
Indian peacock: a description of where it lives, what it eats, breeding

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Indian peacock: a description of where it lives, what it eats, breeding
Indian peacock: a description of where it lives, what it eats, breeding

Video: Peacock Courtship | World's Weirdest 2024, July

Video: Peacock Courtship | World's Weirdest 2024, July

Peacock, which lives in India, is the most common species on the planet. This amazing creature belongs to the order of chickens. In fact, the Indian peacock is the closest relative of ordinary domestic chicken. It is noteworthy that this bird is also possible to grow at home. But, unlike chickens, the peacock spreads its tail, which is a fan of extraordinary beauty. It is for this feature that the bird began to be popular in ancient times. It can often be seen in the villas of ancient Roman senators, in the gardens of Arab sheikhs and in Indian temples.

In this article we will talk about what a peacock looks like, what lifestyle he leads.


Peacock - the most beautiful bird on the planet

A person’s interest in this creature is due to his external data. From time immemorial, the Indian peacock was considered an exotic miracle, which was kept by many influential people for aesthetic purposes. This bird symbolized the wealth and success of its owner. However, later they began to eat peacock. In ancient Rome, peacock meat was pretty seasoned and served on the table. It was considered a delicacy. In the 21st century, peacocks were usually kept exclusively as a decorative bird.

Where does the Indian peacock live?

Although this species is considered the most common in the world, it lives in only a few states. The Indian peacock is found in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal. In the natural environment, these birds prefer woodland. Often they can be observed near human settlements. This is due to the fact that Indian peacocks love to feast on crops. Sometimes they become a real disaster for local farmers.


Peacock is a fairly large bird. As with all representatives of the pheasant order, age-related dimorphism is characteristic of it.

Adult males have brighter plumage than females. The neck and chest of males have a blue color and shimmers with a metallic tint. A saturated green color predominates in the back area. The abdominal part is black.


The head of the male is decorated with a kind of fan, which is a bunch of feathers. But the most important decoration of the peacock is its tail. It consists of 220 feathers. Some of them relate to nadhvosti, and the rest make up the tail itself. The peacock dissolves it, thereby riveting all attention to itself. It is noteworthy that the female has a dimmer color. In addition, it does not have long feathers of the overtail.

Up to a year, sex differences in peacocks are practically absent. Males can be identified only by brown wings, but already in the second year their tail begins to grow. Moreover, it is much smaller than that of sexually mature individuals, it does not have the famous "eyes". The maturity of an ordinary peacock occurs in the third year. By this time, the bird will finally form, but the tail can still grow for 2-3 years. An adult male weighs from 4 to 6 kilograms and has a body up to 130 centimeters in length.



In the natural environment, peacocks live either in an open area, overgrown with tall grass, or in forests. The activity of these birds occurs in the daytime, and at night they climb trees for overnight stay. Peacocks live in small flocks. Hierarchy does not exist as such. With the advent of dawn, birds descend from the trees and go in search of food.

On hot days, Indian peacocks take refuge in the shade of tall grass and shrubs. Moreover, the presence of a reservoir is a very important factor for them. On warm summer days, these birds like to swim. It is noteworthy that in this way they not only get the desired coolness, but also clean themselves of various parasites.

In the evening, the entire group of peacocks goes to dinner, and after that rises for the night in the crowns of trees. Even at night they do not lose their vigilance. When danger occurs, they give loud sound signals. Despite all their external beauty, these birds have an unpleasant voice.


Peacock breeding

The mating season of these exotic representatives of the Indian fauna begins during the rainy season. In such a period, each male person tries to occupy a small area with a hill. This is necessary so that the peacock can stand on it and show its plumage. As soon as the male senses the approach of the female, he begins this demonstration.

He opens the fan wide and shakes his plumage. It is noteworthy that the female at this time ignores the male and pretends to be engaged in her own affairs. In fact, she estimates the future partner.

Only the largest and most beautiful males have the right to continue the genus. When the female made the final choice, she crouches, thereby showing her favor to the chosen one. After mating, she immediately leaves in search of a secluded place for masonry, and the male proceeds to seduce the next.

The nest looks like a small depression in the ground. It is located mainly among dense shrubs. Peacock eggs can reach a weight of 100 grams. At one time, the female can lay up to 7 pieces. The incubation period lasts 28 days.

The chicks that were born quickly leave the nesting place and everywhere follow their mother. If at least the slightest danger arises, they hide behind it. In the first weeks of life, babies are covered with yellowish-brown fluff. This makes them virtually invisible in tall grass.

It is noteworthy that the mother does not feed them, but only palms them with food. Chicks watch her and study regularly. When their age reaches two months, they differ from their mother only in size. At this time, they are already able to get their own food.

After two years, the chicks show sexual dimorphism. They leave their mother to organize their own families. They reach puberty only in the third year.



The basis of peacock nutrition is cereals. Very often they make real raids on farmland. In addition, various small insects and amphibians are included in the diet of these birds. If there are ponds near the habitats of the peacock, then they will enjoy oysters and small crustaceans that live in the coastal strip. In a zoo, a peacock is usually fed the same way it eats in the wild.


People and Peacocks

In modern India, the peacock is a sacred bird. According to the Indians, he is the personification of the goddess of wisdom and the god of war. But in other habitats, this bird is unremarkable. In Pakistan, peacocks are so used to that they do not pay attention to their nests, which can be located directly on city streets.

In some countries, the peacock is still valued for its meat, which is considered a delicacy. So, in the menu of institutions in Sri Lanka, you can often see dishes from this bird. Peacock plumage also has its value in holding all kinds of celebrations and rituals of a number of countries.

Today, domesticated peacocks are found mainly in India. It is noteworthy that in captivity, these birds breed worse. At one time, the female can lay only 2-3 eggs. In addition, peacocks cannot stand the neighborhood with other birds.

According to the laws of India, it is strictly forbidden to hunt these birds, but this does not stop numerous poachers. In most cases, they are caught for further illegal sale. In rare cases, for the sake of meat.
