
An interesting fact about Kazakhstan for children and adults

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An interesting fact about Kazakhstan for children and adults
An interesting fact about Kazakhstan for children and adults

Video: 10 + Surprising Facts About Kazakhstan 2024, July

Video: 10 + Surprising Facts About Kazakhstan 2024, July

What tricks are the authorities of any country not going to attract the attention of tourists. Invitations for the holidays, tales of mystical places and invented legends are in use. This is absolutely superfluous for Kazakhstan. Here, without speculation, there is something to listen to and something to see. Interesting facts about Kazakhstan will tell you about the sights, unique people, national culture and geographical objects, similar to which are no longer anywhere in the world. Focusing on this information, you can learn more about the country and even make a travel itinerary. Kazakhs are rightfully proud of their homeland.

General information

The first amazing fact is that Kazakhstan is a country that does not have a certain territorial affiliation to the continents. This means that most of the state is located in Asia, while the smaller is located in Europe. Moreover, it occupies the ninth place in area and belongs to the super-large powers.

This is not the only interesting fact about Kazakhstan related to its location on the map and territory. If we take into account only the CIS countries, the homeland of the Kazakhs is considered the second largest. The border between it and the Russian Federation is generally the longest between states around the world.

But with such a solid size, Kazakhstan is the largest country that has no access to the oceans. The administrative division into districts is no less surprising: over 14 million square kilometers account for only 14 regions. There are also 2 cities of republican significance.


Historical facts

We use money every day. Or at least think about them. But few people recall the word itself from the point of view of its etymology. That which is constantly present in the language and thoughts of the adult population, money, comes from the Kazakh word "tenge", which is still called the national currency of the country.

Astana is the capital of the state. While historians are struggling with the mystery of the origin of a word, scientists from Kazakhstan do not even remember this. The fact is that the name Astana translates as "capital." This also applies to Almaty - people saw a lot of apple trees around the village, that's why they called the city itself. And now how not to consider the people practical.

Another interesting fact about Kazakhstan, which made the country famous all over the world: it is here that the Baikonur Cosmodrome is located. For the first time, a man was successfully sent from him to a voyage through outer space.


Kazakhstan is the birthplace of the Amazons

Yes exactly. And there is no mistake here. Naturally, this is not about the entire territory of the country, but about its southwestern part, but nevertheless, during the excavation of Scythian graves, curious things were discovered - the burial of women with weapons, armor and horse harness. Thus, it can be argued that the homeland of the Amazons is Kazakhstan. Interesting facts about the country on this topic do not end there. Recently, a new direction has emerged, which seeks to revive the customs of warlike women, although partially.

Young girls, virgins, join in a group to train the body, live without men and so on. According to the representatives of the group, they are not going to kill anyone, unlike their famous ancestors, which cannot but rejoice. In addition to training, girls are studying the life of the Amazons, their culture.


In 2013, writer Joanna Kimblewood, who writes a book about these amazing, semi-mythical women, became interested in this topic. It is safe to say that when the work is finished and will be available to a wide circle of readers, the curiosity of the country from tourists will increase immensely.

Talking elephant

Interesting facts about Kazakhstan for children and adults are not limited to history. In this country, where elephants should not be accessible, the speaking representative of these animals lived and lived until 1993. Wild elephants Palma and Dubas, born in nature, gave birth to Batyr, who became famous throughout the world and made the Kazakhstan zoo famous. Bogatyr (that’s how his name is translated into Russian) was able to imitate the sounds of the world.


This interesting fact about Kazakhstan and its amazing inhabitants spread across the world instantly. In 1977, zoo employees first noticed that an elephant imitates human speech. Already in 1979, scientists became interested in this issue, therefore, a number of publications on the animal and its abilities were published. However, one cannot say that the elephant has mastered the speech. He just tried to repeat the sounds.

Kazakhstan Petropavlovsk

This is the northern city of Kazakhstan, which is located near the Russian border. Built in 1752 as a defensive fortress on the Ishim River, it quickly grew into a full-fledged cultural and industrial center, the population grew, began to engage in trade and crafts. The military past was soon forgotten.


Let's talk about interesting facts about Petropavlovsk. Kazakhstan today made the city an industrial center. This was facilitated by the fact that the famous Trans-Siberian Railway passed through it, which cut almost the entire Soviet Union. Although the first railway station opened in 1896.

But, despite the course on the development of industry, Petropavlovsk has something to interest lovers of culture and history. This is the Museum of History and Local Lore. The regional puppet theater is always open for children, and the Kazakh Music and Drama Theater named after S. Mukanova. Although these attractions are only of regional importance, this does not mean that they should not be visited, since the Kazakh view of architecture combines notes of Soviet modernism and the unusual sophistication of the East.


If people can make vinaigrette, then look at such a phenomenon is in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Interesting facts about the country apply to its inhabitants.

Indigenous Kazakhs - this is a little more than 60 percent of the population. The second largest are Russians (over 20 percent), followed by Ukrainians, Tatars, Uzbeks, and even native Germans.


One of the largest countries in the world sheltered 18 million inhabitants. For completeness, this is only 6 people per square meter. This fact makes the country one of the most sparsely populated in the world. And such a population density is inherent in some areas. In the rest, it is even smaller.

Thus, the ideal place for lovers of peace and relative loneliness is Kazakhstan. Interesting facts about the people, history and sights of this state must be learned by immersing yourself in the culture of the country, its customs and incredible mentality.

The highest ice rink in the world

If you like world records and skiing, then immediately go to Kazakhstan - here you will find both.

The ice rink is located at an altitude of 1691 meters above sea level, which makes Medeu the highest ice rink in the world. The field is flooded with clean mountain water, which seems to charge the skates with energy. Otherwise, how to explain the existence of two hundred world records?


The grand opening of the rink took place in 1972. Before that, for many years, builders and engineers worked on the construction of a masterpiece. Only one field is collected from 20 types of materials.

An interesting fact about Kazakhstan - “Medeu" is considered a factory of records also because many little-known athletes could raise the bar in competitions to the highest level.