
Inna Volovicheva and the secret of her weight loss

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Inna Volovicheva and the secret of her weight loss
Inna Volovicheva and the secret of her weight loss

Inna Volovicheva - a participant in the reality show "House-2". She is famous, she has many fans. She also became a writer. She was asked to sign a contract for the publication of 5 manuscripts in which the girl will reveal her secret to losing weight. It should be noted that her books quickly found their readers.

Inna before the reality show

Inna Volovicheva has always been a girl with magnificent forms. Her figure resembled the shape of an hourglass. Wide hips and chic chest size imperceptibly shared by the waist. The girl did not see her fullness, she did not prevent her from living and enjoying every day. She was never fond of sports, did not move much, and loved to eat a lot and tasty. So, on the 20th anniversary of Inna from a full girl turned into a very fat woman without age.


She was never deprived of the attention of the stronger sex. Inna Volovicheva herself believes that men liked the company of a smart and interesting woman. Although some fans very delicately hinted to her that it was time to lose weight. Yes, guys like it when not only smart, but also a slender beauty is nearby. Inna periodically went on various diets, but to no avail. Dropping a few pounds, the girl broke down. She especially experienced stress and life failures. As soon as she felt a bad mood, she headed to the refrigerator and began to chew everything that came into her hand.

An especially difficult period, as Inna Volovicheva herself recalls, was before her arrival in the show "Dom-2". The girl was fired from work. She was then deeply depressed. For more than 3 months, she lay on the couch, pitying herself, watching TV and seized her grief with all the food that she brought from the hypermarket. Her only entertainment at that time was a trip to the grocery store.

Inna, once standing on the scales, was horrified. She weighed 115 kg. Probably, if not for the case, she would never have become an elegant and slender beauty.


Member of the project "House-2"

Inna Volovicheva came to the project when her weight exceeded 116 kg. The girl tried not to show emotions and hide the insult when the surrounding young people made fun of her and teased her because of fullness. She understood that it was time to start the fight against folds and extra hated pounds, but she did not dare to do it, putting it off until tomorrow. Although she did go in for sports. Every day, Inna turned the pedals of an exercise bike, while at the same time enjoying the goodies from the refrigerator. It came as a surprise to her that after a couple of months of stormy life on the project, she still threw off a little excess weight.

Correct solution

Inna's desire to lose weight appeared after a frank conversation with the organizers of the television project. She was offered to reduce her form with liposuction. And then the girl realized that the time had come when she needed to either take care of herself and her figure, or let the fat slowly “eat” her body. Inna chose the first option. In addition, she agreed with the organizers that, after losing weight, up to 75 kg will necessarily appear on the cover of the TV show magazine. And from that moment, Inna Volovicheva began to lose weight. Her photo, by the way, a little later graced not only the cover of the magazine of the show “Dom-2”. The secret to losing weight was interesting to many.


How did Inna lose weight?

Having decided to surprise everyone with her new figure, Inna set about searching for answers to her questions. She studied a lot of different literature and came to the conclusion that diets will not help to cope with the main problem. And if the volumes go away, it’s not a fact that it will take a long time to wait for their return. The first thing that the girl did was to start a diary in which she wrote down the results: everything that she ate for the day, how much time she devoted to training. She necessarily analyzed the decrease in volumes. As a result, the girl derived her own formula for losing weight. It should be noted that the effect of long work on yourself is obvious. Everyone is amazed and delighted with the result that Inna Volovicheva achieved. Photos of a thinner girl adorn magazine covers. And, of course, everyone is interested in the secret of losing weight to the participants in the Dom-2 project.


Secrets and rules

The main thing that the girl understood was that you need to lose weight not quickly, but slowly. Otherwise, the body and skin will suffer, and the internal state of mind will worsen. Inna’s first rule is proper diet and nutrition. Now she does not eat everything that catches her eye and hands. Of course, she refused heavy food, sweets and flour products. Breakfast and lunch are plentiful, and dinner is light, including protein products. Snacks are required, otherwise the body, feeling hungry, will stock up on nutrients. Her last meal was no later than 18 pm.

Realizing that she was eating during moments of stress and emotional experience, Inna decided that she should always be in a good mood.

It is almost impossible to lose weight without intense training and exercise without harm to health. Inna Volovicheva went in for sports daily. Before and after training, I drank water, after a shower I intensively wiped myself with a towel, doing a skin massage.

If possible, a couple of times a week she arranged for unloading the body with the help of green tea brewed in milk. During the day, according to her observations, you need to drink a liter of such a drink.

Adhering to its rules, Inna was able to lose more than 40 kg. She became graceful and slender. The girl, wanting to share her secrets of getting rid of fat and reducing volumes, wrote books in which she described in detail how she achieved her goal. Her readers received answers to questions about how to maintain weight and not get fat again.
