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Famous surname is Vasilyeva. Origin

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Famous surname is Vasilyeva. Origin
Famous surname is Vasilyeva. Origin

Video: The Girl with 1,000-Plus Letters In Her Name | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network 2024, June

Video: The Girl with 1,000-Plus Letters In Her Name | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network 2024, June

One of the most common in Russia is the name of Vasiliev. We will examine its origin below, but to begin with, I would like to recall that the concept of "surname" unites people of a certain kind. These are the descendants of its founder.

Surname basis

It is easy to guess that the name of Vasiliev came from the name of Vasily. The basis for the origin of the name was the word "basileus", which is translated from Greek as king or ruler. In this regard, the name of Vasiliev, whose origin we are now considering, probably endowed its founder with special qualities.

The spiritual patrons of this ancient name are the holy great martyrs Vasily the Athenian, Basil of Ankiria, St. Basil.


Divine, regal

Turning to where the name of Vasilyev came from, one can not do without an analysis of the name Vasily. As mentioned above, the meaning of the name indicates the royal origin of its owner. Therefore, one who bears this name can be a powerful, freedom-loving and strong person. Often they are stubborn, but they do not lose heart, they like to work. Men with this name strive for self-development and leadership, can be selfish.

From such a characteristic, it becomes clear that the name of Vasiliev, whose origin we consider in this article, probably gives those who wear it leadership qualities, perseverance and love of power.


Noble origin

Despite the fact that Petrova, Ivanova, Alekseev, Vasiliev are probably the most common Russian surnames, they all belong to the upper social strata of society. Its founders were people who possessed special authority. From the full name, at that time only the names of people were formed, to whom they were treated with special respect, to whom they could not refer to derivative names.

Also known is the fact that the Vasilievs are an old noble family. In the history of the Russian state, there were several Vasiliev families that were of noble origin.

The founder of the most famous family is considered Safon Dorofeevich Vasiliev, who served under Yelets. The coat of arms of this family name is included in the coat of arms of the noble families of the Russian Empire. The shield on the coat of arms is divided into two parts, one of which is painted in blue, and an arrow and a sword are depicted on its background. In the right you can see the symbol of power, a bunch of liquors, depicted on a red background. The shield is crowned with a helmet and a crown.
