
Frog roe: delicacy, medicine and coral

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Frog roe: delicacy, medicine and coral
Frog roe: delicacy, medicine and coral

Video: Coral Advice - The Frogspawn Coral 2024, July

Video: Coral Advice - The Frogspawn Coral 2024, July

Delicacies are different, depending on the conventions of a particular state or people. Moreover, frog caviar in some countries is considered the same festive yummy as red and black caviar of sturgeon and salmon fish in Russia.

It's worth it?

Today, you can find all kinds of delicacies in the food market, some of them a few decades ago, people knew only by hearsay. And today, if you want, you can serve any dish to the table, frog caviar will not be an exception. Delicacies are all expensive. This is due to their low availability. So, one frog lays only about 2 grams of caviar. It is easy to calculate, caviar from how many amphibians need to be collected to get a 100-gram jar. Very often, frog eggs are obtained by poachers, destroying the inhabitants of reservoirs with underwater explosions. Caviar obtained in such a barbaric way by unscrupulous suppliers is often given out as sturgeon caviar; it is artificially tinted, giving a shade of red.


Frogs and corals

Sometimes you can find the phrase "euphilia frog roe". If you do not go into details, you might think that euphilia is the scientific name for amphibian caviar. But in fact, this beautiful word refers to a variety of coral, and frog roe in this name has only the meaning of visual similarity. Corals, resembling in appearance the future offspring of frogs, live in warm tropical and equatorial ocean waters. By the way, corals are not plants, as some people think, but living things. Several varieties of polyps have a beautiful name - hammerhead euphilia, torchlight, para-anchor and branched - "frog roe". A distinctive feature of coral, resembling the offspring of amphibians in appearance, is that it fluoresces in the dark. A beautiful living creature is another amazing mystery of our planet.


How is the medicine?

In some countries, the frog roe has long had special significance as a magical and medicinal product. And to this day, traditional healers collect it in the spring, line it with a thin layer on the fabric, dry it, and then apply it to erysipelas of the skin as an anti-inflammatory agent. This is perhaps the only disease in the treatment of which traditional medicine uses frog eggs. However, according to some scholars, frog roe, whose beneficial properties are still not well understood, can have a certain effect on the cells of the human body, comparable to the action of human stem cells. That is, it is assumed that, using the future offspring of amphibians, it is possible to make human cells rejuvenate by fighting aging and disease. These developments are likely to continue, although skeptics predict all attempts to make a rejuvenating potion from frog caviar will soon fail.
