
Petrosyan Evgeny Vaganovich - biography, family and interesting facts

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Petrosyan Evgeny Vaganovich - biography, family and interesting facts
Petrosyan Evgeny Vaganovich - biography, family and interesting facts

This publication is dedicated to the biography and personal life of Yevgeny Petrosyan, a famous TV presenter, comedian, pop artist of Russia and the USSR. Recently, people have shown non-childish curiosity for the personality of a comedian, and the whole reason for his divorce from the equally popular TV presenter Elena Stepanenko. It is believed that the separation of the spouses was due to the new love of Yevgeny Vaganovich, and this is only more intriguing. People have more and more questions. One of the main ones is how old Yevgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan is, is it true that his new lover is almost three times younger than the artist? We will answer all these questions in this article, but we will start from the very beginning - from the childhood of a comedian.

early years


Evgeni Vaganovich Petrosyan - real surname Petrosyants, was born in Baku immediately after the end of the war - in 1945, September 16. The boy’s parents were atheists: mother, Bella Grigoryevna - a chemical engineer by education, housewife, father Vagan Mironovich (Mezhlumovich) - a teacher of mathematics. Parents hoped that the son would follow in the footsteps of one of them, but the scene always attracted the child, and she, in the end, became his life.

Yevgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan’s nationality remains in doubt, because his mother is Jewish and his father is Armenian. The boy first appeared on stage at the age of 12. Since that time, he became a permanent member and activist of the amateur circle, and not a single performance was held without his participation.

Immediately after school, Evgeni Vaganovich entered the VTMEI, and the great Rina Zelenaya became one of his teachers!

Creative way


Already in 1962, the young artist entered the professional stage. Since 1964, he was lucky to be an entertainer under the direction of Leonid Utesov in the state orchestra. Further, from 1969, there was a Moskontsert, and Petrosyan worked in it until 1989! And during this period, the artist was able to achieve a lot.

In 1985, Evgeni Vaganovich graduated from GITIS, becoming a distinguished artist of the RSFSR. After another six years, Petrosyan is awarded another title - People's Artist.

The comedian became popular by the end of the 70s of the last century. Full concerts were gathered at his concerts. And he broadcast monologues from the stage, showed miniatures, spoke with interludes and so on.

At the end of 1979, Petrosyan Evgeni Vaganovich, whose biography is devoted to the article, created the Petrosian Miniature Theater, or, in short, TEMP. Since the end of the 80s, the comedian’s popularity began to gain momentum on television, where for the first time he began to appear with his numbers in the Full House. Since 1994, the “Smehopanorama” has been launched, headed by Petrosyan. And this program has remained popular for a long ten years. The show “Crooked Mirror” is coming in, where Evgeny Vaganovich was the main artist.

The people love the artist very much, but until recently, little was known about his personal life, since he does not like to talk about his family. But still managed to scrape together some information, and make up of these crumbs a more or less understandable picture of the artist’s personal life. In total, the artist was married four times. And all the wives of Yevgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan are extraordinary personalities.

Kinship with Krieger

The first wife appeared in the artist’s life as quickly as his career went up. Arriving in Moscow from Baku, the guy tried to grab pieces of everything everywhere: skill, manners, skills, and so on. The Moscow Art Theater did not take the young man, referring to the fact that he was already a ready-made artist at that time, and it was impossible to sculpt anything from him. So, Petrosyan ended up at VTMEI, where he began to amaze not only with his fellow students, but also with teachers. Everyone was surprised how accurately a young student could reproduce a long text, just reading it all! The training was easy for Evgeny Petrosyan, and it is not surprising that he soon worked as an entertainer.

It was at one of the concerts, where Yevgeny Vaganovich was in the role of entertainer, that he was introduced to a beautiful girl, who was already a sister, at that time of the famous ballerina Quiz Krieger. The young lady was immediately subdued by the gallant, able to attract the attention of a young man. The sympathy turned out to be mutual, and soon the lovers played a wedding.

The couple had a daughter - the first child of the artist. And the girl, it was decided to name in honor of the famous aunt - Quiz. According to rumors, it was Petrosyan who wanted to give his daughter this name, because he loved his newly made relatives very much and was proud of his kinship with them. The artist was fond of his child, but neither the baby nor relatives could resist the feelings of Yevgeny Vaganovich, which broke out to another woman. So the first family broke up.

Anna Ivanovna Kozlovskaya


Anna Ivanovna was 7 years older than her chosen one, but this fact did not stop anyone. The daughter of the famous opera singer of the ball was a real beauty, and Evgeni Vaganovich could not resist her. Future spouses met at work: Anna Ivanovna announced the numbers of artists, and Petrosyan spoke with his monologues and jokes. But one cannot assume that a comedian is a clown! Evgeni Vaganovich is a very educated, gallant, intelligent man, and off the stage he was able to win the favor of the beautiful Kozlovskaya.

Anna Ivanovna’s father was not opposed to her daughter’s relationship with Petrosyan. The groom's family was intelligent, educated, Evgeni Vaganovich himself beautifully looked after the bride, and simply could not help but please her parents. The young people performed together, but their happiness was not destined to last longer than two years. The young wife became interested in prose, and was soon admitted to the Writers' Union. Then she met the handsome Greek writer Kostas Varnalis. The woman fell madly in love and decided to divorce. Nothing could prevent this: neither the suffering husband, nor the angry father (according to Kozlovsky, his daughter must devote her whole life to one man). She packed up and fled with her beloved to his homeland.

