
Irina Kartashova: biography and creativity

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Irina Kartashova: biography and creativity
Irina Kartashova: biography and creativity

Irina Kartashova is a Soviet and Russian actress, famous for many prominent roles on the stage of the Mossovet Theater. In addition, Irina Pavlovna often appeared on the screen (mainly in television plays), and also acted as an actress for voicing cartoons and foreign films. From this article you can find out the biography of the actress.

early years

Irina Pavlovna Kartashova was born on November 4, 1922 in St. Petersburg (at that time it was Petrograd). Irina was the only child in the family of Pavel Vasilyevich Kartashov, chief economist at the GIPROMEZ Institute. They lived prosperously, Irina Pavlovna always remembered early childhood as a period of pampering and permissiveness. At the age of 11, after graduating from elementary school, Irina passed the selection for training at the Vaganova Leningrad Choreographic School (modern Vaganova Academy of Russian Ballet).

In 1937, Pavel Kartashov was repressed and executed, and Irina and her mother were sent into exile. The girl managed to study at the choreographic school for only four years, but the skills acquired there became fundamental in choosing a further profession. The last two classes of the school Irina Kartashova ended in exile.

In 1940, Irina and her mother returned to Leningrad without rehabilitation, they settled with friends, and the future actress even entered the Leningrad Theater Institute (now RGISI). Kartashova did not have time to finish her education: in 1941, Irina's mother was threatened with repeated expulsion, she decided to hide in Saransk. Frightened by further separation, the daughter followed, but could not return due to the blockade.



In Saransk, Irina Kartashova first worked in a hospital, and then, in 1942, was accepted into the troupe of the Musical Drama Theater of Mordovia. As part of the concert brigade of this theater, Irina regularly participated in performances in front of the Red Army, even visited the Oryol-Kursk arc, and found hostilities.

After the war ended, Irina Pavlovna remained an actress of the Mordovian theater for two more years, but in 1947 she decided to move to Moscow, where she was accepted to the Mossovet Theater. On its stage, Irina Kartashova served for 70 years - until the end of her life.


On the stage of the Mossovet theater, the actress performed more than sixty diverse and diverse roles, including Desdemona (Othello), Baroness Strahl (Masquerade), Regana (King Lear), Signora Lenore (Vernal Waters), Katerina Ivanovna (St. Petersburg Dreams based on the novel Crime and Punishment), Mrs. Lazic (“OBEZh”), Lady Brecknell (“How important it is to be serious”), Mrs. Dagen (“The Devil’s Apprentice”), Maria Vasilievna Voynitskaya (“Uncle Vanya”).

The debut of Irina Kartashova on the screen took place in 1968, in a small role as an unnamed secretary in the film “The Strokes to the Portrait of V. I. Lenin”. On the account of the actress about thirty film roles, most of which are the repetition of theatrical images in the same television plays. The last movie role for Irina Pavlovna was Polina Alekseevna in the series "Efrosinya", which was released from 2010 to 2013.


Irina Kartashova also has more than three hundred roles in dubbing foreign films, including Roman Holidays, Red and Black, Babette Goes to War (voice of Bridget Bardot), Rocco and His Brothers (voice of Annie Girardot) Fantômas vs Scotland Yard, The Lion in Winter (voice by Katherine Hepburn) and many others. She took part in the voice acting of cartoons, the most noticeable roles - Woman in the cartoon "The Cat Who Walked On Its Own", American in "The Canterville Ghost", Nagaina in "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi".

In 1970, Irina Pavlovna received the title "Honored Artist of the RSFSR", and in 1985 became a national. She has accounted for about nine different awards related to creativity and participation in the Great Patriotic War.

Personal life

Actress Irina Kartashova married in 1950, her first and only husband until the end of her life was the actor of the Moscow City Theater Mikhail Pogorzhelsky. In the photo below, Irina and Mikhail on stage.


In 1951, the son Dmitry was born to the spouses, who chose the profession of a journalist and producer. Kartashova and Pogorzhelsky lived together forty-five happy years until the death of Mikhail Bonifatsievich in 1995.
