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"Interskol DA-18ER": description and specifications

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"Interskol DA-18ER": description and specifications
"Interskol DA-18ER": description and specifications

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The combination of several functions in one tool is successfully practiced by many manufacturers of power tools. The leading positions in the segment are occupied by the products of the Bosch, Hitachi and Makita brands, but recently many domestic models have been in serious competition with the leaders. An example of this is the Interskol DA 10 / 18ER apparatus, which not only received a double working function, but also a modern battery power supply system.

Model Overview


The tool has average performance, so it can be used in home repair work and when performing complex professional tasks. As a screwdriver, the machine handles the screwing of typical hardware and self-tapping screws with a diameter of 6 mm. As a drill, the Interskol DA-18ER is capable of forming holes up to 10 mm, and this applies to metal substrates. Such opportunities are combined with the price tag of the model, which is 6.5-7 thousand rubles. In the lines of well-known competitors, for this money, you can purchase lower-end devices, but Interskol offers a higher productivity tool. True, in terms of functionality, the Russian screwdriver is still inferior to foreign counterparts. This is evidenced by the modest range of speeds and the lack of common in the class of add-ons that enhance the ergonomics of the tool. However, the model is not deprived of its original options.

Device and principle of operation

The basis of a screwdriver is a combination of an AC motor and a planetary gear type. The filling is enclosed in a durable plastic case, which smoothly passes into the handle. It is important to note that the Interskol DA-18ER gearbox interacts with the mechanical coupling in such a way that the user can change the torque through the spindle. This option is also a must for a modern power tool, making it easier to work with materials of various types.


The battery deserves special attention. The manufacturer provided the user with the opportunity to work offline through a nickel-cadmium feed element. The fact is that screwdriver manufacturers usually use lithium-ion batteries, which are distinguished by their large capacity and compact size. In turn, the nickel-cadmium battery for the Interskol DA-18ER screwdriver is advantageous in that it requires less time to replenish the charge and can be operated at low temperatures. At the same time, its toxicities include high toxicity and fragility.


The type of modern batteries practically does not affect the direct working qualities of the tool. To a greater extent, it determines the nuances of service and the organization of the work process. The main characteristics that you should pay attention to when evaluating the Interskol DA-18ER model are presented below:

  • Voltage is 18 V.

  • The diameter of drilling of wood substrates is up to 18 mm.

  • The diameter of metal drilling is up to 10 mm.

  • The diameter of the compatible screw is 6 mm.

  • The tool torque is 16 Nm.

  • The diameter of the built-in cartridge is 13 mm.

  • The number of speed modes - 2 (soft and hard rotation).

  • The rotation frequency is a maximum of 1100 rpm.

  • The mass of the device is 1.9 kg.

It has already been noted that the tool is devoid of some functions, which limits the possibilities of its operation in some areas. In particular, this concerns the lack of impact and backlighting. But if the punch mode is not provided in most models of this level, then the integrated flashlight has long been a standard solution even for entry-level devices.

Screwdriver Features


Since the developers used in some respects a non-standard battery, this decision was reflected in the design features of the tool. For massive and at the same time powerful battery, special clamps are provided to facilitate the process of changing the unit. In addition, the Interskol DA-18ER battery is provided with a charge indication system that allows you to track the time intervals of a screwdriver. As for the power function, in drilling mode the operator can use one of 16 stages of torque. This opportunity has largely made the tool universal, from the point of view of performing work operations with various building materials. But it is important to remember that the main distinguishing feature of the device is still a powerful battery, designed to perform complex work. For this feature, the user pays for the inconvenience associated with increasing the mass of the structure.

Complete set and equipment


Together with a screwdriver, the user receives a plastic case for storage, a charger, a keyless chuck and two batteries. Compared to other models in the segment, such a set looks more than worthy, since the same Bosch and Makita firms rarely indulge their fans by including two power supplies and a case in the basic package. Expanded addition extends only to models whose class is above average. Additional equipment and tooling are produced using bit holders, direct nozzles and a dust blowing system. The manufacturer also recommends supplementing the Interskol DA-18ER with hinged suspensions that facilitate the workflow, saving the user from unnecessary power load.

Recommendations for use


Before operation, the operator must ensure that the battery is at the optimum level and that the attachment is sufficiently fixed. Next, you should choose the most acceptable mode of operation, in terms of force impact. For example, for operations with wood, a soft torsion mode at low speeds is preferable. And vice versa, it is recommended to apply the maximum number of revolutions to metals. Before starting twisting or drilling, the Interskol DA-18ER device should be tested by idling for 10-15 seconds. Then you can start work. Long and continuous drilling should be avoided. This is one of the main functional drawbacks of the device - it does not provide a system for maintaining the working function at high speeds. After the operation, you should put the snap into lock mode, remove the battery and carry out a full cleaning of the tool. And here it should be noted one more nuance of the operation of the model associated with the content of the battery. It is advantageous to use nickel-cadmium batteries in regular operation. This is due to the fact that long periods of storage of the tool reduce the capacitive potential of such batteries faster.

Positive feedback about the model


In general, the device has the same advantages as all budget counterparts. As the owners note, the tool outperforms competitors through a balanced combination of price tag and quality. The platform of the model is focused on the universality of operation, but best of all, this screwdriver is manifested in solving simple domestic operations. For example, Interskol DA-18ER is praised for the high-quality work with self-tapping screws, which must be twisted into drywall and wood-particle panels.

Negative reviews

Low cost has identified a number of shortcomings that are noted by users of the tool. First of all, this is the weakness of the elemental base. Although the plastic elements in the designs of such a power tool have not been confused by professional craftsmen for a long time, unsatisfactory quality of such parts is often observed in household models. Unfortunately, the Interskol DA-18ER filling also has low working resources. Reviews emphasize that in the back of the plastic gear of the gearbox is subject to rapid wear. Such repairs with replacement parts can cost up to 2 thousand rubles, which is not always advisable given the budget of the power tool itself. There are also complaints about ergonomics. For example, the speed switch loses the clarity of the function over time, which forces the operator to exert more and more effort in manipulating it each time.