy on street shootings taking place at the Moika. There was an urgent need to shave, Boyarsky went into the first apartment on the ground floor - he was opened by two elderly people, the actor asked to shave, then looked around the room …

This apartment was large, but in poor condition, doors were boarded up in some rooms - the owners did not use the whole apartment.

Sink, not BDT


Boyarsky and the owners got into a conversation. It turned out that they both were uncomfortable in the apartment - they didn’t need such a large living space, they barely maintained it, and the actor told them about his three-room apartment, which was half as much. And the elderly couple got the idea - to change. The actor agreed. As a result, they did not even call into the apartment that the theater had given them.

As a result, where Boyarsky lives now, comfort and peace reign, and initially the wife categorically did not want to go there. Firstly, it was the first floor, and secondly, an unsettled room, dirt and an urgent need for repairs. But in the end, the actor insisted on his own, and the couple moved into a new home.

According to Boyarsky, the house in which there were many such unsettled apartments gradually transformed, and after Anatoly Sobchak came here to live, especially. Boyarsky recalls how many empty, “dead” dwellings were abandoned and abandoned, and now restaurants and cafes work in the house where Boyarsky lives, there are luxurious apartments and attics. According to the actor, even the wife of Larisa, who was very indignant at this move, soon got used to the new apartment, seeing how everything around was being transformed.