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We are exploring options: how can Nastya be called differently?

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We are exploring options: how can Nastya be called differently?
We are exploring options: how can Nastya be called differently?

Video: PK XD (Social Fantasy Game) - Android Gameplay FHD 2024, June

Video: PK XD (Social Fantasy Game) - Android Gameplay FHD 2024, June

After the song by Yuri Antonov, entitled "Anastasia", which appeared in the 80s of the last century, newborns began to be called this name very often. In Moscow in 2011, almost every second crumb born to parents was named exactly like that. For the past decade and a half, the name has been actively competing with Maria, periodically coming to the peak of popularity. But how can Nastya be called differently? This article is dedicated to this.


About the meaning and origin of the name

The full version of the name is Anastasia. It is surprising that it appeared in antiquity initially as a male: Anastas, Anastasius. However, it has not received distribution in our country. Of the famous people, only Anastas Mikoyan can be remembered.

The origin of the name is ancient Greek, and the literal translation sounds like “resurrected, ” “reborn to life, ” “immortal.” In Orthodox Saints we will only find the full name, although some parents officially record their girls as Asya, Nastassya and other derivatives of Anastasia. Then it will be a different, independent name, because that is how it will be further recorded in the passport.

To answer the question of how you can call Nastya differently, you need to understand: this is an abbreviation for Anastasia.


The Orthodox Church canonized 15 saints with this name, 10 of whom are martyrs. Another 20 are the righteous men who lived in Egypt and Bulgaria, Persia and Russia.

Spread the name in the world

In Russia, at first, Anastasia was called only nobles and royalty, but then the name became widespread among the people. Due to the difficulty of pronouncing and fatigue of the tongue, commoners were often called Nastasya. An abridged option for them was Asya. Today, both names are often used as independent. This should be taken into account when looking for the answer to the question of what can be called Nastya.

In Saints we can find name days only for Anastasia. They are in almost every month, so we will present them in a table.

January date: 4
February 27; 7
March 23
April 28; fifteen; 5
May 28; ten
June nine; 5; 1
July 17; 4
August ten
November 12; eleven
December 26; 25; 17

A large number of name days explains why such a distribution has received a name today. Everyone who honors Orthodox traditions turns to the clergy.


The harmonious name has long been loved outside Russia. Among the English we can meet Stacy (Stacy), in France - Anastasi (Anastasi), Naste (Nastya), in Germany - Anastasija (Anastasia). "Nastya" is truly loved in Europe - from warm Greece to frosty Russia. A similar name can be found in China and Korea.

Diminutive options

The father wants to affectionately turn to a little daughter, a young man in love wants to make a confession, calling his girlfriend, whose name is Nastya, beautiful and unusual. What else can you call Anastasia, Nastasya, Asya?

Of course, Nastenka. But there are less common options. Among them:

  • Nastena (Nastenka);
  • Nastyukha (Nastekha, Nastyaha);
  • Nastya (Nastya);
  • Nastasia (Nastasya, Anastasya);
  • Nasta (Nasa, Nasya);
  • Nata (Naya, Nayusya, Nyusya);
  • Tusya (Tasia, Stasya);
  • Stazka (Staza);
  • Nastya (Nastya);
  • Anastasiyushka;
  • Asyuta (Suite);
  • Nastya (Nastya);
  • Asyusha (Susha);
  • Nastyura (Styura).


We found out how you can call Nastya diminutively, but in combination with patronymic the name indicated in the passport should sound. What famous people do you know?