
The source of the Amur River: where is it?

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The source of the Amur River: where is it?
The source of the Amur River: where is it?

Video: Russian taimen in Amur River trailer 2024, July

Video: Russian taimen in Amur River trailer 2024, July

One of the most beautiful and strongest rivers not only in our country, but also in the world is the magnificent Amur River, which has proved its severe power in recent years with strong floods and floods. By the area of ​​the basin, it ranks 10th in the world and fourth in our country, occupying more than 1855 thousand square kilometers. He divides China and Russia, forcing both countries to thirst to call themselves the "master" of the Far Eastern priest. Although who is the boss here, Cupid will still show …

Those who are beginning to be interested in the history of the country, its most significant objects, definitely need to know more about this river, about where the source of the Amur River is, what is its nature. It is interesting that even the Japanese, who do not like to praise something alien and consider their rivers the most worthy of praise, can not help but admire this mighty river. And we, the inhabitants of Russia, are simply obliged to be proud of our beautiful and unique rivers.



All scientists decided to take the place at the eastern end of Fr. Insane. This magnificent river was formed by the merger of Shilka and Argun. However, there is an assumption that in fact the source of the Amur River is a small nameless brook that flows into the river. Onon. He, in turn, merges with Ingoda, who together form Shilka, which is one of the main components of the Amur.

Cupid is usually divided into three sections:

  1. Upper - from the place that makes up the source of the Amur River to Blagoveshchensk. In this section, the river flow is strong, but rather a mountainous character.

  2. Medium - a plot of about 1000 km long. It stretched from Blagoveshchensk to Khabarovsk. The river throughout this section is calm, flat.

  3. The lower one is about 950 km long. From Khabarovsk to the sea. The Amur becomes much more full-flowing after the influx of a large tributary, the Ussuri, into it.



Amur has not many tributaries, but each of them gives the river exactly the character with which Cupid is known to us now. These are Zeya, Argun, Bureya, Amgun, Ussuri, Gur, Sungari, Anyui and Gorin. All tributaries of the Amur are rich in commercial fish. The most popular among fishermen and consumers are salmon, lamprey, pink salmon, chum salmon and smelt. In addition, in the Amur Sea Sturgeon and Kaluga can be found.