
Igor Sechin. short biography

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Igor Sechin. short biography
Igor Sechin. short biography

Video: Investors see no major policy change from Khodorkovsky's release - economy 2024, July

Video: Investors see no major policy change from Khodorkovsky's release - economy 2024, July

In one ordinary family of ordinary workers in the city of Leningrad, on September 7, 1960, a boy Igor Sechin was born. No one could have thought that this ordinary little boy would become the head of a huge state-owned company, as well as with the right hand of the president of Russia.


Igor was not the only child in the family, fate gave his parents also a girl (they are twins with Igor), whom they called Irina. All his childhood, the boy lived in the hero city, he studied very well at school with in-depth study of the French language. Igor’s mom and dad broke up when the children were twelve years old. Their divorce went peacefully and painlessly. But all the same, parents paid equal attention to the children.


University, military service, career start

After school, Sechin entered the A. Zhdanov Institute at the Faculty of Philology, in the Portuguese direction. There were only 10 people in the group, but Igor Sechin was the best student, activist. Due to his academic performance, he goes to Mozambique to work as a translator. At that time there was a civil war, but this did not scare the young man.

After graduation, he was taken into the army. By distribution, he ends up in Turkmenistan, then in Angola. Sechin served in hot spots for about 4 years. In 1985, he went to work in a company that transports weapons to the countries of the Soviet Union. And already in 1988, he accidentally met with a very ordinary guy at that time by the name of Vladimir, now the president of Russia. This acquaintance played an important role in the life of Sechin. Since then, they are inseparable and constantly work together.


Labor activity

From 1990 to 1995, Igor Sechin worked with Putin at the St. Petersburg City Hall as the chief specialist in public relations with the people. During the work, he solves many important issues related to public assistance. Received many thanks. He rises up the career ladder, but then, under duress, resigns due to failed elections.

In 1998, Sechin wrote a dissertation and became a candidate of economic sciences for petroleum product projects.

Since the early 2000s, after Putin became president, Sechin goes to work in the Kremlin as chief presidential aide. Well, since 2004 he has a stake in Rosneft and heads the company. Igor Sechin’s income is more than twenty million rubles a month.

Since May 2012, he has been president of Rosneft. During Medvedev’s reign, Sechin leaves Rosneft, but Putin returns him.


In April 2014, Sechin fell under US sanctions imposed on some Russian citizens due to events in Ukraine.

In July 2014, he buys shares of the VKontakte social network, outperforming the number of shares of the creator of the network, Durov. Thanks to this, social networks came under the control of the Russian state.