
Famous Down Syndrome Model

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Famous Down Syndrome Model
Famous Down Syndrome Model

Video: The world’s first professional model with Down syndrome | Sunrise 2024, June

Video: The world’s first professional model with Down syndrome | Sunrise 2024, June

Most people have long had certain stereotypes regarding female models. As a rule, these are healthy, beautiful, successful beauties who conquer the hearts of millions of people. However, more recently, these stereotypes were ruthlessly violated when several models with Down syndrome entered the world of fashion. The peculiar appearance did not prevent the girls from signing major advertising contracts and becoming very famous in the world of fashion industry.

Down syndrome - what is it?

This disease has been known since ancient times. Recently a burial site has been found which is more than one and a half thousand years old. Studying the remains, scientists came to the conclusion that people with Down syndrome were already in those days. The remarkable thing is that such people, apparently, were not subjected to any discrimination, because the bodies were buried in a common cemetery. A child with such a disease can be born in any family with absolutely healthy parents.

Previously, this pathology was called "Mongolism." This was due to an unusual cut of the eyes and a flattened nose bridge, but this term has not been used for a long time. Babies born with Down Syndrome are called "sunny." This is due to the character traits of such babies. All of them are distinguished by kindness, responsiveness, patience. They do not suffer from their disease at all, they grow up happy and cheerful. In recent years, on television and on the Internet, you can meet more and more people with this disease who have achieved a lot in life. There are even models with Down syndrome who were not afraid to enter the catwalk.

Madeline Stewart

Madeline lives in a small town in Australia with her mother. Like most people with Down syndrome, she suffered from overweight for a long time. But her childhood dream of becoming a professional model helped get rid of this problem. Of course, Madeline had to make a lot of effort for this - to give up tasty, but high-calorie foods, start playing sports, and systematically visit the pool. However, it was worth it! Madeline managed to lose 20 kg and get on the covers of famous magazines.

The girl’s mother supported her in all endeavors. It was she who in 2015 did everything possible and impossible to achieve a contract with a modeling agency for her daughter. And the efforts of the mother and daughter were not in vain! Madeline received several offers from various well-known companies, took part in a photo shoot for advertising wedding dresses and even went out on the catwalk. After Jamie Brewer, this is the second model girl with Down Syndrome, which has received worldwide recognition.


Jamie Brewer

Madeline's predecessor, Jamie Brewer, in addition to participating in Fashion Week, played several roles in the theater and acted in films. That is what brought the girl success and recognition. Jamie was born in 1985 in America. Since childhood, she was fond of stage art, and in 1911 she began to take acting lessons.

The model with Down syndrome takes an active part in public organizations for the protection of the rights of people suffering from the same disease. It was she who ensured that the words "mentally retarded" were replaced by the term "intellectual malformation" in the laws of the state of Texas.

Jamie likes to be the center of attention, an example for those who are desperate to succeed because of their illness.


Kate grant

Kate Grant is a model with Down Syndrome. In childhood, her parents had to make a lot of efforts so that her daughter could live a full life. The forecasts of the doctors were disappointing. They claimed that Kate was unlikely to be able to read or even just keep up the conversation due to her limited vocabulary. However, the girl surpassed herself.

Parents supported any undertakings of the daughter and devoted much time to her development. From the age of 13, Kate began to be interested in hairstyles, makeup and beautiful dresses, and already at the age of 19 she became a winner in the international beauty contest. Kate's wildest dreams come true. The Down Syndrome model has not just achieved one-time success. She plans to pursue a career and actively engage in charity work.


Marien Avila

Marien Avila, like many girls, from childhood dreamed of a career in the modeling business. Most of those around were skeptical of Marien's dreams, because the girl from birth suffered from a rare and incurable disease - Down syndrome. Only the girl’s mother and her closest friends supported this dream in her and believed in success.

Children's dreams have become a reality. Now Marien is a famous girl with Down Syndrome, a model that has millions of contracts. Looking at photographs on the covers of magazines, many people realize that illness is not a sentence.


Valentina Guerrero

The smallest model with Down syndrome, whose photo adorns the covers of famous magazines, is Valentina Guerrero. Valentina's career began when she was not even a year old. She made her debut at a beach fashion show. The girl still could not walk, so in a fashionable outfit she was taken to the public. And soon she became the face of a popular magazine thanks to her charming smile. No one believed that a girl with Down syndrome would become a model, but this happened.


"Solar" children of celebrities: Evelina Bledans and Semyon

TV star Evelina Bledans knew that her son would be born special. The diagnosis of the unborn Semen was made at the 14th week of pregnancy. Doctors advised an abortion, but Evelina and her husband were categorically against it. Now, when the boy is already 6 years old, his parents did not regret their decision for a minute. Semyon is very kind, open and sociable. Star Mom devotes a lot of time to raising her special son.

Irina Khakamada and Masha

Irina Khakamada - a famous politician - for a long time hid the illness of her daughter. This is Irina’s late child. She gave birth to her at 42 years old. As a child, Masha suffered another terrible disease - leukemia. But now the adult daughter is in college, is fond of the theater and even has already acquired a boyfriend. A young man, Masha, was also born with Down Syndrome, but this did not stop him from playing sports professionally and becoming a champion among juniors.

Lolita Milyavskaya and Eve

The singer gave birth to a daughter in the sixth month. For the life of a girl for a long time fought, but nothing happened. Upon learning of her daughter's diagnosis, Lolita for a long time could not recover. Now Eve is an adult girl, and the famous mother makes every effort to develop the creative abilities of her special daughter.