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Museum of History and Local Lore, Nizhny Tagil - overview, expositions and interesting facts

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Museum of History and Local Lore, Nizhny Tagil - overview, expositions and interesting facts
Museum of History and Local Lore, Nizhny Tagil - overview, expositions and interesting facts

Our country is an amazing place. It can be studied for an infinite number of years and each time to discover something new, to be surprised at interesting facts. Of course, over the entire long existence of Russia, many good books have been written on its history. However, we all know that it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times - it is better to plunge into the atmosphere of history once, make an exciting journey to its origins, rather than read about some, even the most fascinating, facts and events. Probably for this reason, many of us are so fond of visiting various museums, each of which has its own characteristics, unique features.

One of these is the historical and local lore of Nizhny Tagil. You can read about it in this article.


Museum History

The Museum of Local Lore of Nizhny Tagil is part of a whole complex of cultural and historical objects, united in the Nizhny Tagil Museum-Reserve "Gornozavodskoy Ural". Moreover, the museum of local lore is the head of this complex, and at the same time is the oldest museum in the city. It was founded in 1840, the museum was then called "Museum of Natural History and Antiquities." The exhibits of the collection were previously exhibited at the exposition created for Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich.

Later, in 1891, the collection of the Museum was supplemented by exhibits from the Vyisky Museum. Then the new “Gornozavodsky Museum of the Nizhny Tagil and Lunevsky Zavods” was open for visits, because before that the purpose of the museum was only to collect and preserve antiquities, only students of the Demidov Vyisky technical school could view the exposition.

However, the museum did not work long - due to lack of funding in 1907, he was forced to stop working. It was resumed only in 1924, the collection was supplemented with new exhibits, the museum was renamed the Nizhny Tagil Museum of Local Lore. The cultural object acquired the name of the Nizhny Tagil Museum of Local History in the late eighties of the twentieth century, when a department dedicated to nature was withdrawn from it.



There are seven halls in the museum where the exhibitions are located. Each of the expositions is dedicated to a particular period in the history of Nizhny Tagil, starting from the most ancient, primitive times and ending with the twentieth century.


The Museum of Local Lore of Nizhny Tagil offers a large number of various excursions. Each visitor can choose the topic that interests him. The list of tours includes more than fifteen items. Here are just a few of them: first of all, museum workers are advised to visit a sightseeing tour "The history of our region from ancient times to 1917", during which you will learn about how the Ural region of Russia developed, and also get acquainted with the history of the museum of local lore Nizhny Tagil. Thematic excursions are devoted to the culture of the primitive population of the region, the way of life of the indigenous peoples of Mansi, the history of the development of the Urals by Russians. There are programs that talk about books, musical instruments, and the inventions of the Cherepanov brothers.


The main thing is participation

Do not like to just watch and listen to the guide, but prefer active participation in the program? Then you will definitely appreciate the events that are held in the museum: the history of Tagil Cinema devoted to cinema, recreating the atmosphere of the nineteenth-century school “Lesson in the Old School”, the musical “Melodies of the War Years” and many others. Positive reviews about the Nizhny Tagil Museum of History and Local Lore are often associated with master classes that are regularly held by specialists at the museum. You can paint holiday eggs at the MK "Easter Joy" or find out what Susne-Hum is by visiting the appropriate workshop.



The museum is located at: Nizhny Tagil city, Lenin Avenue, house number 1. Finding the Nizhny Tagil Museum of History and Local Lore is not difficult - it is located in the very center of the city. The museum building also deserves attention - previously there was a laboratory of the Factory Office; together with the building of the City Council, the outbuilding forms a single architectural complex "Tagil Kremlin".


The building was built in the mid-nineteenth century according to the project of Alexander Petrovich Chebotarev and is currently a monument of architecture of federal significance. It was transferred to the disposal of the Museum of Local History in 1997.


The Museum of Local Lore of Nizhny Tagil is open all week except Monday and Tuesday - these days are days off. On Wednesday, the museum opens at half past ten in the morning, it works on these days of the week until five thirty in the evening. On Thursdays you can visit the museum from eleven in the morning until seven in the evening. On Friday and Saturday, the schedule coincides with the work schedule on Wednesday, but on Sunday the museum stops working an hour earlier than these days - it closes at four hours thirty minutes. Moreover, it is worth paying attention to NATO that a ticket can be purchased no later than half an hour before the museum closes - ticket offices stop working thirty minutes earlier.