Until the end of her days, Anna Ivanovna did not live with Kostas, at one fine moment she decided to return to her homeland, the reasons for this are not specified. But Kozlovskaya was not going to return her husband, and they never again maintained a relationship.

Anna Ivanovna, like the first wife of the artist, is no longer alive. Evgeni Vaganovich came to the funeral of his first wife, but no one saw him on the wires to Kozlovskaya’s last journey.

Evil tongues said that Petrosyan could achieve his success only thanks to the connections of the former father-in-law - Kozlovsky. Allegedly their friendship lasted much longer than the marriage of Eugene and Anna. But Petrosyan’s friends say (and Anna Kozlovskaya confirmed this in an interview) that many were not even aware of the relationship between the singer and the comedian, and Yevgeny Vaganovich achieved everything only with his talent.

Art critic Lyudmila

The artist’s third wife was a charming girl named Lyudmila (as Petrosyan’s friends say about her). She was an art critic whose manners could be envied by an innate aristocrat! Sweet, kind, very beautiful, however, like the first two spouses of the artist.

At first, Lyudmila even accompanied her chosen one at concerts, they talk, even spoke with him. But still the woman could not get used to such a busy schedule of her husband, who spent more time in the theater than at home. Apparently, Lyudmila did not imagine family relations that way, and at one point she decided to divorce. Petrosyan Evgeni Vaganovich divorced her calmly, the couple remained good friends, they did not make claims to each other.

In 1979, as we wrote earlier, Petrosyan got his own miniature theater. On samples for the selection of actors, he gets acquainted with the cute, talented graduate of GITIS Elena Stepanenko.

Elena Stepanenko


The actress was born in 1953 in Stalingrad. Elena’s mother worked as a hairdresser, while his father was a cook. Stepanenko was always distinguished by her brisk character, and already from school she was prophesied the career of an actress.

After school, the future star became a student of GITIS, and after graduating from it, she ended up in the Theater of Miniatures to Petrosyan. Monologues, solo and musical numbers were equally and simply successful for the girl. Everyone today knows Stepanenko for Kyshkin’s House, Crooked Mirror, and Elena Stepanenko’s Show.

The legendary family of comedians


At the time when Elena Grigoryevna arrived for auditions at the Theater of Miniatures, Evgeny Vaganovich was still married to Lyudmila. Yes, and Elena Stepanenko was married, and it was her husband, Alexander Vasilyev, who led her husband to get a job with Petrosyan.

For several years, Elena and Eugene were just colleagues. In Semipalatinsk, the artists arrived at one of the performances. At that time, real nuclear tests were conducted at one of the test sites, and as Stepanenko later expressed in an interview, they and Petrosyan also exploded an internal love bomb. They were drawn to each other with such force that upon returning to Moscow both were already ready to divorce, and begin a happy life together.

Children of Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan


The biography of a comedian is rich and replete with high-profile novels, successes. But in one, the artist is not so rich - he has only one child, despite four marriages behind his back.

The quiz is the artist’s first and only child, a daughter born of the ballerina’s sister Krieger. In the first years of her life, the Quiz was very close to her father, Eugene Vaganovich did not cherish a soul in a child. But his stormy romance with Kozlovskaya, his departure from the family - all this began to undermine his relations with his only, except for his parents, close and close person. Soon, father and daughter ceased to communicate at all.

The quiz did not follow in the footsteps of the famous aunt, did not become an artist, a ballerina. The girl devoted herself to the study of history. At home, the young historian could not find a place, and she went to live in the United States, having married an American. In the States, the Quiz started a business with the sale of Russian souvenirs, and now shoots successful documentary and historical films.

In the recent past, Evgeni Vaganovich again began to communicate with his only daughter, who already has two of her children. Evgeni Vaganovich Petrosyan does not have a soul in the grandchildren Andrei and Mark. Quiz and Elena Stepanenko talked, families often met at joint gatherings.

Loud divorce


2018 was the last in the family life of Petrosyan and Stepanenko. Many still do not believe in the divorce of this pair of satirists, considering it a simple “duck” to attract attention. But the fact remains - the couple broke up.

What is the reason? Many are sure that the divorce was due to the new passion of Evgeni Vaganovich, who now turned 73 years old. And according to reports, his lover is only 30.

Rumor has it that Elena Grigoryevna has been living separately for about 10 years, but only this year the couple decided to put the final point.

What do former spouses share?

Over the long years of marriage, spouses have acquired unreal wealth - by our standards! So, they have six apartments in the center of Moscow, country houses. According to some reports, the total acquired property is estimated at several billion rubles.

The new wife of Evgeny Vaganovich Petrosyan


For several years now (according to rumors), the artist’s beloved has been Tatyana Brukhunova, a thirty-year-old native of Tula. Today she is Petrosian’s personal assistant and his closest person.

As Tatyana herself assures, she is really in love with Petrosyan, but Stepanenko publicly called Brukhunova a young careerist who needs Yevgeny Vaganovich only for profit and fame. It was for this reason that the last scandal occurred between the star couple, which put an end to their family life.
